文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Il Manifesto is a left-wing daily newspaper in Italy.

2019年03月11日 21時29分38秒 | 日記

Source: Free Encyclopedia 'Wikipedia (Wikipedia)' In the text emphasis and * ~ * are me.
Pio d'Emilia (1954 -) is an Italian journalist who works in Japan.
Career / Person
Born in Rome, Italian nationality. After graduating from the law department of Rome University in 1979, he served as an intern at a law firm. Studied abroad at Keio University.
After that he got a journalist's Italian national qualification.
Daily newspaper Il manifesto Besides dispatching articles from Tokyo as a correspondent in the Far East, he has been working as a journalist for more than 30 years, including current affairs weekly magazine l'Espresso, state TV station Italian Broadcasting Association (RAI) and cooperating with various media He has many acquaintance in senior officials in political and business affairs.
Il Manifesto is a left-wing daily newspaper in Italy. *
He was a director of the Japan Foreign Correspondents Association for 1 year and a second vice president for 4 years.
He ran for the election for president of the same association in 2010 and has been defeated.
He invited domestic and international celebrities active in each field to organize interviews and lecture meetings at the association, he shows his own presence.
Aftermath of the 2011 2011 after Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami in March 2011, he went to the front gate of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station only as a foreign journalist and covered the disaster area for 30 days.
In the same year, he published an Italian book Tsunami Nucleare ("Tsunami of Radiation"). In the same year October, the Japanese version of the same book has been published.
On June 21, 2011, he appeared in the morning newspaper "Deep in News", "Italy also departing from nuclear power, the consciousness of the world", talked about changes in the voice of the Italian citizens against nuclear plants and the consciousness of the world to nuclear power plant .
He was a friend of Naoto Kan for 20 years and served as a special advisor when he served as Prime Minister of Kan.
* It was the lowest vulgar fellow ever in history *
In July, 2011, he suggested that Japan, too, held a national referendum about the nuclear power plant continuation or abolition like Italy with the seat of the supper to Kan.
