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Why did Rolling Stones decide to perform in Israel?(Mar 26, 2014)

2014-03-26 21:29:56 | パレスチナかイスラエルか
・Rolling Stones to play Israel in June(2014年3月25日 timesofisrael.com)

以下、2014年3月25日分 timesofisrael.com『Rolling Stones to play~』から前半部分を(略

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The Rolling Stones confirmed Tuesday that they will perform in Tel Aviv on June 4 as part of their “14 On Fire” world tour

“It’s the first time in 35 years that I have no words to describe the enormity of this event,” said producer Shuki Weiss, who has been trying to get the band to Israel for much of his career.

The concert had been rumored for months, but organizers were only able to announce the official confirmation at a press conference in Tel Aviv on Tuesday.

“This is a historic moment,” said Weiss, who has produced many of Israel’s largest concerts.
“It’s a huge honor to bring the Rolling Stones to Israel, an honor for the country, the citizens, and mostly for the fans who have waited for this moment.”

Despite rumors regarding the Stones’ price tag for the event, Weiss’s staff said they were not sharing that information.
He received word Friday confirming the performance, and with 71 days until the concert, Weiss said he was emotional and excited.

“They were supposed to come for Israel’s 40th, but that didn’t work out,” he said.
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しかし、イスラエルへのボイコット運動(Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel :BDS)を支持する人達からの抗議を受けたのかどうか知らんが、この計画はお流れになった。
・Boycott Israel – Don’t Play another “Sun City”!(2007年5月19日 pacbi.org)

そういう事情もあってか、ストーンズのイスラエル公演のプロモーターである Weiss 氏は相当気合いを入れてる模様。
・Rolling Stones to get $6.7 million for Israel show(2014年3月17日 haaretz.com)

参考までに、2014年3月17日分 haaretz.com『Rolling Stones~』から中盤部分も(略

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No matter how many tickets are sold, the Stones will earn $6.7 million for this single appearance at Hayarkon Park in Tel Aviv.
The band has negotiated high sums for other appearances in their upcoming European tour, too, such as $5 million for a stadium show in France, Channel 2 said.

The total cost of the production will set Weiss back an estimated $9.2 million.
This includes venue hire, promotion and marketing, value added tax, and other costs, according to Channel 2.

Weiss believes he will manage to sell some 70,000 tickets for between NIS 450 ($130) and NIS 1,500 ($180), with some ticket prices expected to cost some $430.

Industry sources say that a big corporate sponsor is backing the production, possibly a bank, cellular provider or a drinks giant, enabling Weiss to sell those cheaper tickets at around $130.
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ともあれ、イスラエルへの BDS運動を呼び掛ける人達は、ストーンズのイスラエル公演中止を求めていた。
・Stones plan first Israel gig, urged by BDS movement to reconsider(2014年3月26日 maannews.net;AFP)

以下、2014年3月26日分 maannews.net『Stones plan~』から、パレスチナBDS全国委員会(the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions BDS National Committee)の広報担当こと Rafeef Ziadah 氏のコメント部分を(略

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But a spokeswoman for the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions committee noted that the Stones had been vocal opponents of racial segregation in South Africa, saying Israel also practices apartheid.

"Palestinian organisations urge the Rolling Stones to refrain from playing in apartheid Israel and not to condone Israel’s violations of international law and human rights against the Palestinian people,"Rafeef Ziadah wrote.

"The Rolling Stones were at the forefront of enforcing a cultural boycott of apartheid South Africa, but performing in Israel at this time is morally equivalent to performing in South Africa during the apartheid era."
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