文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

but the amount of trade between those countries and China is insignificant.

2018年11月15日 11時50分17秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. In case

In the end, China would have done it as a political and diplomatic event rather than hosting this exhibition for business.

One of its main objectives is clearly to check the United States of the trade war counterpart.

For that reason, Xi Jinping president invited world leaders to the opening ceremony and tried to show the breadth of China's trade network, but the heads of the leaders who came to Shanghai were truly lonesome.

Not to mention the absence of the leaders of the advanced seven powers of the G7, the main trading partner of China, among the summit leaders of the G20 summit, only the Russian prime minister participated in the opening ceremony in response to the invitation of Xi Jinping president.

Main attendees include the President of the Czech Republic, Kenya and Dominica, but the amount of trade between those countries and China is insignificant.

These heads of state simply merely attended Xi Jinping president's face - saving and attended to' Chinese political show 'sponsored by China.

This draft continues.
