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Gravure engraver should consider the problem when purchasing

2019-11-06 15:00:35 | 高齢社会
Gravure engraver is a modern equipment for making intaglios. It is generally composed of high-tech electronic, optical and mechanical technologies. It uses electronic and optical principles, and then uses mechanical methods such as mechanical printing. Finally, the original image and the net are used. The eye image, through the fully automatic electronic scanning, tone control and engraving system, directly engraves the mesh corresponding to the original on the plate cylinder.

The engraving system of modern gravure electronic engraving machine is generally divided into mechanical type, namely diamond engraving, laser type, that is, carbon dioxide laser and electron beam engraving. These three methods of electronic engraving machine, the front end processing is not much different, only the engraving actuator is different. At present, mechanical electronic engraving machines and laser engraving machines are widely used on the market.

Electric Operating Table Features And Usage Precautions

2019-11-06 14:45:57 | 高齢社会

     Scope of the Electric Operating Table The basic function of the operating bed is to adjust the position of the operation so that the operation can proceed smoothly. There are about five major types of surgical positions commonly used: prone position, supine position, tilt position, perineal position, and sitting position. 

      The prone position is generally suitable for spinal surgery. The supine position is suitable for routine surgery such as general surgery and cardiothoracic surgery. The tilt position is suitable for surgery such as gallbladder, kidney and anorectal. The perineal position is suitable for operations such as obstetrics and gynecology and urology.

     The operating bed has a large adjustment range, stable structure, beautiful appearance, high surface finish, corrosion resistance and high mechanical strength. According to clinical needs, the operating bed can be equipped with special accessories to expand the use of functions.



2019-11-06 14:35:25 | 高齢社会

The wirewound filter is generally made of finely woven textile fiber yarns with excellent filtration properties. Its yarn materials generally include polypropylene fiber, acrylic fiber, and absorbent cotton fiber.

When wrapping, it is necessary to manipulate the surrounding tightness and density of the yarn to make filter cores with different precisions.

Deep filter core for low-viscosity, low-mass filtration, usually made of textile fiber thread, carefully wrapped around the porous skeleton according to a specific process, with a sparsely dense inner honeycomb structure, which can effectively remove the fluid Sediment particles and rust and other impurities have good filtration properties.

Filter features:
1: High filtration precision, large flow rate, small pressure difference, high pressure resistance, large amount of dirt, non-toxic and tasteless, no secondary pollution.
2: The filter pore size is small and large, and has excellent deep filtration effect;
3: The filter element is made of different materials to ensure various liquid filtration requirements and achieve effective filtration effect.

How to distinguish the quality of the laser tattoo removal machine

2019-11-06 14:25:09 | 高齢社会

Many tattoo shops now want to buy tattoo removal machine, but I don't know how to distinguish the quality of laser tattoo machine. Here is a brief introduction to how to distinguish the quality of laser tattoo machine.

Everyone knows that the laser gun of the laser tattoo machine is the core component of the whole instrument, which is related to the power energy and the life of the use.

Generally speaking, the laser cavity inside the laser gun is an important part of the laser gun, and the cavity needs to open the mold, which is generally expensive. Large cavity, high configuration, high output energy, continuous operation and long service life. In general, you can use the eye to judge the quality of the laser according to the size of the cavity!

The power supply of the laser-washing tattoo machine generally has pre-combustion and non-pre-burning points. The output energy of the non-pre-combustible power supply is low, which has an effect on the life of the cavity fittings and is unstable. A true laser-washing tattoo machine should have a pre-combustion. The laser cavity of the power supply can be used.

A good machine should last at least seven or eight years, and a bad machine can take up to two or three years. The motherboard of the pre-combustion power supply is much larger than the motherboard that is not pre-ignited. The outer casing near the heat dissipation part of the motherboard generally has a heat dissipation air outlet, so the size of the inner motherboard can be judged through the air outlet to determine the laser machine. Good or bad!

What are the benefits of CNC Machining Prototype Service?

2019-11-06 14:08:52 | 高齢社会

1. CNC Machining Prototype Service multi-axis control and multi-axis linkage: the commonly used machining center is three-axis linkage, generally can increase the swing angle and increase the rotary coordinates, thus forming four-axis linkage, five-axis linkage, seven-axis linkage, and even More axis-linked machining centers.

2. Parallel machine tools: The functions of common machining centers are generally fixed. Combining vertical machining centers, horizontal machining centers, machining centers, turning centers, etc., can form a machining system and increase the processing range and processing capacity of the machine tool. .

3, tool damage alarm: using infrared, acoustic emission and laser detection means, the tool can be tested. If the tool is found to be worn and damaged, the alarm, automatic compensation or replacement of the spare tool can be performed in time to ensure product quality.

4, tool life management: a number of blades on a tool, a number of tools working at the same time, unified management, can improve processing efficiency.

5. Machine tool overload automatic protection: The machine tool can automatically protect the machine tool according to the load size during the machining process. When the load exceeds the maximum load set by the machine tool, the machine tool will automatically shut down, and the load size can be set and changed by itself.

6. Machining dynamic solid simulation: During the machining process, the machining state of some parts in the machine tool is not easy to observe. If the simulation function of the dynamic entity is added, the machining state of the workpiece can be observed at any time, thereby preventing the processing. Bad phenomena, such as cutting, overcutting, not only, unreasonable steps, etc.

7, on-line inspection of workpieces: also known as real-time detection, in the process of processing in the real-time detection of the workpiece, can be found and modified errors. This function can effectively avoid the re-clamping positioning problem caused by the unqualified after the normal processing, shorten the production time and improve the production efficiency.