文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

After all, the problem of Liu Xiaobo is symbolic, but the issue of human rights in

2017年08月05日 08時44分21秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


After all, the problem of Liu Xiaobo is symbolic, but the issue of human rights in China is not only in China.

All kinds of countries are involved.

Even in Southeast Asia and elsewhere, there are a lot of human rights violations by China.

For example, cross-border arrest by China has been held both in Thailand and Myanmar.

People have been kidnapped in Hong Kong as well.


It is not restraint but "abduction" will be done, right?


I went to Hong Kong during this time, I met Lam Wing Kee, the manager of Causeway Bay Bookstore, one of the parties abducted by Chinese authorities.

In the autumn of 2005, an incident occurred in which the concerned party disappeared one after another.

The bookstore so had planned to publications such as "Xi Jinping chief scandal book", you bookstores shareholders and the manager, clerk, et al five people have been abducted in order to stop it.

One of them, Gui Minhai, the owner, was charged in China as a drunk driving crime and a criminal offense.

Gui promised to return to China once, it was released once, but held a press conference with the promise to be against the promise.

So he revealed what he was kidnapped and captured.

He is this incident has claimed to have been carried out by Xi Jinping administration report directly to the organization.

Running country from abduction · Japan


After that, he has been de facto wanted in China.

Be sure to arrest if you return to China.

Well, as long as he is in Hong Kong, I can not say that in Hong Kong now.

Hong Kong is not a safe place anymore.

He himself was arrested across the Shenzhen passport control, but his colleague, Li Weng was abducted in Hong Kong.

But Hong Kong police say nothing.

In January 2001 after the abduction incident of Causeway Bay bookstore, the rich man was abducted from five-star Four Season hotel in Hong Kong.

Even though it knows that it is obviously the authority of the Chinese authorities, no one complains and Hong Kong police do not investigate.

Even though the guests have disappeared in the hotel, it will not issue any comment.


That China's leading millionaire, Xiao Jianhua was kidnapped in front of the Chinese New Year with his wife and two people.

On the next day, only his wife came back and issued a damage report of the abduction to Hong Kong police.

That's in the morning.

However, in the evening of that day she withdrew the damage report.

Hong Kong police cannot be searched.

The wife seems to be in Japan now.

It seems she got scared and ran away to Japan.

It seems that it received pressure from the authorities and withdrew the damage report.


People who are running away from Hong Kong to Japan are pretty (laugh).


To fear abduction and coming to Japan means that Japan is still okay.

Not only in Taiwan, Hong Kong, but also in Thailand and Southeast Asia everyone is dangerous.


In Thailand and Southeast Asia there already is an abduction case by Chinese authorities.

For the moment, Japan is probably the safest.

Military critic Zhang Yihong (Andrei Pinkov,) who was based in Hong Kong, also immigrated to Japan (laugh).

This draft continues.
