オサンポ take a walk - 燕ン巣 swallow nest

2015年07月27日 | 日記

The baby birds are sleeping
It's the night festival
Many people are having fun

大勢の人でごった返して賑わう(ウルサイ)中、そー言えば商店街の燕はどーしてる? とふと思い出して様子を見に行ったならば、雛が三羽ほどいて、親鳥と共に巣の中で大人しくしているのを見てあ生まれてたんだと思ったのと同時に、まあ何でしょう、はたから見ると、燕家族はニンゲンたちの騒音を冷静に受け止めているよーに見えて安心したのでしたが。しかし昨日と今日のコレ、何? お祭りです、と口で説明出来ないですからねぇ。でもよくよく考えてみれば、ヒトがいた方がカラスとかを追い払えるから、燕は案外何とも思っていなかったりして? うーむ、想像の域を出ないですねぇ。何はともあれ、雛タチが無事に育ちますよーに。
Last night and Saturday, we had the night festival. There were many people, it was so noisy. I just thought of the swallows and their nest so I went to see it, there were three baby birds and their parents, I was happy to know it. I was wondering, they seemed OK with the noisy which humans made but were they truly OK? I noticed that lots of people would prevent crows' attack. Oh,I see. I'm not sure that my ideas are correct or not. Anyway, I hope that the baby birds will grow up then become big enough to leave the nest.
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