文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is said that it was one of the causes of the US - China trade war this time that

2018年04月11日 22時46分17秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

According to the US Department of Commerce, China imported about US $ 130 billion of US products in 2017, while exporting more than 500 billion US dollars.

If it imposes the same rate of additional tariffs, China will receive about four times more hits than the United States in a simple calculation.

Besides, China's exports to the US are mostly labor-intensive industrial products, and if it falls, many unemployed people will occur.

In contrast, many items related to agriculture, forestry and fishery industries such as soybeans, fruits, pork and so on are chosen as countermeasures by China, and the proportion of the labor force in the US is small.

In the conflict between the two countries the damage to China's economy will be much greater.

Chinese leaders seem to understand these circumstances, of course.

Xi Jinping national chairman said at the International Economic Conference in Hainan Province on 10th, "The door of China's opening never closes."

He announced the implementation of measures to open markets in the financial industry, accelerate deregulation, strengthen protection of intellectual property, and so forth.

It can also be said that it showed great strides towards President Trump 's request. It made the real intension to want to make a trade war converge early by peep out.

However, when China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, it was about the same to the international community.

It is said that it was one of the causes of the US - China trade war this time that the promise was rebounded.

It seems that it is necessary to determine whether words such as market opening from Xi Jinping's mouth accompany "concrete action" this time.

* Those who control NHK 's press program do not know that President Trump is born a businessman who will not fight without a winning *
