文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is scary after all. Ah, it is a yakuza administration.

2017年08月05日 11時31分20秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.
Today Hong Kong and Taiwan are terrible.
It is said that thousands to two thousand people are being sent from Chinese authorities a year.
It is scary after all.
Ah, it is a yakuza administration.
Taiwan is getting dangerous recently.
That means that the threat of China is getting bigger.
I have never heard such a voice in Japan.
As expected it is still in Japan.
But recently, many Japanese are caught in China, are not they?
Twelve people are currently being detained by the Chinese authorities on spy charges.
Some people are indicted.
However, it seems that there are an increasing number of people who are bound not only because of violation of ten prefectural import regulation measures or tax evasion etc. In case of
Tax evasion is a crime, but in the case of China it was stupid to pay tax properly.
In the past most of reporters other than Sankei Shimbun did it.
Everyone in China is doing what they normally do (laugh).
Because people can not do it if I pay taxes seriously in China.

This draft continues.
