文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

advice and suggestions beyond the scope he understands, he misplaced anger and dismissed

2019年03月11日 01時23分19秒 | 日記

As you know, it is Naoto Kan who decided to bring hydrogen explosion in Fukushima ...
I first pointed out the world to the largest library in the history of human beings, the Internet, is mine.
Abiru Rui is suitable for Takayama Masayuki's junior, one of Japan's best journalists as an active journalist.
The paper he published in the monthly magazine Sound Argument this month has proved perfectly that my point of 100% was correct.
It is a paper that all Japanese citizens must read.
Like Abiru, the reporters of each company that was the head of a reporter at that time did not tell the public about the actual situation of Naoto Kan!
My friend was indignant, heartily.
I think that I want to disseminate this paper everyday.
Subscribers of the Asahi Shimbun remembered that Hoshi Hiroshi, the heavyweight of the Asahi Shimbun at that time, praised this Naoto Kan's wife ... it also posted ... in a big space ....
I, at that time, is this Hoshi Hiroshi Dōkyō! And I was disugusted.
It was when I got discharged for refreshing several times when I was hospitalized for seven months suffering from the same major illness as Ms. Ikee Rikako.
I went to Jingo-ji, the temple where Kukai was the first to live in Kyoto.
Even a tough healthy person, the stairs here respond to the body ... I was angry with the companion, 'They will take an admission fee by walking such a terrible road ... making an elevator,',
However, while visiting many times, I felt the opposite of indeed, Temple in connection with Kukai.
I came to go to the backyard where tourists rarely go ... because there is a tomb of Wake no Kiyomaro there ... Jingo-ji was actually a temple of Wake no Kiyomaro.
One day, I was in the presence of his grin and his gratitude for his serious contribution to Japan in front of his grave ... I felt surprised when I looked back at someone's signs.
There was a stunning figure of a deer there and he was staring at me.
When I walked, 'Oh, (you are Wake no Kiyomaro),' he rushed through the terrible steep slope in a blink of an eye.
I, Abiru Rui, Masayuki Takayama are Wake no Kiyomaro living now for Japan.
Great earthquake that the incompetent government invited
~ Constitutional Democratic Party is the ghost of the Kan cabinet
"The biggest suffering in the Democratic administration era and what I feel sorry is the nuclear accident.I was not able to respond better, but we have reflections, but at the same time is not the LDP government before that responsible too? "
Former Deputy Prime Minister Katsuya Okada of the Constitutional Democratic Party school opposes Prime Minister Shinzo Abe who described as "a nightmarish Democratic administration" at the LDP convention preceding it at the House of Representatives Budget Committee meeting on 12 February, It was.
When the Great East Japan Great Earthquake of March 11, 2011 occurred, Mr. Okada was secretary general of the Democratic Party of Japan.
It was a good time to look back on those days and admit that there was a problem.
However, with this, reflections are still insufficient.
When the earthquake occurred, the author served as head of the reporters at Prime Minister's official residence of the Sankei Shimbun, and I was stationed in the official residence.
So the response to the earthquake of the Kan cabinet where I witnessed, interviewed, or received reports from colleague reporters was just a 'nightmare' itself.
Misplaced anger without believing others
Though I do not wish to remember much in the past, I want to look back then at that time as a lesson called we get into trouble if we miss the national leader.
Mr. Naoto Kan did not understand the weight and priority of the war, the Great East Japan Earthquake That brought unprecedented damage, did not trust subordinate bureaucrats as a mass of suspicion, repeat popular performances, be upset through moistened eyes he was scattered around.
Far from the fact that the chief executive of Japan did not function, it became an obstacle to restoration and reconstruction, and it was an obstacle for the ruling and opposition parties to cooperate and face the national security, so what do you say without saying this as a 'nightmare'?
At that time, I heard that one of the prime minister secretaries talks as dejectedly like this.
"Generally, when such a catastrophe happens, the Prime Minister and the Secretaries will be one flesh, but on the contrary the distance between the prime minister and the secretary after the earthquake disappears apart"
In fact, because Mr. Kan shouts too meaninglessly, Secretaries and others pass every other, pun on radiation exposure, said that whispering these things. "Today I exposed 40 mm Kan sievert"
Mr. Kan did not believe anyone else, and as far as measures against the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident were to be handed out to all technical problems and technical details.
In the end, advice and suggestions beyond the scope he understands, he misplaced anger and dismissed.
