


2007-02-09 13:39:52 | life in Australia

7:30 am: Picking up by AIMS Commute Car.

8:10 am: Got to AIMS. Switch on LapTop & checking mails.

8:30 am: Set a gel for electrophoresis to check the PCR.

8:35 am: Made Media for Cloning.

8:45 - 9:00 am: Had a look some website to search the way to solve some problem with DGGE.

9:00 - 9:30 am: Talked with David about DGGE.
- some ways I considered it might be better;
changing conc. of gel, voltage pressure, PCR primers, thermal cycle, etc...
- is it worth to try changing conc. of gel (from 50-70% to 45-65%)?
Last time of DGGE with 50-70% gel didn't work like just smear on the gel.
And, the result of that Lone and Matthias tried with 45-65% gel worked really well,
like they've got really clear bands like that they could cut them out from gel.

9:30 am: Ran PCR products on a gel to check them.

9:40 -11:30 am: Made the Plan how to go DGGE. Afterwards, made up 100 ml of 100% & 100 ml of 0% solution for DGGE. Started Extraction of Secondary Metablites from fungi in Chemistry Lab at the same time. Took membranes I prepared for Colony Hybridization yesterday out of incubator and started Cell Debris. Checked gel and took image of
PCR products.

11:30 am - 13:30 pm: Started setting gel for DGGE. Made both of 45-65% of gel and 45-70% of gel to compare if they works or not. Made some LB agar plates used sterilized Media that I made this morning. Precipitation of PCR products with EtOH (just added 3M sodium acetate and ice-cold 100 EtOH and put tubes in -20℃ Freezer overnight). Kept doing Extraction of Secondary Metabolites and Cell Debris.

13:30 - 14:00 pm: Lunch. Checked some mails.

14:00 - 15:30 pm: Started Cloning for checking if New (cheaper) cloning kit works (15 min for Ligation and 1.5 hours for Transformation including incubation time). During incubation, prepared LB plate (+km, Amp and X-gal) for inoculation onto them. Incubate membranes at 42℃ with shaking overnight. Extraction of Secondary Metabolites as well. PCR for V. mimicus and V. corallolyticus for making DGGE controls (this PCR hasn't been working so well that I have to try it again and again...)

15:30 - 16:00 pm: Inoculation onto LB (+Antibiotics) agar Plates. Put them in incubator at 37℃ overnight. Added EtOAc into 2 more new fungi cultures to extract products.

16: 00 - 16:30 pm: Found some problem from works (eg. no bands on the gel, there are no X-gal stocks in Freezer, should I purify PCR products for DGGE, etc..) Finish precipitation of PCR products with EtOH. Mailed to David about some result and further process.

16:40 am: Back to home.

Agenda for next day
- Keep going Extraction of Secondary Metabolites (evapolate EtOAc)
- Wash membranes and scan one of them
- Stain DGGE gel and take images
- Make colony libraries if cloning kit worked well
- Make liquid cultures of some of above clones to check if inserts are exactly in cells



がんばろ。Be patientだ。
