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Since the lcd video brochure everyone can speak for themselves

2020-05-14 17:38:43 | 不老長寿
An important part of socializing people in the workplace is the exchange of business cards. The lcd video brochure is no longer a rare thing. The business card exchange method has become more and more high-end. Now there is a lcd video brochure to introduce yourself.

The use of video as an entry point is indeed relatively new in the current market. In terms of recruitment, many HRs will feel very researched after facing the traditional electronic resume and paper resume for a long time, but if it is a video card to introduce themselves It will be very novel, which will impress the other party.

lcd video brochure can be used not only in work and business, but also in blind date. For the introduction link before, the video business card with sound image will obviously make people leave a better impression. There are many development scenarios.

