
元気で幸せで暮らすため いい生活習慣を身に付けまましょう

What are the advantages of mobile container houses?

2021-02-26 10:44:28 | 不老長寿
The mobile container house is mainly a house made from the container plate according to the modern house construction model. It has extremely high practicability and flexibility, making it recognized by the general public in the market. Especially in construction sites and field operations, it is widely used in temporary residential houses, and there is no restriction on the living place, the flexibility is high, and its production period is short, and it is convenient to use. So, what are the advantages of a professional mobile container house?

First, the price is low. The container plate building materials used by the mobile container are compared with the traditional building with the same area and space, and it only costs 20% of the cost. Not only has a higher price advantage, but also has a very high practicality. It can meet the most basic housing needs of some people with middle and lower income levels, and the mobile container house can also take the form of collective rental and can be used multiple times, which greatly saves people's housing costs.

Mobile container house

Second, strong liquidity. The easy-to-operate mobile container house can be adjusted and installed according to the different environment of the place of use in the form of splicing construction. It only needs to be connected with iron plates, which is conducive to people's transportation and completion of installation and disassembly operations.

Third, the safety factor is high. The mobile container house adopts iron or steel structure instead of plastic and rubber products that contain flammable and corrosive materials with low safety factors. The mobile container house has the advantages of extremely high load-bearing capacity and strong safety precaution coefficient. It can withstand disasters such as earthquakes and storms, and can reduce the degree of damage to the house. It is also often used in temporary shelters after earthquakes and other disasters.

The above are the three major advantages of professional mobile container house. With the continuous development of the construction industry, houses built using container plates are not only conducive to the construction of temporary residences in different places, but also their strong flexibility and mobility can meet people's needs in different environments and different uses. In the future, construction There are broad development prospects in the development of the industry.

Auger filling machine should be maintained in cold winter

2021-02-26 10:35:48 | 不老長寿

We should all know that winter has different effects on many equipment. Therefore, in order to ensure the normal operation of the auger filling machine, the equipment should be maintained in time after use. Well-maintained equipment is more durable than unmaintained equipment, so that the output of the auger filling machine will not be affected by damage.

Because people's demand for beverages is generally higher. In cold weather, you should check whether the machine has accumulated water and icing, causing the switch to fail, whether the lubricating oil bears enough low temperature, and whether the filling head is frozen or blocked. If you encounter this situation, the simple and convenient method is to use warm water to soak. Remember not to use water with too high temperature to avoid damage to the components. The working frequency of the auger filling machine can also adopt the rhythm from slow to fast, and do some pre-heating.

Then carefully check before use to see if the auger filling machine is operating normally, check if the material meets the requirements, and start the machine after everything is normal. When using, try to put it in a relatively closed place with a suitable temperature. If any material overflows, clean it up in time. When adjusting the equipment, the power supply should be cut off in time, and the parts of the equipment after adjustment should be strictly inspected to ensure normal operation. After use, check the machine and the residual materials on the machine should be processed and cleaned in time.

Therefore, in order to reduce the loss of the auger filling machine in winter, it is necessary to take maintenance measures to ensure the normal use of the equipment to prevent accidents.