◯ A Breakthrough to Quantum computer. 量子コンピューター実現への突破口となるか:NIIの新理論

2014-09-19 10:24:13 | ♪ One Short Talk

2014-09-19 10:05:15 WIRED.jp
2014.9.15 MON
Do you become a breakthrough to quantum computer realization, or why isn't realization of the new theoretical amount child computer of :National Institute of Informatics easily in prospect?
Tim Burns, a theoretical physicist, says, "It is because the still optimal theory is not found in the stage where still various methods are tried."
The "ease of breaking" which was a wall of realization until now may be conquered by the new theory which he drew with paper and a pen and which used different "macroscopic" quantum bits from the former.

the inter-university research institute where National Institute of Informatics (NII) occupies from the 12th floor of Scientific Synthesis Center Building in 2-1-2, Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo to the 22nd floor.
An information system research organization is constituted.
As of April, 2012, 22 persons, 214 specific fixed-term employment personnel, and 126 graduate students will be [ 107 persons, a specially-appointed professor etc. ] on the register for 127 personnel, visiting professors, etc.

image from Shutterstock
The quantum computer expected it being complicated and coming to be also able to perform in an instant calculation which requires time.
However, if it turns to the realization, and the still optimal method cannot be found, the theoretical physicist of National Institute of Informatics and Tim Burns will tell.
"For about ten years until a light brother will realize a power airplane in 1903, various people aimed at realization by various methods.
A quantum computer is in the same infancy as it now.
Although the researcher in the world is trying to build a quantum computer in various ways, Many researchers have tried the optimal method for still realizing it by utilizing superconductivity and an ion trap until now towards realization of" quantum computer which is in the situation which has not been found out.
However, it is said that what was realized until now is only a very easy thing called factorization (21= 3x7) of 21.
It is too far from the image of "ultra high-speed calculation."
"Isn't realization difficult unless it does quantum computing in the way of being different?"
Burns says that he started research from such the way of thinking.
More than one
In a quantum computer, massively parallel computing is performed using "the state of superposition" of a quantum bit.
One minute particle, such as an atom and a photon, was used until now, and the quantum bit was built.
However, when making a quantum bit using a minute grain, in such a way, the state where it piled up broke easily and the subject that calculation became an error occurred.
Burns who was groping for the way out devised the new method using the "macroscopic" quantum bit which consists of many particles.
It is said that the ease of breaking at the time of piling up is conquerable by this.
In Burns's theory, "the Bose = Einstein condensation (BEC)" which is a lump of many particles is used.
Since many particles of the respectively same state gathered and BEC has formed one lump, it seldom needs to break a superposition state.
For example, in BEC which consists of 10,000 particles, since the breaking degree is distributed by each particle, compared with the conventional method of concentrating on one particle, the quantity in which the state of superposition of the whole breaks drops to 1/10,000.
Burns has already finished the theory establishment of the quantum computer using this BEC.
Towards the realization, NTT Basic Research Laboratories and joint research are begun, and it is said that an actual proof experiment in a laboratory is scheduled to be advanced from now on.

Tim Burns
The theoretical physicist who belongs to TIM BYRNES National Institute of Informatics.
It had an Australian father and a Japanese mother and passed to the graduate school in Australia.
The specialities in a graduate school are material science and high-energy physics.
Taking advantage of the travel, a visit to Japan and after that, it belonged to the laboratory of Professor Yoshihisa Yamamoto who serves as a professor in Stanford University and National Institute of Informatics as a doctor's degree researcher (post doctor), and obtained the way of thinking of the quantum computer using BEC.

2014-09-19 10:05:15 WIRED.jp

2014.9.15 MON
量子コンピューターは、なぜなかなか実現の目処が立たないのか? 「未ださまざまな方法が試されている段階で、まだ最適な理論が見つけられていないからだ」と理論物理学者のティム・バーンズは語る。彼が紙とペンで導き出した、従来と異なる「巨視的」な量子ビットを使った新理論により、これまで実現の壁だった「壊れやすさ」が克服される可能性がある。

国立情報学研究所(こくりつじょうほうがくけんきゅうじょ、英: National Institute of Informatics、NII)は、東京都千代田区一ツ橋2-1-2の学術総合センタービルの12階から22階までを占める大学共同利用機関。情報・システム研究機構を構成する。2012年4月時点で、職員127名、客員教授等が107名、特任教授等が22名、特定有期雇用職員214名、大学院生126名が在籍。


image from Shutterstock

ティム・バーンズ | TIM BYRNES

