文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Depending on the occasional political need, if they hit the opponent they attack

2017年04月15日 23時47分57秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Emphasis in sentences other than titles is me.


It is exactly the malicious abuse of process tradition.

When accusing the other party, it is commonplace to add more numbers.


Mei Ju-ao went to mainland China in 1949 and claimed that in 1957 the Communist Party advocated the liberalization of the speech "the administrative organization must be relatively independent from the overall interference of the Communist Party" Therefore, it was counted as a caution person from the Communist authorities.

And at the time of Cultural Revolution, she was caught in a wrong complaint that "The judgment sentence of the Nanjing massacre of Mei Ju-ao is praising the courage of the Japanese army", she was censored as a traitor, treasonist and fell into an unstable mental state she died in a hospital after a year.

It is ironic that the criminal of malicious abuse of process was buried in malicious abuse of process.

Even with this example, Chinese society has no truth.

Depending on the occasional political need, if they hit the opponent they attack it thoroughly even if they twist the facts.


Originally because Tokyo trials are not based on international law, we are ruled in accordance with the German ordinance.

Based on international law, Tokyo trials are all innocent.

This draft continues.

The famous person in malicious abuse of process is Mei Ju - ao.

2017年04月15日 23時33分33秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Emphasis in sentences other than titles is me.


There was an answer from the beginning, and he tried to convict Tani Lieutenant General.

The Chinese knew that Tani Lieutenant General of the sixth division, which was the strongest in the Nanjing strategy, was conducting.

If you kill that general, "It will beat the strongest division in Nanjing" will be.


The famous person in malicious abuse of process is Mei Ju - ao.

After graduating from Tsinghua University, she studied abroad in the USA and she got a doctorate degree in law from the University of Chicago but as a chief judge of the Republic of China she wrote a nonsensical sentence "Nanking Massacre 300 thousand people" in the Tokyo trial is.

This draft continues.

There is nothing like saying a white heron as a black crow.

2017年04月15日 23時24分48秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Emphasis in sentences other than titles is me.


That is because People's Liberation Army General Political Department was completed, it became the level of tens of thousands people level.

Even though China is skillful in propaganda, top class people among them are gathering and creating it.

If that person is present, it will be easy such as fact distortion.

Even now, the promotional department of China is exerting great execution power.


There is nothing like saying a white heron as a black crow.

Even though they know it is a lie, they will build a new lie.

This draft continues.

Chinese people carry out such insane things without trouble.

2017年04月15日 23時19分09秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Emphasis in sentences other than titles is me.

Malicious abuse of process culture China


A movie that is said to be "evidence of massacre" can be asserted as a wrong proof material, and the judgment document based on it is invalid.

Chinese people carry out such insane things without trouble.

That is due to the Chinese tradition of "malicious abuse of process".

Malicious abuse of process is an act of making a false complaint with the intent to make a person receive punishment or disciplinary action by deliberately telling a fact by falseness.

In Chinese society malicious abuse of process has become normal through long history.

Such fabricating is every day to Chinese people.

Malicious abuse of process there is a practitioner called law practitioner who writes a special complaint and accuses opponent to exaggerate "It did such a terrible act."

Rampant of "Malicious abuse of process" is the pathology of Chinese society.

This draft continues.

There is a place which cannot be found even if examining only the literature

2017年04月15日 23時08分59秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Emphasis in sentences other than titles is me.


Since "The Battle of China" was originally produced for education, there are many strange scenes.

For example, many people will appear who think that "This is not a soldier."

I understand that I was in the SDF, but how to distinguish between soldiers and civilians is the attitude of walking.

In the case of a soldier, basic training is stained out thoroughly, and human who has experienced battle experience has some kind of distinctive eyes.

In 1927, video of the Chinese Communist Party conducted by Kuomintang and the film of the Soviet film "Shanghai Document" produced in 1928 are used for scenes of shooting death.

Also, in a scene where infants cry at the ruined Shanghai South Railway Station, they are editing the films taken by H. S. Wong.

It is a patchwork movie made just to feed anti-Japanese / anti-Japanese emotions.


Indeed, if you are a video expert, a different point of view comes out, broadening your mindset and perspective.

There is a place which cannot be found even if examining only the literature.

After all it is seeing is better than hearing.


When collecting other materials, you often see themselves.

This draft continues.

It is manufactured to be very convenient for Chinese people, so it is used frequently

2017年04月15日 22時56分20秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Emphasis in sentences other than titles is me.

"The Battle of China"


As I mentioned about the movie mentioned as evidence earlier, the content seems to be very close to the movie "The Battle of China".

This film was produced in 1944 to educate American soldiers how cruel the Japanese soldiers in the United States.

The film director is Frank Capra and Anatole Litvak jointly.

Among them, after the fall of Nanjing, scenes where the Japanese army will hurrah on the walls of Nanjing and scenes to be buried alive will appear.

In this era, some films taken by the Japanese side cross the United States via Switzerland.

After that, if you reedit and said that the Japanese army shot, it is impossible to say definitely that it is wrong.

"The Battle of China" was also acquired by the Chinese side after the war, the Chinese edited again, and in 1950, it appeared as the title of "Chinese angry".

It is manufactured to be very convenient for Chinese people, so it is used frequently as a propaganda.


"Chinese angry" was produced on a chronological basis after the trial, so it cannot be said that he saw it. It is only speculation, but the Chinese military's publicity department is highly likely to have seen The Battle of China.

In 1944, the International Propaganda Department, which existed in Chongqing, was deeply involved with the United States.

Mr. Maggie Film (Mr. Maggie's 16th millimeters film, explained by Pastor Maggie who took pictures of the victims and victims of the Nanjing case in Nanjing, Republic of China during the Japanese occupation period) is also mentioned in the case.

This draft continues.

has been publicly executed in Nanjing on 26th April, with such cluttered evidence

2017年04月15日 22時40分44秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Emphasis in sentences other than titles is me.

Tani Lieutenant General Trial suspicion


I took up the Tani Lieutenant General trial with "Separate volume Sound Argument 26", but the more I examine this judgment document, the better I know how China is bullshit.

In the judgment document, the text describing the main text, facts, and reason (the attached document listing the evidence items is omitted) is published in the "National Defense Bulletin" of Nationalist government in March 1947.

The trial was held on February 6, 1947 at 2:00 pm at the Inspirational site in Nanjing, as a public trial, and about 2,000 citizens and politicians also participated.

As a decisive proof of the massacre of Tani Lieutenant General, everyone is watching "a movie" after the trial.

The newspaper reporter who saw the movie wrote the next day that "It was this kind of content" in Kuomintang's agency paper "Central Daily News".

Specifically, "Japanese army has a very heinous appearance on the wall."

Next, "It did hurrah and it buried the commoner alive."

Finally, "Shoot the innocent people, blow up big ears and blow up the commoners".


Such scenes do not appear at all in Nanjing movie.


If it was such a big trial it would have been reported in the newspaper at that time.

When examining "Central Daily News", it was reported that the trial will be held on the 6th to the 8th daily on February 5th and a list of evidence materials was also posted, but in the 12th "Screening and making it evidence" and the existence of the movie were also specified clearly.

After that, I examined "Nanjing Referee" edited by Hu, Chü-jung, which comprehensively records Nanjing case trial data, but there were multiple official documents concerning the screening.

One question is, "Nanjing referee" includes an article of "Central Daily News", but one of them is written only as "February 1947".

The heading of this article is "There is new evidence added to the Nanjing slaughter," and "There are movies shot by Chinese and foreign reporters who were staying in Nanjing together and sent to Nanking It will be verified against evidence at the Tani Hisao trial.”


There is no date.


That is right. I can only think of forging articles.

If the article exists, it is strange that there is no date.

I examined the reduced version of "Central Daily News", but it has not appeared anywhere on February's page. All other articles in the February of "Central Daily News" clearly indicate dates and there is no article of "murderer movie shot in China and foreign cooperation".

Tani Lieutenant General has been sentenced to death on March 10 and has been publicly executed in Nanjing on 26th April, with such cluttered evidence as a shield.

This draft continues.

They are distorting the facts and making fiction.

2017年04月15日 21時55分33秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.


Since a new scene was discovered this time, I reviewed the movie "Nanjing" again.

There are only scenes in Nanjing suburbs such as Sun Yat - sen Mausoleum, which buried the body of Sun Yat - sen, Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum (Ming’s Hongwu Emperor and Queen’s tomb), Purple Mountain Observatory, no residents at all.

It is calm or tranquil itself, and almost no trace of destruction is found.

In the previous video there was a resident registration and a Japanese military entry ceremony scene, but I was convinced again that "There is such a scene also. What is a massacre, they say a nonexistent story ....”

I thought, "People who have not seen it yet, please see it."


Although there is a scene reflecting Nanjing from a distance, we can see that the inside of the wall is not burned so much, and the treasure of Chiang Kai Shek House remains neatly, so it can be said that there was no looting or the like.


There is no slaughter scene at all in Nanjing movie.

So what exactly is "Murderer movie" written in the Tani Lieutenant General Judgment?

They are distorting the facts and making fiction.


That is what China is likely to do.

This draft continues.

It is a Chinese propaganda who will tell white as black it will reveal that fiction!

2017年04月15日 21時38分46秒 | 日記

This month's issue of the monthly magazine WiLL is packed with the truth that all Japanese citizens and people all over the world must know.

The following is from the paper in that,

It is the truth that almost none of Japanese citizens and almost none of the people of the world knew at all.

A true record movie proves

Nonexistent Nanjing Massacre

It is a Chinese propaganda who will tell white as black it will reveal that fiction!

Kitamura Minoru Ritsumeikan University Emeritus Professor

Matsuo Ichiro Japan-China Problem Researcher Picture / Takashi Asaoka

Film "Nanjing" new image discovery


In 2015 China registered the related data of the Nanjing incident as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

I noted that Hisao Tani Lieutenant General included the "Death sentence original copy", I checked it again.

In the judgment document, "It is a movie of the urban inhabitant murderer that the Japanese army filmed on the scene, after the victory of our army, seized it, this is evidence."

This movie is "Front line backward recording movie Nanjing" (hereinafter, film "Nanjing", Shooting, Shigeru Shirai, editing, Akimoto Ken, music, Ko Bunya, field record, Fujii Shinichi, commentary, Tokugawa Musei), but 4 years ago, it seems that a missing new film was discovered.


The film "Nanjing" was thought to be destroyed for a long time in the Tokyo air raid (1945), and in 1995 a duplicate film was discovered in Beijing and digitized, the length was 58 minutes 29 seconds, and the video was released from Nippon Eiga Shinsha Co Ltd.

Because the original version was thought to be 71 minutes, about 12 minutes of film was not discovered until it was discovered.

However, this time, the fourth volume was found in all eight volumes. In about nine minutes, Chiang Kai-shek's mansion and the scene in the outskirts of Nanjing are reflected.

It was just a coincidence that I received a question on the Internet from someone, so when I answer, the image history he visited in the past cared about, and as I follow the link, the image when it exists, when I watched the audio commentary is Tokugawa Musei. As the video distributor in the UK was up, the inquiry said, "It was in the film taken from the National Archive of Washington, DC, USA".

There is a huge documentary image in the National Archives, and without knowing the film number, it does not know anything.

But since I was able to identify that number, I was able to surely confirm that it is a picture of the movie "Nanking".


About the circumstances that part of the film went to the USA...?


Apparently it seems to be part of the film that they took over from Japan.

There are still other materials, perhaps some may be in China.


Originally the movie "Nanjing", the trilogy "Beijing" and "Shanghai" immediately after the outbreak of the Japan-China War.

It was part of "Nanking".


"Beijing" and "Shanghai" have 71 minutes.

The movie "Nanking" with the found scenes is 66 minutes 39 seconds (it can be viewed on YouTube), yet the picture of less than 3 minutes is unknown.

Perhaps that scene is reflected in Gate of China, Nanjing.

Because, in the film review published in the Showa 30s, Gate of China, Nanjing is mentioned.

I think that we will continue to investigate because the possibility of existing existence is high.

This draft continues.

당신은 단지

2017年04月15日 10時37分08秒 | 日記

전후 세계에서 유일한 언론인 인 다카야마 마사유키와 현재의 중국 문제에 대한 권위자 인 후쿠시마 카오리.

카오리 후쿠시마는 1967 년 나라 현 출생. 오사카 대학 문학부를 졸업 한 후 산케이 신문사 오사카 본사에 합류했습니다. 1998 년 상하이 · 복단 대학으로 어학 연수. 2001 년 홍콩 지부장은 2002 년부터 2008 년까지 중국 총국 특파원으로 베이징에서 지냈다. 2009 년 퇴사 한 후 그녀는 자유 기자로 일한다. 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화 등 다양한 분야에서 다양한 인터뷰를 할 수있는 평판을 얻고 있습니다.

그들은 미국과 중국에 멋진 대화를하고 2017 년 1 월 31 일 Tokuma Shoten에서 출판했습니다.

모든 일본인과 전세계 사람들에게 꼭 읽어야합니다.

나가 전세계 사람들에게 그들의 진실의 말을 알린다.

모든 일본인은 즉시 가까운 서점으로 가야합니다.

실제로 일본에 존재하는 오오사키 호츠미라고해도 꽤 과장하지 않은 작가는,

소위 학자, 소위 문화 인물, 소위 인권 변호사 및 기타 도서를 구독하지 않는다는 것을 아는 것은 고통 스러울 것입니다.

이 초안은 계속됩니다.

En réponse aux questions de l'assemblée qui a confirmé de ses propres yeux,

2017年04月15日 10時30分24秒 | 日記

Je regardais la convocation du président de l'Académie Moritomo à la Diète relayée aujourd'hui par NHK TV.

Tous les êtres humains ayant des cerveaux décents au Japon auraient dû penser à ce qu'est ce menteur.

Voici ce que j'ai appris pour la première fois.

En premier lieu, on dit que le mensonge que la famille impériale a visité à la maternelle, qui est la base de sa base, est publié sur le majestueux HP,

En réponse aux questions de la femme de l'assemblée qui a confirmé de ses propres yeux, il admet que la famille impériale n'est jamais arrivée à la maternelle, mais il dit qu'il ne sait pas que la famille royale est venue à la maternelle comme indiqué dans le HP.

Il a également dit qu'il était momentané d'avoir fait don d'argent pendant quelques années après la contrefaçon avec l'école primaire de Shinzo Abe.

Ce projet se poursuit.

In risposta alle domande del assemblywoman che ha confermato con i propri occhi,

2017年04月15日 10時29分51秒 | 日記

Stavo guardando convocazione dei testimoni del Moritomo Academy presidente al Dieta trasmesso dalla NHK TV oggi.

Tutti gli esseri umani con il cervello decenti in Giappone dovrebbero avere pensiero di ciò che bugiardi questo presidente avrebbe.

Quanto segue è ciò che ho imparato per la prima volta.

In primo luogo, si dice che la menzogna che la famiglia imperiale ha visitato la scuola materna, che è la base di partenza di lui, è pubblicato sul maestoso HP,

In risposta alle domande del assemblywoman che ha confermato con i suoi occhi, egli ammette che la famiglia imperiale non è mai venuto alla scuola materna, ma lui dice che non sa che la famiglia reale è venuto alla scuola materna come dichiarato nella HP.

Egli ha anche detto che si trattava di una cosa momentanea di aver donato i soldi per un paio di anni dopo la contraffazione con Shinzo Abe scuola primaria.

Questo progetto continua.

En respuesta a las preguntas de la asambleísta que confirmó con sus propios ojos,

2017年04月15日 10時29分19秒 | 日記

Estaba viendo la convocatoria de testigos del Presidente de la Academia Moritomo en la Dieta retransmitida por NHK TV hoy.

Todos los seres humanos con cerebros decentes en Japón deberían haber pensado en los mentirosos que tendría este presidente.

Lo siguiente es lo que he aprendido por primera vez.

En primer lugar, se dice que la mentira de que la familia imperial visitó el jardín de infantes, que es la base de su casa, se publica en el majestuoso HP,

En respuesta a las preguntas de la asambleísta que confirmó con sus propios ojos, él admite que la familia imperial nunca vino al jardín de la infancia, pero él dice que no sabe que la familia real vino al jardín de la infancia según lo indicado en el HP.

También dijo que fue algo momentáneo acerca de haber donado dinero por un par de años después de la falsificación con la escuela primaria Shinzo Abe.

Este proyecto continúa.

Als Antwort auf die Fragen der Versammlungsfrau,

2017年04月15日 10時28分48秒 | 日記

Ich beobachtete die Zeugen des Moritomo-Akademie-Präsidenten bei der Diät, die heute von NHK TV weitergeleitet wurde.

Alle Menschen mit anständigen Gehirnen in Japan sollten darüber nachgedacht haben, was Lügner dieser Präsident haben würde.

Das folgende ist, was ich zum ersten Mal gelernt habe.

Zuerst wird gesagt, dass die Lüge, die die kaiserliche Familie den Kindergarten besuchte, der die Heimatbasis von ihm ist, auf dem majestätischen HP,

Als Antwort auf die Fragen der Versammlungsfrau, die mit ihren eigenen Augen bestätigt hat, gibt er zu, dass die Kaiserfamilie niemals in den Kindergarten gekommen ist, aber er sagt, er weiß nicht, dass die Königsfamilie in den Kindergarten kam, wie in der HP angegeben.

Er sagte auch, dass es eine momentane Sache war, Geld für ein paar Jahre nach der Fälschung mit Shinzo Abe Grundschule gespendet zu haben.

Dieser Entwurf fährt fort.

Em resposta às perguntas da assembléia que confirmou com seus próprios olhos,

2017年04月15日 10時28分16秒 | 日記

Eu estava assistindo a convocação de testemunhas do presidente da Moritomo Academy na dieta retransmitida pela NHK TV hoje.

Todos os seres humanos com cérebros decentes no Japão deveriam ter pensado no que mentirosos este presidente teria.

O seguinte é o que eu aprendi pela primeira vez.

Em primeiro lugar, diz-se que a mentira de que a família Imperial visitou o jardim de infância, que é a base de sua casa, é postada no majestoso HP,

Em resposta às perguntas da assembléia que confirmou com seus próprios olhos, ele admite que a Família Imperial nunca veio para o jardim de infância, mas ele diz que não sabe que a Família Real veio ao jardim de infância como afirmado na HP.

Ele também disse que foi uma coisa momentânea sobre ter doado dinheiro para um par de anos após a falsificação com Shinzo Abe escola primária.

Este projecto continua.