文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The timetable of the galaxy train 2012/11/22

2013年08月02日 12時15分37秒 | 日記

Who however, if being the people who can be reading a book neatly or are studying neatly by the big learning, it should understand.

By that Akutagawa's "The Turntable of Civilization" is the discovery which is worth about the Nobel Prize


Yesterday, it made a story above-mentioned one and even I, it thought that this book was terrible.



2012/11/15 Kyoto Nanzenji。(C)Akutagawa Kenji。

If subscribed to, as the answer to Japan and the world, it should know that there is not an answer above the  answer  which Akutagawa wrote about Akutagawa's "The Turntable of Civilization".

