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Horn Antenna

2016-09-28 18:42:09 | 日記
Horn antennas are very popular at UHF (300 MHz-3 GHz) and higher frequencies (I've heard of horn antennas operating as high as 140 GHz). Horn antennas often have a directional radiation pattern with a high antenna gain, which can range up to 25 dB in some cases, with 10-20 dB being typical. Horn antennas have a wide impedance bandwidth, implying that the input impedance is slowly varying over a wide frequency range (which also implies low values for S11 or VSWR). The bandwidth for practical horn antennas can be on the order of 20:1 (for instance, operating from 1 GHz-20 GHz), with a 10:1 bandwidth not being uncommon.
Standard gain horn antenna often increases (and the decreases) as the frequency of operation is increased. This is because the size of the horn aperture is always measured in wavelengths; at higher frequencies the horn antenna is "electrically larger"; this is because a higher frequency has a smaller wavelength. Since the horn antenna has a fixed physical size (say a square aperture of 20 cm across, for instance), the aperture is more wavelengths across at higher frequencies. And, a recurring theme in antenna theory is that larger antennas (in terms of wavelengths in size) have higher directivities.

What is 3D Printing?

2016-09-28 17:53:40 | 日記
 You’ve heard of 3D printing from newscasters and journalists, astonished at what they’ve witnessed. A machine reminiscent of the Star Trek Replicator, something magical that can create objects out of thin air. It can “print” in plastic, metal, nylon, and over a hundred other materials. It can be used for making nonsensical little models like the over-printed Yoda, yet it can also print manufacturing prototypes, end user products, quasi-legal guns, aircraft engine parts and even human organs using a person’s own cells.
 Fantastical? Yes. True? Yes. Here now? Yes.
 We live in an age that is witness to what many are calling the Third Industrial Revolution. 3D printer, more professionally called additive manufacturing, moves us away from the Henry Ford era mass production line, and will bring us to a new reality of customizable, one-off production.
 Need a part for your washing machine? As it is now, you’d order from your repairman who gets it from a distributor, who got it shipped from China, where they mass-produced thousands of them at once, probably injection-molded from a very expensive mold. In the future, the beginning of which is already here now, you will simply 3D print the part right in your home, from a CAD file you downloaded. If you don’t have the right printer, just print it at your local fab (think Kinkos).
Wall printer uses a variety of very different types of additive manufacturing technologies, but they all share one core thing in common: they create a three dimensional object by building it layer by successive layer, until the entire object is complete. It’s much like printing in two dimensions on a sheet of paper, but with an added third dimension: UP. The Z-axis.
 Each of these printed layers is a thinly-sliced, horizontal cross-section of the eventual object. Imagine a multi-layer cake, with the baker laying down each layer one at a time until the entire cake is formed. 3D printing is somewhat similar, but just a bit more precise than 3D baking.

LED Bulb Distribution Kicks Off In Indian City

2016-09-28 14:24:08 | 高齢社会
The LED bulb distribution scheme falls under the Union government’s domestic efficient lighting program that is to be launched in the city on Wednesday.

The bulbs will be made available to local consumers under the Rasta Peth division of the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company starting from October 30.

During first phase of the LED efficient bulb distribution project, 20 distribution counters will be set up in the company’s Rasta Peth office, its sub-division and branch offices, and at its official billing centers. Each consumer will receive 10 LED bulbs of 7W for INR 100 each. Four bulbs can be bought on installment basis after paying INR 10 as down payment and the remaining in 10 installments.

Consumers that have not defaulted on bill payment will receive the LED Corn Bulb after furnishing a copy of the current electricity bill, ID card and proof of residence. The efficient LED bulb will be distributed in several phases in Pune.

The scheme is part of the Union government’s domestic efficient lighting program that comprises the Union energy ministry, state government, Energy Efficiency Services, stated the utility company. The Indian government procures the LED Corn Bulb through competitive bidding and provides the bulbs to consumers at subsidized rates.


2016-09-28 14:21:22 | 高齢社会
Laser tube is the key part on laser cutting machines which supplies the power for cutting/engraving. It is commonly made of high-quality hard glass in sleeve type structure. The most inner layer is the discharge tube, the second layer is water-cooled jacket, the outer layer is the gas pipe. Co2 laser discharge tube is bigger then the one in He-Ne laser tube. The thickness of the discharge tube generally has no effect on the laser output power, what matters is the laser tube length. And output power is proportional to the length of the discharge tube. In a certain length, the output power per meter length of the discharge tube increases with the total length. The Objective of water-cooing is to cool the working laser gas to keep the output power stable. Gas discharge tube is connected to the gas tube at both ends. The discharge tube is connected to the gas tube by a hole on one end, another end is interlinked by a spiral tube. Thus the laser gas keeps moving circularly between gas tube and discharge tube while laser tube is working.

Discharge tube in SPT laser tube is directly imported from Germany in high quality. It has very high collimation which promises excellent laser spot and stable laser output.

Industrial shredders

2016-09-28 13:42:29 | 日記
With our broad range of Industrial shredders, we provide the capability to efficiently shred large quantities of materials such as plastics, wood, paper and cardboard, metal, biomass, waste or data storage media. Often referred to as grinders or chippers, our diverse line of industrial shredders includes single shaft shredders, four shaft shredders, horizontal shredders, and more. Our industrial-sized shredders feature large hoppers, perfect for all applications. Let our team find you the perfect industrial shredder for your application.

Processing materials or products at the end of their first life-cycle, the shredding technology from WEIMA transforms waste material into revenue materials suitable for re-use in the secondary commodity markets (SCM) - We ensure your process creates the optimum output efficiently and reliably – whether it is sorting, cleaning, transporting or processing.

For more than 25 years our size reduction technology has been utilized to processed large objects into a small homogeneous consistent size – We deliver the optimum size reduction solution.