文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Was the accumulation of the culture which you came to proudly such poor one?

2019年03月11日 20時28分14秒 | 日記

As you all know that I love Italy.
However, the EU finally noticed the realities of China, in response to taking care control measures against China ...
I was disappointed and disgusted at the report that Italy is rebelling against the EU.
Okay, Italy, are you serious ... do you want to become a dependency of the worst human rights violation nation in human history, the evil of the Communist Party dictatorship was added to the country of abysmal evil and plausible lies?
Stop the siesta of 3 hours of a noon recess and so on once if finance is so impending.
If you truly love the country, how about working for the nation for 10 years, or 20 years, for all the citizens?
I was about to write such a thing,
Now Italy ... ... As the Soviet spies have slammed into the interior of the US Roosevelt regime before the war, so that the US policy towards the pro-Soviet Union, pro-China, anti-Japanese route ...
Is not there a lot of spies of China entering?
When Ms. Yoshiko Sakurai won the trial that Mr. Uemura Takashi caused as a misplaced anger, the Italian who blame Ms. Sakurai at the Foreign Correspondents Association graduated from Rome University Faculty of Law and studied in Keio.
I am convinced that this man is the man who led the Italian government's intention this time.
In other words, this guy is sure to be a Chinese spy entirely together with former Ozaki Hotsumi.
This man also has a thick pipe to the Italian government just like Ozaki Hotsumi.
In the first place, Italians are the people living in romance over French people, so it is probably the number one citizen susceptible to Chinese honey traps.
Let you disparage Japan in Japan by this Italian bastard of a Chinese spy, if you have time to move the home government as intended by this Italian bastard of a Chinese spy…
Stop laziness the siesta of 3 hours of a noon recess once ...
According to one theory, it seems that Italian men get divorced if they do not make loves with their wife three times in the morning, day and night.
It makes (do only at night) make love once for coming 10 years for a country, and how about the whole people work seriously.
Then, Italy will be restored immediately.
And another ... Is this point similar to that of China? ... Stop the underground economy and, like all the developed countries (as in Japan and the United States in particular), once all the citizens correctly pay taxes,
Is Italy going to revive tomorrow?
Have a pride that is appropriate for the country of the beginning of the Turntable of Civilization.
Was the accumulation of the culture which you came to proudly such poor one?
Was it so thin that it could be sold so easily for money to the worst human rights violation nation in human history, which the evil of the Communist Party dictatorship was added to the country of abysmal evil and plausible lies?
