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The Factors of Outdoor Full Color LED Display Development

2018-06-21 09:43:39 | 高齢社会
Information which spread through outdoor full color LED display covered many industries. As a relatively new advertising media, the rapid development of LED display owns to its advantages.
Firstly, the LED display which placed in the public street or mall deliver the advertisement information vividly through the combination of pictures, words and sound. Secondly, the refreshment of LED display advertisement is quickly which means the adjustments of the content and effect are easy and fast.
The most fundamental difference between the outdoor advertisement and traditional one is the audience. For outdoor advertising, the audiences are movable pedestrians who can only stay in public places like a noisy environment and moving car for only 5 seconds or in quiet environment and shopping mall for more than 5 minutes. The mind state is different in different environment which leads to the different degree attention to Ads. Far viewing distance, high vantage point and complicated extreme environment are three basic features of outdoor full color LED display advertisement and also the main focus of outdoor LED display advertisement design.
A good outdoor advertising design which focus on the mind state and visual effect of pedestrian take the place, timing and noticing function and interest effect into consideration. During the advertisement design, the screen layout, image presenting, color matching and sound effect are essential factors to catch the attention of audience. Usually, outdoor LED advertisement is classified into image text ads, video clips ads and animation ads and among them animation ads is an effective way to present the contend owns to its vivid characters, bright color, organized pictures and targeted advertisement design.