断捨離 Danshari=getting rid of the clutter in my life - 漫画 Manga :めるへんめーかー

2015年08月12日 | 日記

It's a extremely hot day
Let's reading Manga ( comics )
Being at home

めるへんめーかーさんの漫画タチ。なつかすぅい。(1冊山口美由紀さんのが混ざってますが) その当時で既に古い時代のデザイン、「赤毛のアン」の頃のよーな、フリルが付いたエプロンドレスやワンピースを来たおんなの子タチがわんさか出てくる物語。髪は長くウェーブがかかっていて…手足はすんなり細くて長い。理想。憧れ。ため息。押し入れの中にずっとあったんですねぇ。「少女の憧れ」がずっと押し入れの中に…。モノが無くなってもその「憧れ」は残る。「断捨離」しました!
Those comics are written by Marchen-maker. Her most stories are like fairy tale. ( only one book is written by Miyuki Yamaguchi ). The girls of stories wear lovely dresses, such as a classical pinafore dress or a dress with lots of frills appear a lot in the books. Their hairs are long and have wave. They are thin and rangy. It's Ideal. They are like icons. (Sigh) They have been in the bookshelf. My icons have been in there for a long time. Even if the books have gone, my icons would have remained in my mind. I sold the books in the secondhand bookshop.
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