オサンポ walk - サンポ文学 第十話 The story of walking No.10

2022年04月12日 | 日記












The story is about...

Sakura trees have pink and also white flowers. I know that there are two trees are next each other in the neighbouhood, so we can see them at the same time in one location.

Looking up is good for your mental keeping well. For that, I photograph sky and cloud. When I do that, I notice many birds around there. They are better creatures than humans. Because humans can just jump up for a second when we want to fly. The birds, they fly to anywhere, over the head of humans and at a higher place.

Doves, would not fly away than other birds. They seem to be good at walking on the ground. 

A few years ago, I witnessed a dove was passing on the zebra crossing on foot from here to there. It was just as it happened or the dove might have known the rules of the road.

The dove went straight to the opposite side.

*not sure about my English...


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