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Haaretz.com's paywall service: road to Haaretz's rightward shift?(Sep 8, 2012)

2012-09-08 21:26:40 | パレスチナかイスラエルか

昨日のことになるが、イスラエルで発行部数第3位の日刊紙こと Ma'ariv(מעריב)紙が買収される、なんて話が出てきた。
買収するのは、激しく右寄りの論調を展開する日刊紙こと Makor Rishon(מקור ראשון)のオーナーこと Shlomo Ben-Zvi(שלמה בן צבי )氏・・・。
・Maariv daily paper purchased by ultra-rightist publisher(2012年9月7日 972mag.com)
・פרסום ראשון // דנקנר מוכר את "מעריב" לבן צבי ב-85 מיליון שקל(2012年7月6日 themarker.com;ヘブライ語)

Ma'ariv が買収される理由は、単純に書くと(世界各国の新聞社も同様の悩みを抱えているであろう)経営難。
発行部数+広告料収入減少に加え、Israel Hayom(Israel Today)という無料紙(発行費用は・・・)にシェアを食われるなどで、経営破綻寸前まで追い込まれてた。
もっとも、Israel Hayom 紙の影響を受けたのは Ma'ariv だけじゃないようだが・・・。
・Israeli newspapers 'ruined' by U.S. mogul’s free daily (2012年8月23日 nydailynews.com)

以下、2012年9月7日分 972mag.com『Maariv daily paper ~』から後半部分を(略

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Under Ben-Zvi, Maariv is expected to merge with Makor Rishon, a paper known for its ultra-rightist political line.
The editor in-chief of Makor Rishon is Uri Elizur, former chief of staff for Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Last year, it was made known that Elizur wrote speeches and provided editing services for Netanyahu while serving as Makor Rishon’s editor.
Among other contributors for Makor Rishon are Haggai Segal, a former member of the Jewish Underground, and Dr. Yoaz Hendel, former spokesperson for Netanyahu (both write op-eds for Yedioth Ahronoth as well).

Makor Rishon has a reputation for high-quality reporting and analysis (albeit from an extremely conservative position).
The tagline on the paper’s website is “Makor Rishon, the most Jewish – a national Israeli paper.” (the Hebrew use of the word “national” here is as a common synonym for rightwing, as in “the national camp”, and not in line with the American usage, which refers to the area of coverage.)

The purchase of Maariv is likely to increase the influence of Netanyahu and the right on the media market in Israel.
Makor Rishon has been leading the most favorable line for the settlements in the Israeli media.

Prime Minister Netanyahu already enjoys the blunt support of Israel Hayom, which, due to its ever-growing free-of-charge distribution, is now the most widely read paper in Israel.
Recently, it was discovered that a top political pundit for Israel Hayom also works at the Prime Minister Office.
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Ben-Zvi 氏にしてみれば、Ma'ariv の記者の引き抜き(やリストラ)ってのも Ma'ariv 買収の目的にあるんだろうし。

一方、Haaretz 紙も Israel Hayom による影響の例外ではない。
・The newsonomics of Israel’s first paywall(2012年9月6日 niemanlab.org)

今年4月から、Haaretz はデジタル版サービス(有料)を英語版から先に始めた。
New York Times が行ってる課金方式を利用したのは内緒。

これに関して、Haaretz のデジタル部門の責任者こと Lior Kodner 氏が意味深なことを述べていた。
以下、2012年9月6日分 niemanlag.org『The newsonomics of~』から、この件に関する Kodner 氏のコメント部分を(略

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Why start with the English-language product?
“This audience is more familiar with paywalls, and paying for content,” says Kodner.
“Our Israel audience is not ready yet.”

The Hebrew language paper is clearly the main business, at 60,000-plus circulation.
While no date has been set for a paywall for that content, “English is the test case for Hebrew,” Kodner says, and work is proceeding towards that launch.
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ただし、jpost.com は、Haaretz.com に先立って有料版のサービスを始めてるけど、jpost.com はそもそも英字新聞の Jerusalem Post が元だし・・・。

とにかく、Haaretz の取り組みについて、nimanlag.org の記事を書いた Ken Doctor(本職はメディア評論家(・・・))氏は、意味深な分析をしていた。
以下、2012年9月6日分 niemanlag.org『The newsonomics of~』からその一部を(略

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・Monetize far-flung audiences.
Eighty percent of Haaretz’s English-language online audience lives in the U.S. and Canada.
Print economics didn’t justify North American printing of editions.
The audience was there, the brand identification was real, and the willingness to pay existed.
A digital circulation system provided a new revenue on-ramp.
Language provides one segmentation of customers; geography provides another.
In the U.S., as baby boomers retire or flee south for winters, the snowbird market, long talked about, may now become real through targeted, seasonal, paid content.

・You’ll find customers in odd places.
Haaretz is finding new paying customers in the wider Middle East — in Kuwait, in Lebanon, and in Iran.
“We got people from Iran who complained to us online that our checkout system didn’t work. It turned out that their government is blocking the transaction,” says Kodner.
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その意味では、一連の取り組みは Haaretz にとって(割合は小さいながら)新しい収入源をもたらしてるのかもしれない。

ただ、利用者の規模で米国やカナダの人達が大きな割合を占めてるのは、Haaretz の論調に影響を与えるリスクもある。
実際、英国の新聞などは、米国の読者(にウケる論調)を意識した結果 Guardian 紙ですら右曲がりになってるという始末で・・・。
・What's gone wrong at The Guardian?(2012年8月18日 aljazeera.com)
・Alan Rusbridger: the quiet evangelist(2012年5月30日 newstatesman.com)

Peter WILBY 氏が newstatesman.com 上で書いた論説は(Guardian について触れた部分ですら)かなり長いので、2012年8月18日分 aljazeera.com『What's gone~』から要約を(略+手抜き+再掲申し訳)

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In an in-depth article in The New Statesman in May, Peter Wilby examined The Guardian's risky new strategy to try to turn things around, including a massive expansion in the United States.

To stop the losses that threaten to bankrupt parent company Guardian News and Media within a few years, its business plan calls for income from online advertising to double to $140 million by 2016.

Yet, as Wilby observes, "nobody is sure that website advertising and other digital income" can replace print advertising which still accounts for 75 percent of the company's revenue, "particularly as a left-liberal brand is an uneasy host to much consumer advertising."

The solution, it seems, is to move rightwards in search of new audiences.
"If, for example, the website's American traffic reached 40 million, it would make it on to the schedules of major advertising agencies," Wilby explains.

The rightward shift already has already begun in the UK.
"To show that the paper was moving out of its left-wing niche," Wilby says, editor Alan Rusbridger "recruited the former [London] Times editor Simon Jenkins and the former Telegrapheditor Max Hastings as columnists."
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