文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

There is no fact that we have deprived or destroyed them in Korea, so we will not compensate

2018年06月28日 16時35分46秒 | 日記

The reader knows that I was inevitably having this appearance on July 16, 2010.

Shortly after writing out, I saw Takeshima landing of Korean president Lee Myung-bak in those days, which it was near the end of his term of office and rude remarks to the Emperor ... ... it is not an exaggeration to say that the Asahi Shimbun etc. did not inform the history and actual condition of the Korean Peninsula at all ... I searched about the Korean Peninsula for the first time ... In about an hour, as I mentioned before, all I knew about the Korean Peninsula.

Regarding that fact, in 2016-06-08, the Korean militia volunteer garrison was stationed in Takeshima, Shimane prefecture on April 20 immediately after the second talks began. I sent out with the title.

Second talks

The second meeting was held from April 15th - July 23th 1953.

However, the relationship between Japan and South Korea just before the second meeting was getting worse and the direct talks between Shigeru Yoshida and Syngman Rhee during the informal Japanese visit from January 5th to 7th, 1953 were also extremely bad it is said to be.

In the second meeting, South Korea presented a catalog of Korean national treasures, and answered that Japan is under investigation. Informal talks between April and July 1953 the Hirota Asia Bureau Second Section Manager has a variety of circumstances in Japan, some arrived in old age, some purchased at a reasonable price, so we are taking this up comprehensively answered with the Difficulty.

Japanese fishing boat shootings by Korean troops and Takeshima landing

It refers to ‘the Takeshima problem diplomatic negotiations history’ and ‘the Tok-do volunteer garrison’.

In parallel with the second meeting, the problem of Syngman Rhee Line declared unilaterally by Korea also became serious, and on February 4, 1953 just before the talks, a Japanese fishing boat was shot by the Korean Navy and the 1st Daihomaru case that the captain dies occurred.

Also, on 20th April immediately after the start of the second meeting, Korean militia Dokdo volunteer garrison stationed in Takeshima in Shimane prefecture.

Furthermore, the Korean War ceased on July 27, 1953.

3rd talks

The third meeting was held from October 6 - October 21, 1953.

According to Kubota Kanichiro, the Chief delegation of the Japanese delegation, until the third talks on October 6, it is not a matter of principle but an official negotiation such as unpaid salary, cultural property, Fisheries related cases although it was going,

In the background of the exercise of capabilities such as the 1st Daihomaru Incident and the Takeshima landing by Korean militia,

At the talks after October, the Korean side tried to solve all problems at once in ahead of opportunities for established facts, shifting from an administrative point to an essential agenda,

It came to a historical recognition problem such as Korea consolidation at a meeting on October 15 known later as ‘Kubota remark’.

Kubota councilor at the meeting on October 13, 1953,

The middle is omitted,

There is no fact that we have deprived or destroyed them in Korea, so we will not compensate,

He said he should compensate if there are any.

This draft continues.
