オサンポ walk - 霜月、秋の水面2 surface of water in November in autumn

2017年11月19日 | 日記

On the surface
It's floating
Laughing in that day

♫今はもう秋〜誰もいない海〜♫ ...海ではなく、池ですが。ヒト気のない公園で、池の中の空を眺めている。…絵になりそうな、と思いながら、初めはそんな辺りから思い出すことが細々とあり、それからあれへ、とちょっとした発想の飛躍があり、そしてあれやこれやと色々と小さなモノが合わさって混沌とし、やがてはただの雑念となっていく…。澄んだ水面を見ながら。

"It's already autumn... no one is there in the sea..." it's some lyrics from the famous song. Here is a pond not sea. There was few people, I saw at the surface of water of the pond. It's like a painting, I started to remember something from the past. There were some ideas in my head, they changed to the others and also triggered another things, then jumped into a different dimension. Then...they became chaos, and just turned into worldly thoughts... Looking at the surface.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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