文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

TEPCO because it uses a thirty percent, power quality is the highest in the world.

2014年10月14日 16時18分35秒 | 日記

The following is the sequel of the preceding chapter.

It is true people from all over the world need to know not only in Japan.

Statement emphasized in the English sentence is me.

The preamble omission


Previously, I was around seven factory of the company in an interview when the KBS Korea has created a special number called "diagnosing the power of the Korean tech industry," but the first issue was the Suwon. If there is a water supply dedicated to the semiconductor plant of Gumi, they have been pulling the water from the Nakdong River. Then, they conduct a thermal power of transporting liquefied natural gas (LNG) pipeline from Busan. It's a self-sufficiency all.


Is it a private power generation?


That's right. Machine made in Japan not remain single in the production line. .Is there in the warehouse cardboard box in which the silicon wafer of semiconductor material came in, but the manufacturer name that is written in it was also not taken into video all.


It is what Shin-Etsu Chemical, KEM (now · SUMCO) was produced.


The essential to make a semiconductor, Neon and Argon of rare gas such as, although also saw luggage tag that is attached to the cylinder, made in Japan Osaka and oxygen (now Nippon Sanso) Japan such as oxygen (now Air Liquide Japan) all.

So I return to the president's office, "What percent (yield rate) yield ratio of the product of your place", I've heard again and. First, "It has become like Japan at 92%", it had a swagger, but it was dripping with sweat drip-drip is spouting. It was taken to the video also it (laughs).


Korean companies them not even taking care of their responsibilities by themselves maintenance.


Another is the power. Each factory of Samsung Electronics has a large substation dedicated but the quality is very bad power supply of the Korea Electric Power, because short interruptions and voltage fluctuations, also frequency variation. I went to interview the Korea Electric Power, what percentage of capital investment distribution of power, I heard that is what has been used in power transmission and distribution, but it was ten percent. TEPCO because it uses a thirty percent, power quality is the highest in the world. The difference is to affect the yield ratio significantly. Because it is a semiconductor, after a power failure when you pass the (semiconductor exposure apparatus) stepper, silicon wafer becomes useless to all. You can see well are any circumstances that would not help in-house power generation.


It there was a story there is a power outage at Samsung Electronics a few years ago, and that ended up ruining the wafer.


I went to the interview also factory of Hyundai Motor and shipyard modern Heavy Industries in Ulsan.

It saw actually and it understood but all engines of the car to have been using then in the Hyundai Motors are made by Mitsubishi Motors.

Casting because you cannot, when the worst, it imported equal to or more than 100.000 annual engines from Mitsubishi Motors.

As a result of walking to see here and there over the course of more than a week, "is Goku after all., Even if you or rampage you can bounce fly much, Korea're just dancing on the hands of the Buddha of Japan"  and I thought.


They have certainly assembled, raw materials and basic production facilities, almost, in Japan dependent, the reality is all factories is of will stop the moment the relationship with Japan has deteriorated.

Also for Hyundai Motor, for example, piston ring is a key component of the engine, several companies, including the (old Teikoku Piston Ring) Nippon Piston Ring, TPR and RIKEN hold about 20 percent of global market share is almost exclusively the world market.

Protective film of the polarizing plate of the liquid crystal panel about 70 percent of the world share Fujifilm, Dainippon Ink and accounts for about 70 percent of the green pigment color filter for. Samsung Electronics cannot make these key materials and key parts, in an extreme case; it is only a mere assembly plant.

The thereinafter abbreviation

The Time of Civilization



2014年10月14日 15時43分15秒 | 日記








































The Story of The Firsthand Knowledge Part2


The people all over the world in addition to Japan will should read with care.

2014年10月14日 15時32分13秒 | 日記

The following is from the conversation record article which crosses page 181 from page 172 which depends on popular manga artist Yoshinori Kobayashi with political analyst Fuyuko Kamisaka of the number issuing an extra number of November of monthly magazine will. But this article is of a reprint from the June 2007 issue.

The people all over the world in addition to Japan will should read with care.

The preamble abbreviation


It was reported the Western media to come more and more for the comfort women issue, been written up "It's a right wing in Japan" and "It's a neo-Nazi", just say I do is like or rapist.

It 'was I think it falls out hair in the stress (laughs).

It received an interview many times from the white journalist.

Because the press club had formed an individual vs. a group, it was answering coverage individually but it is anyway a prejudice of the more ridiculous from the beginning. Saying “Yoshinori Kobayashi will anyhow be a fellow like neo-Nazi”

However, when I would refute completely theoretically, opponent it just feel a sense of humiliation. Because it is left to say to the guy that you made foolish. It makes a face red out of spite, it returns and it writes an unreasonable article over there. It was awful, especially such as Germans (laughs).

Because the German doesn't want for them to seem to be Nazis's descendant and to seem to be the worst people in the world, it is desperate when dragging Japanese to the place of themselves and will drop off them.

German journalist named Henrik Volk also went back in the blushed and lost in the course of discussion with me.

And so he wrote the insanely article, I sent a letter of protest to all the newspapers of Germany. And ask them to translate what one copy one copy, was written in Japanese.


Oh, it's great. It would have been nice if there is scrupulous much courage it also politicians.


And because it was man that I have also burn that time, I did thoroughly (laughs).Was also opponent that gave me the answer, and there was also someone who was in the article, but it is escaping opponent cannot be refuted in the end.

The consideration stop of the pro-American


That Japan is lightly seen is a thing. The person this time who is after all called Mike Honda is a kickoff. And I thought what kind of guy, look at the article of Yoshihisa Komori's May 2007 issue of "WILL", I thought it was indeed. He is getting funds from the Chinese anti-Japanese organizations. I've found the trick.


It might be good to blame China in that sense, but it is that the problem is more, it is issued from the United States, the Japanese would also easily accept.

If what this has occurred from China and South Korea, Japanese people would have rallied furiously. But when it comes to America's departure, there is an atmosphere that could say that, "Let's throw away the honor of the country as if much relationship with the United States is poor."


Ambassador Schieffer is, he made a statement "When be taken in the United States and Japan are set back from the Kono discourse, impact destructive," he said.

Editorial department

I was refused once signed up for an interview to Ambassador Schieffer. It was "NO!" (Laughing)


And brought out the US-Japan relationship, the people of the so-called pro-American faction it would scared.

It is an end if having it said. It is a consideration stop fully. Because the brain has felt numb (Laughs).

Even if the Kenichi Takemura, it is said, "You had better recognized as was that bad to say bad things past" such as.

However, I think such as the US-Japan relationship is destroyed in such a thing is not impossible.

And since is that at one time might be entangled in the press and parliament, but the truth of "comfort women" would know naturally and if we verify the facts, it is unlikely in a state destructive.

And since is that at one time might be entangled in the press and parliament, but the truth of "comfort women" would know naturally and if we verify the facts, it is unlikely in a state destructive.


And it does not should interfere in a matter to comfort women issue those serving as ambassador to Japan, at that stage. It scolds with “it is possible to say a thing by thinking of the viewpoint “if I am a president.

The next decade will fight to the finish


It is a good story if protesting tightly but it says only it, saying when Bush and Prime Minister Abe has telephone conversation directly, "I inherit basically Kono discourse, I have sympathy to the people of the comfort women”

Under present condition, it has been taken to reconfirm contents above Kono talk.

It permits this and now, all problems at the end can become America departure.

Editorial department

Some movies of "Nanjing Massacre ", too, are already manufactured in America.


It is that the problem is not that there is, is not it should keep quiet.


And "that there, that there is no" it is rather, "It does not, that there is no" what is the.

That it was covered in fake is, will become the responsibility of all Japan.


But, Kobayashi-san and I also was beaten up Once Say What "There were no comfort women" if about ten years ago, but the situation it'll have changed considerably in the last decade at least.


Well. And it was able to change the Japanese people in the decades-long.

Politicians now, even foreign affairs bureaucracy, I want to do with the intention of much change the public opinion of the world in the decades-long from now.

The Story of The Firsthand Knowledge Part2


Je pense sans aucun doute comme un bien commun reconnu cela,

2014年10月14日 15時16分33秒 | 日記

Ce qui suit est de l'article de conversation de l'économiste international Keitarou Hasegawa et critique économique Watanabe Tetsuya qui traverse p103 de p92 de la revue mensuelle VOICE (700 yens) qui est publié par PHP Institute.

L'abréviation préambule


Je pense que même dans les jeux olympiques à Pyeongchang, qui se tiendra en Corée en 2018, le développement des réseaux de transport, y compris la question urgente de la voie ferrée. Il n'y a pas matière première. La Société de développement de Gangwon du troisième secteur a opéré la station de ski d'Alpensia qui est le lieu principal, mais, en fait, il est devenu un état en faillite.


Ne parvient pas à de grands projets aux États-Unis, il a eu une énorme dette. Stade est également pas encore disponible, mais ce va. Le gouvernement sud-coréen a à la force pour effectuer le soutien financier à la fin.


Il n'y a pas de force pour le gouvernement local, la situation de l'effondrement et réaliser l'appui; ils sont à la recherche pour le soulagement de l'administration centrale. Mais il n'y a pas d'argent au gouvernement central. Il faut donc toujours plan a été organisée avec l'hypothèse que "aidez-moi, c'est le Japon si quelque chose" en Corée du Sud.


Il serait également impossible.As tant qu'elle est dans l'attitude anti-japonais comme est aujourd'hui le parc président Geun au moins, le gouvernement japonais ne coopère pas.


La composition, la Corée du Sud est aujourd'hui dans une situation qui ne tient pas sans le Japon. Je pense sans aucun doute comme un bien commun reconnu, mais professeur Hasegawa, pensez-vous que si le Japon et devrait correspondre à la Corée.


Il est bon pas besoin de faire quoi que ce soit. Parlant plus, si la Corée du Nord s'effondre, il a été transporté à l'Korea National Corée du Nord de 23 millions de personnes qui souffrent de la faim au-delà de la ligne trente-huit degrés, et nous savons qu'il n'y a pas la Corée du Sud ne reçoit de l'aide au Japon vous. Il n'y a pas de président parc Geun est venu à Tokyo à la fin, ne s'inclinent au premier ministre Abe à ce moment-là.

L'abréviation de thereinafter

L'histoire du connaissance directe Part2


Penso che senza dubbio come un comune riconosciuto questo,

2014年10月14日 15時16分04秒 | 日記

Di seguito è riportato dall'articolo conversazione di economista internazionale Keitarou Hasegawa e critico economica Tetsuya Watanabe che attraversa P103 da P92 del mensile VOICE (700 yen) che è pubblicato da PHP Institute.

L'abbreviazione preambolo


Penso che anche in Pyeongchang Giochi Olimpici che si terranno in Corea nel 2018, lo sviluppo delle reti di trasporto, tra cui problema urgente della ferrovia. Non c'è materiale prima. Il Gangwon Development Corporation del terzo settore ha operato la stazione sciistica Alpensia che è la sede principale, ma, in realtà, è diventato uno stato in bancarotta.


Non riesce a progetti di grandi dimensioni negli Stati Uniti, ha avuto un debito enorme. Stadio, inoltre, non è ancora disponibile, ma quello che sta per. Il governo sudcoreano ha a forzare per eseguire il sostegno finanziario alla fine.


Non c'è forza al governo locale, dal momento che la situazione di collasso e di effettuare sostegno; sono alla ricerca di sollievo al governo centrale. Ma non ci sono soldi di governo centrale. Quindi, sempre piano è stato organizzato con il presupposto che "help me è il Giappone se qualcosa" in Corea del Sud.


Sarebbe anche impossible.As fino a quando lei è in atteggiamento anti-giapponese come ora è il Parco Geun Presidente almeno, il governo giapponese non collabora.


Il compositivamente, Corea del Sud ora è una situazione che non tiene, senza il Giappone. Penso che senza dubbio come un comune riconosciuto questo, ma maestro Hasegawa, pensi che se il Giappone e deve corrispondere alla Corea.


E 'bene non c'è bisogno di fare nulla. Parlando più, se la Corea del Nord crolla, è stato ricoverato in Korea National Corea del Nord di 23 milioni di persone che soffrono la fame al di là della linea di trentotto gradi, e sappiamo che non c'è solo la Corea del Sud si fa aiutare in Giappone te. Non è un presidente Parco Geun venuto a Tokyo, alla fine, arco solo fino al primo ministro Abe in quel momento.

La sigla nel medesimo articolo

La storia di La conoscenza diretta Part2


Creo que, sin duda, como un común reconocido esto,

2014年10月14日 15時15分36秒 | 日記

El siguiente es del artículo de conversación de economista internacional Keitarou Hasegawa y crítica económica Watanabe Tetsuya que cruza p103 de p92 de la revista mensual VOZ (700 yenes) que se publica por PHP Institute.

La abreviatura preámbulo


Creo que incluso en los Juegos Olímpicos de Pyeongchang, que se celebrará en Corea en 2018, el desarrollo de redes de transporte, incluyendo acuciante problema de la vía férrea. No existe material primero. La Corporación de Desarrollo de Gangwon del tercer sector ha operado la estación de esquí de Alpensia, que es la sede principal, pero, de hecho, se ha convertido en un estado en bancarrota.


Falla en grandes proyectos en Estados Unidos, que ha tenido una enorme deuda. Stadium también aún no está disponible, pero lo que voy a hacer. El gobierno de Corea del Sur tiene a la fuerza para llevar a cabo el apoyo financiero al final.


No hay fuerza en el gobierno local, ya que la situación de colapso y llevar a cabo el apoyo; que están buscando alivio para el gobierno central. Pero no hay dinero para el gobierno central. Así que siempre plan ha sido organizado con la suposición de que "me ayude es Japón si algo" en Corea del Sur.


También sería impossible.As siempre y cuando ella está en la actitud anti-japonesa como ahora es, Park Geun Presidente, al menos, el gobierno japonés no coopera.


El compositivamente, Corea del Sur ahora es una situación que no se sostiene sin Japón. Creo que, sin duda, como un común reconocido esto, pero profesor Hasegawa, ¿Crees que si Japón y debería corresponder a Corea.


Es bueno no necesita hacer nada. Hablando más, si Corea del Norte se derrumba, se ha apresurado a Corea del Norte Corea del nacional de 23 millones de personas que padecen hambre más allá de la línea de treinta y ocho grados, y sabemos que no hay Corea del Sur sólo recibe ayuda de Japón usted. No es presidente, Park Geun llegó a Tokio en la final, sólo se postran al primer ministro Abe en ese momento.

La abreviatura thereinafter

La historia del conocimiento de primera mano Part2


Ich denke, kein Zweifel, als eine gemeinsame erkannte dies,

2014年10月14日 15時15分01秒 | 日記

Hier finden Sie Artikel aus dem Gespräch der internationalen Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Wirtschafts Keitarou Hasegawa Kritiker Watanabe Tetsuya, der P103 kreuzt von p92 der Monatszeitschrift VOICE (700 Yen), die von PHP-Institut veröffentlicht wird.

Die Präambel Abkürzung


Ich denke, auch in Pyeongchang Olympischen Spiele in Korea im Jahr 2018 stattfinden wird, die Entwicklung der Verkehrsnetze, einschließlich drängenden Problem der Eisenbahn. Es gibt kein Material zuerst. Die Gangwon Development Corporation des Dritten Sektors hat die Alpensia Skigebiet, das ist der wichtigste Ort betrieben, aber in der Tat, ist es zu einem bankrotten Staat.


Nicht große Projekte in den Vereinigten Staaten hat es eine riesige Schulden hatte. Stadion ist auch noch nicht verfügbar, aber was werde. Die südkoreanische Regierung hat zu zwingen, um die finanzielle Unterstützung am Ende durchzuführen.


Es gibt keine Kraft, um der lokalen Regierung, da die Situation zu kollabieren und Durchführung zu unterstützen; sie werden zur Linderung der Zentralregierung suchen. Aber es gibt kein Geld, um der Zentralregierung. Also immer Plan mit der Annahme, dass organisiert "Hilf mir, wenn etwas ist Japan" in Südkorea.


Es wäre auch impossible.As lang sein, wie sie in der japanischen Anti-Haltung ist wie jetzt ist Park Geun-Präsident zumindest, hat japanische Regierung nicht mit.


Die kompositorisch, Südkorea ist jetzt eine Situation, die nicht ohne Japan halten hat. Ich denke, kein Zweifel, als eine gemeinsame erkannt, aber Hasegawa Lehrer, wenn Sie denken, Japan und Korea entsprechen sollte.


Es ist gut, nichts zu tun. Apropos mehr, wenn Nordkorea zusammenbricht, es hat zu Korea National Nordkorea von 23 Millionen Menschen, die Hunger jenseits der achtunddreißig-Grad-Linie leiden gehetzt worden, und wir wissen, dass es nur keine Südkorea wird nach Japan helfen. Es ist kein Park Geun-Präsident kam nach Tokio am Ende, nur beugen Premierminister Abe zu dieser Zeit.

Die nachfolgend als Abkürzung

Die Geschichte der Wissen aus erster Hand Teil2


Eu acho que, sem dúvida, como um comum reconheceu isso,

2014年10月14日 15時14分31秒 | 日記

Segue-se do artigo de conversa do economista internacional Keitarou Hasegawa e crítico econômico Watanabe Tetsuya que atravessa P103 de p92 da revista mensal VOICE (¥ 700), que é publicado pelo Instituto PHP.

A abreviatura preâmbulo


Acho que até nos Jogos Olímpicos Pyeongchang, a ser realizada na Coréia em 2018, o desenvolvimento das redes de transporte, incluindo a questão premente da ferrovia. Não há primeiro material. O Gangwon Development Corporation do terceiro setor operou a estância de esqui Alpensia que é o local principal, mas, na verdade, tornou-se um estado falido.


Falha a grandes projetos nos Estados Unidos, teve uma enorme dívida. Estádio também ainda não está disponível, mas o que vai. O governo sul-coreano tem a força para realizar o apoio financeiro no final.


Não há força para o governo local, já que a situação de colapso e realizar suporte; eles estão à procura de alívio para o governo central. Mas não há dinheiro para o governo central. Então, sempre plano foi organizado com o pressuposto de que "me ajuda é o Japão se algo" na Coréia do Sul.


Também seria impossible.As enquanto ela está na atitude anti-japonês como agora é o Parque Geun Presidente, pelo menos, o governo japonês não cooperar.


A composicao, Coreia do Sul agora é uma situação que não se sustenta sem Japan. Eu acho que, sem dúvida, como um comum reconheceu isso, mas professor Hasegawa, você acha que se o Japão e deve corresponder a Coréia.


É bom não precisa fazer nada. Falando mais, se a Coreia do Norte entra em colapso, ele foi levado às pressas para Korea National Coreia do Norte de 23 milhões de pessoas que sofrem de fome além da linha de trinta e oito graus, e nós sabemos que não há a Coreia do Sul só recebe ajuda ao Japão você. Não é presidente Parque Geun veio para Tóquio, no final, apenas curvar-se ao primeiro-ministro Abe naquele momento.

A abreviatura seguir denominada

A História do conhecimento em primeira mão Part2



2014年10月14日 15時14分02秒 | 日記



















2014年10月14日 15時13分32秒 | 日記


















내가 공통으로

2014年10月14日 15時13分03秒 | 日記

다음은 PHP 연구소가 발행하는 월간지 VOICE (700엔)의 P92에서 P103을 통과 국제 경제 Keitarou 하세가와와 경제 평론가 와타나베 테츠야의 대화를 기사에서이다.

프리앰블 약어


심지어 2018 년 한국에서 개최되는 평창 올림픽, 철도의 눌러 문제를 포함한 교통 네트워크의 개발에 생각합니다. 첫째 어떤 재료가 없습니다.제 3 섹터의 강원도 개발 공사는 사실은 파산 상태가되었다, 메인 장소 인 알펜시아 스키 리조트를 운영하고 있지만,있다.


미국의 대형 프로젝트에 실패, 그것은 거대한 부채를했다. 경기장은 아직 제공되지 않습니다 만하고 갈거야.한국 정부는 결국 재정 지원을 수행하기 위해 강제한다.


상황이 붕괴 및 지원을 수행 할 수 있기 때문에 지방 정부에 더 힘이 없다; 그들은 중앙 정부에 구제를 찾고 있습니다. 그러나 중앙 정부에 돈이 없다. 그래서 항상 계획이 있다는 가정하에 조직 된 한국 "도와하는 경우 일본 뭔가"입니다.


그녀는 반일 태도에서와 같이 이제 박근혜 대통령이 적어도 일본 정부가 협조하지 않는 것처럼 또한 긴 impossible.As을 것입니다.


구조적으로, 한국은 지금 일본 않고 보유하지 않는 상황이다. 내가 공통으로 의심의 여지가이를 인식 생각하지만, 하세가와 선생님, 당신은 만약 일본 생각하고 한국에 일치해야합니다.


그것은 아무것도 할 필요가 좋다. 북한이 붕괴하면 더 말하기, 그것은 서른여덟도 선을 넘어 굶주림으로 고통 2천3백만명의 한국 북한을 향해 돌진, 우리는 한국이 일본 만이 당신에게 도움이되지 도착 있다는 것을 알고있다. 그것은 더 박근혜 대통령은 당시 아베 총리에 굴복, 결국 도쿄에 온되지 않습니다.

thereinafter의 약어

확실한 정보원 기술 파트 2의 이야기


Я думаю, что нет сомнений в

2014年10月14日 15時12分28秒 | 日記

Ниже от разговора статье международного экономиста Keitarou Хасегава и экономический критик Ватанабэ Тэцуя кто пересекает P103 от P92 ежемесячного журнала VOICE (700 иен), который публикуется на PHP института.

В преамбуле аббревиатура


Я думаю, что даже в Пхенчхан Олимпийских игр, которые пройдут в Корее в 2018 году, развитие транспортных сетей, в том числе насущной проблемы железной дороги в. Там нет материала в первую очередь.Гангвон Корпорация развития третьего сектора работает горнолыжный курорт Alpensia который является основным местом, но, на самом деле, она стала банкротом состояние.


Не в крупных проектах в США, он был огромный долг. Стадион также пока не имеется, но то, что собирается. Правительство Южной Кореи имеет заставить выполнить финансовую поддержку в конце.


Там нет сил, чтобы местного самоуправления, так как ситуация к краху и осуществлять поддержку; они ищут помощи к центральному правительству. Но нет денег, чтобы центральное правительство. Так всегда план был организован с предположением, что "помочь мне это Япония, если что" в Южной Корее.


Он также будет impossible.As пор, пока она находится в антияпонской отношения, как сейчас это парк Гын Президент, по крайней мере, японское правительство не будет сотрудничать.


Композиционно, Южная Корея сейчас такая ситуация, что не имеет места без Японии. Я думаю, что нет сомнений в качестве общего признал это, но учитель Hasegawa, вы думаете, если Япония и должны соответствовать Корее.


Это хорошо не нужно ничего делать. Говоря более, если Северная Корея рухнет, он был доставлен в Корейской национальной Северной Корее 23 миллионов людей, которые страдают от голода за пределами тридцати восьми градусов линии, и мы знаем, что нет Южная Корея только не получает помощь в Японию вас. Это не президент Парк Гын не приехал в Токио в конце концов, только кланяться премьер-министра Абэ в то время.

Далее только аббревиатура

История первых рук Part 2 знаний


Cred că, fără îndoială, ca un comun a recunoscut

2014年10月14日 15時11分55秒 | 日記

Ceea ce urmează este de la articolul conversație de economist internațional Keitarou Hasegawa și critic economic Watanabe Tetsuya care traversează P103 de la p92 a revistei lunare VOICE (700 de yeni), care este publicat de Institutul de PHP.

Abrevierea preambul


Cred că chiar în Pyeongchang Jocurile Olimpice care vor avea loc în Coreea în 2018, dezvoltarea rețelelor de transport, inclusiv presare problemă feroviare. Nu există nici un material mai întâi.Gangwon Development Corporation din al treilea sector a funcționat stațiunea de schi Alpensia care este locul principal, dar, de fapt, ea a devenit un stat falimentar.


Nu proiecte mari din Statele Unite, a avut o datorie uriașă. Stadionul este, de asemenea, nu sunt încă disponibile, dar ceea ce va. Guvernul sud-coreean are forța de a efectua sprijin financiar în cele din urmă.


Nu există nici o putere de a administrației publice locale, deoarece situația să se prăbușească și să efectueze sprijin; acestea sunt în căutarea de ajutor pentru guvernul central. Dar nu există nici bani pentru a guvernului central. Deci, întotdeauna plan a fost organizat cu presupunerea că "ajută-mă este Japonia dacă ceva" în Coreea de Sud.


De asemenea, ar fi impossible.As timp cât ea este în atitudine anti-japonez ca acum este Park Geun președinte, cel puțin, guvernul japonez nu cooperează.


Compozițional, Coreea de Sud acum este o situație care nu deține fără Japonia. Cred că, fără îndoială, ca un comun a recunoscut acest lucru, dar profesorul Hasegawa, crezi ca daca Japonia și ar trebui să corespundă Coreea.


Este bine, nu trebuie să faci nimic. Vorbind mai mult, în cazul în care Coreea de Nord se prăbușește, a fost dus de urgenta la Coreea National Coreea de Nord a 23 de milioane de oameni care suferă de foame dincolo de linia de treizeci și opt de grade, iar noi știm că nu există nici Coreea de Sud doar se ajuta la Japonia tine. Nu este nici un președinte Park Geun a venit la Tokyo, în cele din urmă, arcul doar până la prim-ministru Abe la acel moment.

Denumit în continuare Abrevierea

Povestea de cunoștințe part2 prima mana


Manau, be jokios abejonės, kaip bendrą pripažino

2014年10月14日 15時11分21秒 | 日記

Žemiau yra iš pokalbio straipsnyje tarptautinius ekonomisto Keitarou Hasegawa ir ekonomikos kritikas Watanabe Tetsuya kuris kerta P103 iš P92 mėnesio žurnalo VOICE (700 ¥), kuris yra paskelbtas PHP institutas.

Preambulėje santrumpa


Manau, net Pyeongchang olimpinėse žaidynėse, kurios bus surengtos Korėjos 2018, atsižvelgiant į transporto tinklus, įskaitant geležinkelių apsirūpinti, plėtrą. Nėra medžiagos pirmas.Gangvon plėtros korporacija trečiojo sektoriaus veikė Alpensia slidinėjimo kurortas, kuris yra pagrindinis vieta, bet, tiesą sakant, jis tapo bankrotas valstybė.


Fails dideliems projektams Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose, ji turėjo milžinišką skolą. Stadionas yra taip pat dar nėra, bet tai, ką rengiasi daryti.Pietų Korėjos vyriausybė turi priversti atlikti finansinę paramą pabaigoje.


Nėra stiprumas vietinės valdžios, nes situacija žlugti ir atlikti paramą; jie ieško reljefo centrinės valdžios. Bet nėra pinigų centrinei valdžiai. Taigi visada planas buvo organizuotas su prielaida, kad "man padėti yra Japonija, jei kažkas", Pietų Korėja.


Ji taip pat bus būti impossible.As kol ji yra anti-japonų požiūris, kaip dabar yra parkas Geun prezidentas bent jau Japonijos vyriausybė nebendradarbiauja.


Kompoziciškai, Pietų Korėja dabar yra situacija, kad neturi be Japonijos. Manau, be jokios abejonės, kaip įprasta tai pripažino, tačiau Hasegawa mokytojas, ar manote, jei Japonija ir turi atitikti Korėjoje.


Tai gerai, nereikia nieko daryti. Kalbėdamas daugiau, jei Šiaurės Korėja žlunga, ji buvo nuvežta į Korėjos Nacionalinės Šiaurės Korėja iš 23 milijonų žmonių, kurie kenčia nuo bado už trisdešimt aštuonių laipsnių linijos, ir mes žinome, kad nėra Pietų Korėja tik gauna padėti į Japoniją jums. Tai ne parkas Geun prezidentas atvyko į Tokiją, galų gale, tik nusilenkti premjero Abe tuo metu.

Toliau pateikiamus santrumpa

Iš pirmų rankų žinių part2 istorija


Es domāju, ka nav šaubu, kā kopīgs atzina,

2014年10月14日 15時10分46秒 | 日記

Turpmāk ir no sarunu rakstu starptautiskajā ekonomists Keitarou Hasegawa un ekonomiskās kritiķa Watanabe Tetsuya kuri šķērso P103 no P92 ikmēneša žurnāla VOICE (700 jena), ko publicējusi PHP institūts.

Preambulā saīsinājums


Es domāju, ka pat Phjončhana olimpiskajās spēlēs, kas notiks Korejā 2018, izstrādājot transporta tīkliem, tostarp dzelzceļa pārvadājumu ir sasāpējis jautājums. Nav materiāls pirmais.Gangwon Development Corporation trešā nozarē ir darbojās Alpensia slēpošanas kūrorts, kas ir galvenā norises vieta, bet, patiesībā, tā ir kļuvusi par bankrotējušu valsti.


Neizpratni lieliem projektiem ASV, tā ir bijusi milzīga parādu. Stadions ir arī vēl nav pieejama, bet to, ko gatavojas.Dienvidkorejas valdība ir, lai piespiestu veikt finansiālo atbalstu beigās.


Nav spēka pašvaldībai, jo situācija sabrukt un veikt atbalstu; viņi meklē palīdzības uz centrālajai valdībai. Bet nav naudas, lai centrālajai valdībai. Tāpēc vienmēr plāns ir organizēts ar pieņēmumu, ka "man palīdzēt ir Japāna, ja kaut kas" Dienvidkorejā.


Tas arī būtu impossible.As kamēr viņa ir anti-japāņu attieksme kā tagad ir parks geun prezidents vismaz, Japānas valdība nesadarbojas.


Kompozicionāli, Dienvidkoreja tagad ir situācija, kas neieņem bez Japānā. Es domāju, ka nav šaubu, jo bieži atzīts, bet Hasegawa skolotājs, jūs domājat, ja Japāna un jāatbilst Koreju.


Tas ir labi, nav nepieciešams neko darīt. Runājot vēl, ja Ziemeļkoreja sabrūk, tas ir steidzās Korejas Nacionālās Ziemeļkoreju par 23 miljoniem cilvēku, kuri cieš no bada, pārsniedzot trīsdesmit astoņu grādu līniju, un mēs zinām, ka nav Dienvidkorejas tikai izpaužas palīdzēt Japānu jums. Tas nav parks geun prezidents ieradās Tokijā, galu galā, tikai klanījās premjerministram Abe tajā laikā.

Še saīsinājums

The firsthand Zināšanu part2 Story
