ホンヨミ Book-loving 「にっぽんスズメ歳時記」The sparrows in Japan with seasonal topics

2017年11月16日 | 日記

The sparrows in Japan
You, lovely sparrows
Be friends

この方のインスタグラムのフォローも始めました。ホホ…。スーさん。チュンする。スズメする。スズメが日々の生活の中に存在しているって、一つの楽しみになると思うんです。世の中が平和ってことでもあると思いますし! ずっとスズメしていたいです。

The book is about the sparrows in Japan (only in Japanese). One photographer, who obsesses by them. He also has his Instagram about the sparrows. If you are interested in, you could follow it. To like sparrows very much, I call it "Do sparrow". I believe that it would become one of our fun times. What's more, we can say that Japan is in peace, that's why, we enjoy being them. I hope this peace will be stayed forever!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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