文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Asahi Newspaper Headquarters is the same sin, if it is a problem to sell state land at cheap price

2017年03月28日 23時34分10秒 | 日記

The following is the correct argument discovered in the current net.

From the Hatena Blog, content-free chat tile block print, which was submitted on February 10, 2017, entitled Asahi Newspaper Headquarters is the same sin, if it is a problem to sell state land at cheap price.

* ~ * Is me.

Whether private education provides education based on what values are, if you are within the scope of the guidelines for teaching, there is no particular problem to look at. In short, it can be said that people who do not agree with the values recognized by Asahi Shimbun do not like that they acquired state - owned land at a cheap price.

The reason why the Asahi Shimbun criticizes is that "the price is one tenth of that of the neighboring (same-scale) state-owned land".

However, there is a hole in this claim. Because it overlooks the important fact that "price of land goes up and down".

Let's check the details of the sale.

2010: Sale to Toyonaka City for about 1,423,000,000 yen (public voluntary contract)

* As for this actual situation today’s Sankei Shimbun has paid national treasury subsidies of 1,402,620,000 yen, and if it is deducted, it reveals that Toyonaka is equivalent to purchasing at 21,243,000 yen. *

June - September 2013: Public offering solicitation

June 2016: Sold to Moritomo Gakuen with 134 million yen (public voluntary contract)

 "It sold it to Toyonaka city with a price of over 1,400,000,000 yen, so it thinks that this time it should be priced more than 1,000,000,000". However, if the buyer does not appear, the sales contract itself will not be established.

First of all, the Asahi Shimbun should confirm "Is the purchase price of Toyonaka city approx. 1,423 million yen valid?" Because it is conceivable that Toyonaka is acquiring land at a higher price than the market price, you will need to check whether the standard is correct.

Secondly, it cannot be overlooked that it takes three years from the start of public offering to selling.

If the buyer recognized the price of the neighboring land sold to Toyonaka City as a "proper value", a public contract would have been concluded with a price exceeding 1 billion yen. However, the result was sold at a price of 1 / 10th.

It will be inevitable that Toyonaka City has decided to respond to the purchase of state-owned land with a high price. In reality it was a land with few popularity where buyers rarely appear.

If it is a problem to pay state cheap cheaply, we must also strictly point out the site of the Asahi Shimbun headquarters in Tsukiji, Tokyo.

In the Showa 50 year, 2 million yen does not go down the land which is said to be down is obtained under the very attractive condition "add land of Hamada Mountain to 560,000 yen".

To the newspaper company that state the owned land, which acquired by kifing without even public offering, it would not qualify to criticize the school corporation that acquired the land by public offering.

Obviously, because the educational policy of the acquired school corporation conflicts with the Asahi newspaper, it is only developing a harassment campaign.

People who feel "Land price falling is strange" are disqualified as a media-related person. It is because you should know that there was a drastic upward and downward movement of land prices when a bubble took place in Japan and it collapsed.

"Fake News" and criticized for information from the Internet, but they must realize that they are shedding "fake news".

This time the news reported by the Asahi Shimbun can be said to be "fake news" where the degree of distortion is strong.


2017年03月28日 22時55分08秒 | 日記



私立学校がどのような価値観に基づく教育を提供しようが、学習指導要領の範囲内であれば、特に問題視する必要はありません。要するに、“朝日新聞が認める価値観に合致しない人物” が国有地を格安な価格で取得したことが気に入らないだけと言えるでしょう。








もし、豊中市に売却した隣接地の価格が “適正値” として買い手側に認識されていれば、10億円超の価格で公共随契が締結されていたはずです。ですが、結果は10分の1の価格で売却されました。



昭和50年当時200万円は下らないと言われた土地を「56万円+浜田山の土地」というオイシイ条件で手に入れているのです。公募ですらない “ズル” をして入手した国有地に本社を建設した新聞社に公募で土地を取得した学校法人を批判する資格はないでしょう。



既存メディアは “フェイクニュース” と命名し、ネット発の情報に批判的ですが、自分たちが “フェイクニュース” を流していることを自覚しなければなりません。朝日新聞が報じた今回の報道も歪曲の度合いが強い “フェイクニュース” と言えるのではないでしょうか。


It is an article proving that it hits the mark that I told the lawmaker of the Democratic Party as

2017年03月28日 19時10分07秒 | 日記

On the 5th page of today's Sankei Shimbun, Ms. Tsujimoto, how to answer,
There was a feature article entitled "Appearance" in Mail 's interaction with Mrs. Akie and Kamoike' s wife.
All the subscribers of Sankei Shimbun should have read.
It is an article proving that it hits the mark that I told the lawmaker of the Democratic Party as a two-bit lawyer.
Anyway, do people in the Asahi Shimbun say that there is no sense to feel this Tsujimoto Kiyomi or Fukushima Mizuho as suspicious?
Wakamiya Yoshifumi, or everyone involved in fabricating a comfort women issue, and now, to Hakoda Tetsuya who writes strange Korean articles, one after another, as the Asahi Shimbun who had been studying abroad to Yonsei University, The way of thinking, if considered to be good, the Koreans themselves, if they think badly, in reality, they are all supposedly perfectly brainwashed by the Korean intelligence agency.
It wrote the first report on Moritomo Gakuen's problem, too, there is no mistake in the Osaka head office social department which reported fabricating comfort women problem.
Again, we should have abolished this newspaper company in August three years ago.


2017年03月28日 18時48分02秒 | 日記









working on the last vain struggle, with the same persistence as China and South Korea against Japan

2017年03月28日 13時43分20秒 | 日記

Not only in the 20th century, Germany, the country of Nazism, the greatest crime in human history, had already been an ordinary country where attitudes to take as a nation were taken place in 1967,

Why was Japan dominated by a spurious moralism and a pretense of socialism like the Asahi Shimbun, etc?

Strictly speaking, it was dominated only by misunderstood speech,

I wonder if it was a country that did not do the body as a nation.

That was also true until August 3 years ago, and now they are still working on the last vain struggle, with the same persistence as China and South Korea against Japan.

The difference in this aspect is a fierce of the occupation policy that the US imposed on Japan, and it clearly shows how much brainwashing work GHQ had done to Japan.

Strictly speaking, this is probably nothing more than a discrimination conscious product that the then-government of the United States had against Japan or against Asians.

Now, to people who are not exaggeration to say that it is a villain more than a bad guy like the product itself of "abysmal evil" and "plausible lie" such as Shin Sugo,

The Asahi Shimbun and others, and other people who are not worthy of anything other than contempt, which is synchronized with this, so-called cultural men in sync with such a woman, with a completely unfounded excuse, Mr. Yukihiro Hasegawa to the position of the Tokyo Newspaper It seems to have demoted from.

In modes like them is called There's no decency left in the world (when this sort of thing can happen).

It is too late for all Japanese citizens to know how inflicting the infamy of the Asahi Shimbun's childhood is due to.


2017年03月28日 13時18分43秒 | 日記








今、辛 淑玉などという「底知れぬ悪」と「まことしやかな嘘」の産物そのもののような、悪人以上の悪党と言っても過言ではないような人間に、




Jerman Barat menganggap ini sebagai masalah "pelanggaran kedaulatan", bukan masalah

2017年03月28日 12時37分43秒 | 日記

Berikut adalah kesinambungan daripada bab sebelumnya.
Dalam Perisytiharan Pyongyang pada lawatan Koizumi ke Korea Utara pada 17 September 2002, "Kedua-dua pihak mengesahkan bahawa mereka akan mematuhi semua perjanjian antarabangsa yang berkaitan dengan menyeluruh menyelesaikan isu nuklear di Semenanjung Korea," Kami mengesahkan keperluan untuk menggalakkan dialog antara negara-negara berkenaan mengenai isu-isu keselamatan termasuk isu-isu isu dan peluru berpandu nuklear dan mengesahkan keperluan untuk cuba untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini, "mulai sekarang perjanjian seperti tiba-tiba ketawa telah dibuat.
Sementara itu, pada tahun 1967, Agensi Perisikan Pusat Korea cuba pelajar antarabangsa Korea dari Jerman Barat secara haram, dan mereka dijatuhi hukuman hukuman mati dan penjara hukuman penjara seumur hidup kerana jenayah mengintip melibatkan Korea Utara Korea Selatan.
Jerman Barat menganggap ini sebagai masalah "pelanggaran kedaulatan", bukan masalah kemanusiaan orang sendiri, ia ditolak pecah hubungan diplomatik dan mendapat semula semua 17 Korea pada tahun itu (kejadian East Berlin).
kesedaran berdaulat Jepun sebagai sebuah negara itu dan sikap tegas sebahagian besarnya kurang.
Profesor Wilayah Niigata University Shigeki Hakamada
* Media dengan Asahi Shimbun sebagai pemimpin dan rakyat budaya kononnya yang datang sesuai dengan ini telah datang untuk mengatakan tanpa berkata satu perkataan yang kita boleh belajar dari seperti Jerman.
Apa yang mereka telah berkata telah terus berkata logik pelik meminta maaf kepada Korea Selatan dan China dengan ucapan Presiden Weizsäcker dengan logik sengaja disalah faham.
Hakikat bahawa ia adalah strategi agensi perisikan Korea dan China adalah hakikat bahawa ia tidak lagi jelas kerana ia adalah dalam kertas saya dan juga dalam realiti yang diturunkan sekarang.

sovereign consciousness as such a nation and resolute attitude are largely lacking

2017年03月28日 12時36分26秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

In the Pyongyang Declaration on Koizumi's visit to North Korea on September 17, 2002, "The two sides confirmed that they will comply with all relevant international agreements to comprehensively solve the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, "We confirmed the necessity of promoting dialogue among countries concerned on security issues including nuclear issue and missile issues and confirmed the necessity of trying to solve the problem," from now on an agreement like burst out laughing Has been made.


Meanwhile, in 1967, the Korean Central Intelligence Agency tried Korean international students from West Germany illegally, and they were sentenced to death penalty and imprisonment for life imprisonment due to spying crimes involving North Korea in South Korea.

West Germany regards this as a problem of "infringement of sovereignty", not humanitarian problems of its own people, it pushed rupture of diplomatic relations and regained all 17 Koreans in that year (East Berlin incident).

Japan's sovereign consciousness as such a nation and resolute attitude are largely lacking.

Professor Niigata Prefectural University Shigeki Hakamada

* The media with the Asahi Shimbun as a leader and the so-called cultural people who came in accord with this have come to say without saying a single word that we can learn from such Germany.

What they have been saying has kept saying the strange logic of apologizing to South Korea and China by President Weizsäcker’s speech by intentionally misunderstood logic.

The fact that it was the strategy of the intelligence agencies of Korea and China is the fact that it is no longer clear as it is in my paper as well as in the reality that is revealed now.

he has no idea of international strategy and diplomatic issues.

2017年03月28日 12時17分42秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. The author sees that this time when the United States showed a determined attitude was the only time North Korea's nuclear abandonment had reality.

Even saying that we should exercise force against North Korea, that is not to say that it is the only solution for nuclear and missile problems.

It means that the nuclear weapons can be abandoned by negotiation and dialogue for the first time with the possibility of actual use of force. However, at this time Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi made a visit to Korea (September 2002), and the six-party talks to stop North Korea's nuclear and missile program began (August 2003).

The author thinks that these two actions of Japan and the international community are typical of mistakes that do not understand the psychology and reality of the North Korean leadership.

Japan who broke the most important US strategy

Koizumi’s visit to North Korea was announced on August 30, 2002 by sudden and unexpected.

On this day, I am in Russian Foreign Ministry Director's Office, I am for many years, as a member of the Security Study Group that expert’s conference with Russia, and we were talking with Russia's policy manager for Japan with two people.

At that time his subordinate entered the room and handed the document to the director, which he signed and said to me.

"Mr. Hakamada, a serious news of Koizumi's visit to North Korea, we have signed a statement of the Department of Foreign Affairs that we welcome for the stability of Northeast Asia."

Shortly afterwards, I personally talked with Mr. Kunadze who also served as Ambassador to Korea Ambassador to the former Russian Foreign Secretary.

Kunadze frankly mentioned Koizumi's review as a diplomatic expert who severely opposed the official statement.

"Mr. Koizumi only sees the North Korean problem from the perspective of domestic politics, he has no idea of international strategy and diplomatic issues."

It has been said that it destroyed the US strategy that should be the most important for Japan.

This draft continues.

because the political dispute problem of take a short view which is not essence of national affairs,

2017年03月28日 11時59分31秒 | 日記

The following is from the "justice" of today's Sankei Shimbun.

Lack of sovereign consciousness that brought the North Korean crisis

I feel something strange when I see recent Japanese political circles and media.

That is because the political dispute problem of take a short view which is not essence of national affairs, both in the National Assembly and the media, has been treated extensively,

For example, Japan's security and sovereign risk crisis, such as North Korea's nuclear weapons and missile issues, are lightly treated like a transient event.

The result of such correspondence may have brought about a serious situation of the current North Korea involvement.

This is a result of not only Japan but also the error of North Korea policy of the international community, so I would like to think from a somewhat broad perspective.

Koizumi's visit to Korea and the mistake of the six-party talks

The nuclear issue of North Korea has already become serious in the 1990s, and in 1995 the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) was established.

After the terrorist attacks at the United States, President Bush made the three countries, including North Korea "the axis of evil", in January 2002, and showed the attitude of being prepared to military intervention as "There are all options on the desk”

The United States is the center, in the same year December the collapse of the Taliban regime of Afghanistan, in March 2003 Iraq's Hussein dictatorship was militarily attacked and collapsed (I will not argue that).

Kim Jong Il and Gaddafi such as Gaddafi in Libya, the former trembling up to this, the former hiding the figure for a long time afraid of assassination, the latter destroyed the nuclear program in December 2003.

This draft continues.


2017年03月28日 11時30分52秒 | 日記

















新潟県立大学教授袴田 茂樹





2017年03月28日 11時19分41秒 | 日記



























Les résultats de la recherche qu'ils ont montré

2017年03月28日 10時23分10秒 | 日記

Je veux arrêter les dommages causés par les rumeurs nocives ou la désinformation de Fukushima qui a été publié dans le dernier numéro de la revue mensuelle de la voix introduit avant-hier.

Claire Leppold

(Étudiant diplômé à l'Université d'Edimbourg / ancien travailleur de l'Hôpital général de Minami Soma) Né à Eugene Oregon, États-Unis Il a obtenu un baccalauréat à l'Oregon State University et a suivi un master à l'Université d'Édimbourg En 2015). Du 15 mai au 16 septembre, après avoir travaillé à l'hôpital général de Minami Soma City, elle a avancé au cours de doctorat à l'université d'Édimbourg. Elle a également eu une expérience de courte durée à l'étranger expérience au Japon, et elle a obtenu une excellente maîtrise japonaise pendant mon séjour.

- Lors d'un cours de maîtrise à l'Université d'Édimbourg, il y a deux ans, le groupe de recherche japonais a mené une activité de recherche à Fukushima.


Après avoir reçu une conférence, l'image que j'avais tenue contre Fukushima a été complètement renversée.

Les résultats de la recherche qu'ils ont montré étaient le contraire de mon «savoir» l'information.

Dans cette conférence, «À la suite des tests de dépistage à grande échelle effectués par les nourrissons et les enfants des résidents de Fukushima, il n'y avait aucun effet néfaste d'une exposition interne détectable.

Parallèlement, on a observé une augmentation remarquable du nombre de maladies liées au mode de vie qui ne sont pas directement liées aux radiations telles que le diabète et l'hypertension, ainsi que divers problèmes liés à l'évacuation du logement temporaire »sur le site local.

J'ai appris la question «Pourquoi les données recueillies sur le site diffèrent-elles de l'information sur la presse et le réseau»?

Dans le même temps, «Je veux en savoir plus sur la réalité de Fukushima, j'ai besoin d'aller sur le site et de voir la vérité de mes propres yeux» pour cette raison, j'ai fortement estimé que j'ai décidé de déménager à Fukushima.

- Après cela, Mme Claire sera présentée au groupe japonais et vivra à Fukushima, mais qu'ont pensé vos parents à ce sujet?


Au début, il fut si surpris.

J'ai soigneusement expliqué aux parents qui sont bouleversés sur tous les papiers et articles sur le rayonnement dans les zones touchées et que la radioactivité à Fukushima n'est jamais à un niveau dangereux.

S'ils ont été soulagés en montrant des données objectives, mes parents ont calmement commencé à écouter mon histoire, et à la fin, ils ont approuvé l'immigration à Fukushima.

Je suis reconnaissant à mes parents qui ont cru en moi et m'ont envoyé au Japon agréablement.

- Tes parents sont de merveilleux parents.

Quelles sont les activités menées actuellement à l'hôpital général municipal de Minami Soma?

Au début, je prenais la forme d'études à court terme à l'étranger pour rédiger une thèse de maîtrise, mais j'avais travaillé à temps plein pendant un an, depuis que j'ai obtenu ma maîtrise.

J'aide principalement à éditer et à traduire des articles en anglais publiés par les hôpitaux, à faire bon usage de mes moments de rechange en travaillant, j'ai envoyé des articles sur la recherche sur le net et j'écrivais le journal.

Aucun risque pour la santé dû au tremblement de terre n'a été observé chez le nouveau-né

- L'année dernière, Claire a analysé 1101 nouveau-nés nés dans l'hôpital municipal de Minami Soma de 2008 à 2015 (à l'exclusion de multiples sujets) et l'incidence de nourrissons prématurés et de nourrissons de faible poids à la naissance n'a pas changé même après un accident nucléaire.

Ce projet se poursuit.

I risultati della ricerca hanno mostrato erano l'opposto della mia 'conoscere' le informazioni.

2017年03月28日 10時22分40秒 | 日記

Voglio smettere di danni causati dalle voci nocive o disinformazione di Fukushima che è stato pubblicato nell'ultimo numero della rivista mensile Voice introdotto l'altro ieri.

Claire Leppold

(Studente laureato alla Edinburgh University / ex Minami Soma City Hospital generale dei lavoratori) Nato a Eugene, Oregon, Stati Uniti d'America ha conseguito una laurea presso l'Oregon State University e si iscrive nel corso del master presso l'Università di Edimburgo (Scozia) per studiare la scienza sanitaria internazionale (acquisita nel 2015). Dal 15 maggio al 16 settembre, dopo aver lavorato a Minami Soma Città General Hospital, ha avanzato al corso di dottorato presso l'Università di Edimburgo. Ha avuto anche uno studio a breve termine all'estero esperienza in Giappone, e ha ottenuto di prim'ordine competenza giapponese durante il mio soggiorno.

- Quando si trasforma in un punto di svolta quando frequentava un master presso l'Università di Edimburgo, due anni fa, ha preso una lezione speciale da un gruppo di ricerca giapponese che conduce attività di ricerca a Fukushima.


Alla ricezione di una conferenza, l'immagine che avevo tenuto contro di Fukushima è stato completamente ribaltato.

I risultati della ricerca hanno mostrato erano l'opposto della mia 'conoscere' le informazioni.

In quella conferenza, "Come risultato dei test di screening su larga scala effettuate da parte dei neonati e dei bambini dei residenti Fukushima, non vi era alcun effetto negativo di esposizione interna rilevabile.

Nel frattempo, vi erano notevoli aumenti nel numero di malattie stile di vita non direttamente legati alle radiazioni come il diabete e ipertensione, e vari problemi connessi con l'evacuazione di alloggi temporanei "sul sito locale.

Ho imparato la domanda "Perché dati rilevati presso il sito si discosta dalle informazioni sulla stampa e la rete"?

Allo stesso tempo, "voglio sapere di più su realtà di Fukushima, ho bisogno di andare al sito e vedere la verità con i miei occhi" per questo motivo, ho sentito fortemente che ho deciso di trasferirmi a Fukushima.

- Dopo di che, la signora Claire sarà introdotto al gruppo giapponese e vive in Fukushima, ma che cosa ha fatto i tuoi genitori pensarci?


In un primo momento è stato così sorpreso.

Ho accuratamente spiegato a genitori che sono arrabbiato per tutti i documenti e articoli sulla radiazione nelle zone colpite e che la radioattività di Fukushima non è mai a un livello pericoloso.

Erano sollevati mostrando dati oggettivi, i miei genitori con calma ha cominciato ad ascoltare la mia storia, e alla fine hanno approvato l'immigrazione a Fukushima.

Sono grato ai miei genitori che hanno creduto in me e mi ha mandato in Giappone piacevolmente.

- I tuoi genitori sono genitori meravigliosi.

Che tipo di attività vengono svolte a Minami Soma ospedale generale comunale attualmente iscritti?

Inizialmente stavo prendendo la forma di studio a breve termine all'estero di scrivere una tesi di laurea, ma avevo lavorato a tempo pieno per un anno da quando ho ottenuto il master.

Io principalmente aiuto editing e la traduzione giornali inglesi pubblicati da ospedali, di fare buon uso dei miei momenti liberi nel lavoro, ho inviato articoli sulla ricerca in rete e stavo scrivendo la carta.

Pericolo per la salute a causa del terremoto non è stato visto nel neonato

- L'anno scorso, Claire ha analizzato 1101 neonati nati a Minami Soma ospedale municipale 2008-2015 (esclusi i soggetti multipli) e l'incidenza dei neonati prematuri e neonati di basso peso alla nascita non è cambiato anche dopo incidente nucleare I risultati dello studio sono stati annunciati.

Questo progetto continua.

Los resultados de la investigación que mostraron fueron lo contrario de mi "saber" la información.

2017年03月28日 10時22分11秒 | 日記

Quiero parar el daño causado por los rumores dañinos o la desinformación de Fukushima que fue publicada en el último número de la revista mensual Voice presentó antes de ayer.

Claire Leppold

(Estudiante de postgrado en la Universidad de Edimburgo / antiguo trabajador del Hospital General de la Ciudad de Minami Soma) Nació en Eugene Oregon, Estados Unidos Obtuvo una licenciatura en la Oregon State University y se matriculó en el curso de maestría en la Universidad de Edimburgo (Escocia) en 2015). Del 15 de mayo al 16 de septiembre, después de trabajar en el Hospital General de la Ciudad de Minami Soma, avanzó al curso de doctorado en la Universidad de Edimburgo. Ella también tuvo una experiencia de estudio a corto plazo en el extranjero en Japón, y ella obtuvo la competencia japonesa de primera clase durante mi estancia.

- Al convertirse en un punto de inflexión cuando asistió a un curso de maestría en la Universidad de Edimburgo hace dos años, tomó una conferencia especial de un grupo de investigación japonés que lleva a cabo actividades de investigación en Fukushima.


Al recibir una conferencia, la imagen que había mantenido contra Fukushima fue completamente volcada.

Los resultados de la investigación que mostraron fueron lo contrario de mi "saber" la información.

En esa conferencia, "Como resultado de las pruebas de detección a gran escala realizadas por los bebés y los niños de los residentes de Fukushima, no hubo ningún efecto adverso de la exposición interna detectable.

Mientras tanto, hubo incrementos notables en el número de enfermedades de estilo de vida no directamente relacionadas con la radiación como la diabetes y la presión arterial alta, y varios problemas asociados con la evacuación a la vivienda temporal "en el sitio local.

Aprendí la pregunta "¿Por qué los datos encuestados en el sitio se desvían de la información sobre la prensa y la red"?

Al mismo tiempo, "Quiero saber más sobre la realidad de Fukushima, necesito ir al sitio y ver la verdad con mis propios ojos" por esa razón, sentí firmemente que decidí trasladarme a Fukushima.

- Después de eso, la Sra. Claire será presentada al grupo japonés y vivirá en Fukushima, pero ¿qué piensan sus padres sobre esto?


Al principio estaba tan sorprendido.

He explicado cuidadosamente a los padres que están disgustados con todos los papeles y artículos sobre la radiación en las zonas afectadas y que la radiactividad en Fukushima nunca está en un nivel peligroso.

Si se aliviaban mostrando datos objetivos, mis padres calmadamente comenzaron a escuchar mi historia, y al final aprobaron la inmigración a Fukushima.

Estoy agradecido a mis padres que creyeron en mí y me enviaron a Japón agradablemente.

Tus padres son padres maravillosos.

¿Qué tipo de actividades se están llevando a cabo en el hospital municipal municipal de Minami Soma actualmente matriculado?

Inicialmente, estaba tomando la forma de estudios de corto plazo en el extranjero para escribir una tesis de maestría, pero yo había trabajado a tiempo completo durante un año desde que obtuve mi título de maestría.

Yo principalmente ayudar a editar y traducir los documentos en inglés publicados por los hospitales, para hacer buen uso de mis momentos libres en el trabajo, envié artículos sobre la investigación en la red y yo estaba escribiendo el documento.

No se observó riesgo para la salud debido al terremoto en el recién nacido

- El año pasado, Claire analizó 1101 recién nacidos nacidos en el hospital municipal de Minami Soma de 2008 a 2015 (excluyendo múltiples sujetos) y la incidencia de neonatos prematuros y de recién nacidos de bajo peso no ha cambiado ni siquiera después del accidente nuclear.

Este proyecto continúa.