


2024-05-21 23:20:26 | Newsメモ
 著名な経済学者・教授の先生を、政権に対する誹謗中傷・フェイクニュース拡散の罪で収監2年とする。罰金も付する。ざっと$4,900相当とのことで、70~80万円くらい? 誹謗中傷の罰金としては、日本でもまあまあ納得の額。…貨幣価値、なんぼちがうんだろう…。

BBC Professor jailed in Mali for criticising the junta 2 hours ago
Gloria Aradi,


A prominent Malian economist and professor has been sentenced to two years in jail, one of which was suspended, for his criticism of the military junta.

Étienne Fakaba Sissoko was also ordered to pay a fine of 3m CFA francs ($4,900; £3,900).

The 41-year-old academic, who has been in custody since March, was charged with defamation and damaging the state’s reputation by distributing fake news.


The charges relate to a book he published last year, which he defended in court, saying the work was based on fact.

Human rights groups say his is the latest case in a widespread crackdown on critics and political opponents of the military rulers.

The University of Bamako professor once served as an adviser to the late Mr Keïta and spent several months in jail in 2022, according to AFP.


The junta has faced criticism for reneging on agreed timelines for transitioning to democratic civilian rule. Elections due to be held in February were again postponed.
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