文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

You should consider the greatest number of maximum happiness.

2019年02月16日 15時12分08秒 | 日記

The first edition of February 10, 2019 'The sin and the punishment of the mass media' Takayama Masayuki × Abiru Rui is a must read for all Japanese citizens who can read printed letters.
Takayama Masayuki, the one and only journalist in the postwar world and Abiru Rui which is the current, most excellent and right journalist.
Anti-authority, power monitoring, it is narcissism of unconditional acceptance.
It is opposite in an order that the mission of the mass communication is the anti- power.
There is the person who says that 1st work of the mass communication is a power watch very much to a stereotype but it isn't so.
1st importance of existence of the mass communication is to tell about a fact.
Discover the facts, convey it, and spread it.
In telling the fact it will also be monitoring power and sometimes it may be an anti-power news report.
However, it is just a result or process and isn't a purpose.
People bringing the word of anti - power or power monitoring first, want to stop thinking there.
I think that it will only do unconditional acceptance and be intoxicated with narcissism such as cool as I am against power and I who am watching over the power carrying a noble mission and so on.
However, it is difficult for rather to pursue a fact.
I am not liked so much by the journalist who uses the word of the truth, either, when saying a true thing.
There are many facts.
Is the truth anything that is in that back, and it isn't possible to catch generally speaking, human being easily.
Mass media coverage with limited space, etc. is just telling just try to illuminate the section of the fact with a searchlight from some direction.
Therefore, I don't want to use a word such as the truth first.
We who are only reporting the cross section of facts, I think that we must become modester.
Such as the person who is thinking of nothing is a power watch and is the anti- power, it says.
It only disturbs the people if doing the anti- power when doing the power being good.
Journalist who is well on television it is called Mr. Aoki Osamu from Kyodo News used to write something like 'Journalists do not need to think about national interests', I was appalled to read it.
The person who doesn't think of a national interest and public interest may have become a journalist for what on earth.
Then, it is only a mere peek hobby.
Wanting to be of use for the world is said to want to be of use for a national interest.
If it becomes a journalist, thinking that it wants to be of use of something for the world, of course it is necessary to esteem a national interest, too.
You should consider the maximum happiness of the greatest number of the people.
Is the person whom an anti- power and power watch stands as ahead the person who is thinking of nothing in the various senses, then, I think.



