


2020-10-26 09:34:43 | Newsメモ

BBC Tanzania: 300 militants crossed over from Mozambique 23 Oct 2019 Aboubakar Famau


Police in Tanzania have confirmed that more than 300 armed men from Mozambique raided a village in southern Tanzania, killing a number of locals.

It is the first time the Tanzanian authorities have publicly acknowledged the presence militants from Mozambique in the country.

 そうなる原因はそりゃああるにはあり、天然ガスやルビーが産出する地帯であって、しかし採掘がそこそこ進んでも地元にプラスの影響、ないっぽいぞ! 分配の仕方が間違ってるんじゃないか! という、ものっそい典型的な…アレ…。

BBC Mozambique's jihadists and the 'curse' of gas and rubies 17 September 2020

 poert town、港町の支配を奪われ、軍が奪回に動くものの撃退されちゃう―くらいには強力。

Mozambican troops are failing to recapture a port town from Islamist militants which is important for developing one of the largest natural gas reserves in Africa, as the country - three years into an Islamist insurgency - becomes yet another "resource-curse" state, writes Mozambique analyst Joseph Hanlon.


President Filipe Nyusi is finally facing the reality of the "resource curse".

Insurgents are recruiting more members by exploiting the poverty of young people in the north of Mozambique, he explained in a recent speech in Pemba, the capital of Cabo Delgado province.


Cabo Delgado is majority Muslim and the new Islamist preachers, both East Africans and Mozambicans trained abroad, established mosques and argued that local imams were allied to Frelimo and its grabbing of the wealth.

Some of these new mosques provided money to help local people start business and create jobs - and the Islamists argued the society would be fairer under Sharia.



BBC Mozambique: Is Cabo Delgado the latest Islamic State outpost? 4 May 2020
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