


2024-01-02 21:16:37 | ソマリランド関連



BBC Ethiopia, Somaliland sea deal draws criticism in Somalia 2 Jan 2024

A memorandum of understanding granting Ethiopia access to one of the sea ports of the self-declared republic of Somaliland has drawn criticism in Somalia.

Prominent Somali political figures opposed to the deal signed on Monday say it threatens the stability of the Horn of Africa region and are urging Somalia's government to intervene.

“The agreement signed by Ethiopia with Somaliland today [Monday] is a serious concern for Somalia and the whole of Africa. Respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity is the anchor for regional stability and bilateral cooperation,” Somalia’s former President Abdullahi Mohamed Farmaajo shared on X.


 この点ではal Shababもソマリア連邦政府と同様の見解の模様。


BBC Ethiopia signs agreement with Somaliland paving way to sea access 2 Jan 2024 By Kalkidan Yibeltal

Ethiopia has taken the first legal steps on a path that could one day enable the landlocked country to gain access to the sea, its government says.

It has signed what is known as a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the self-declared republic of Somaliland to use one of its ports.

Ethiopia's Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has previously described sea access as an existential issue for his country.


An MoU is not legally binding, though it is seen as a statement of intent and can lead to a treaty imposing obligations on those parties who have signed.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Mr Abdi said the agreement included a section stating that Ethiopia would recognise Somaliland as an independent country at some point in the future.


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