

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 応神天皇 14

『日本書紀』応神天皇 14


阿波旎辭摩 異椰敷多那羅弭 阿豆枳辭摩 異椰敷多那羅弭 豫呂辭枳辭摩之魔 儾伽多佐例阿羅智之 吉備那流伊慕塢 阿比瀰菟流慕能



In the twenty-second year of his reign, in the spring of March, the Emperor visited Naniwa and stayed at the Ōsumi Palace. On the 14th of the month, he ascended a high platform to gaze into the distance. At that time, his consort, Princess Ehime, a sister of Mitomowake from the Kibi clan, looked towards the west and sighed deeply.

The Emperor asked Princess Ehime, “Why do you sigh so profoundly?” She replied, “Recently, I have been longing for my parents. By looking westward, I felt overwhelmed with sadness. May I briefly return home to see them?” The Emperor, moved by her deep affection for her parents, said, “You have not seen your parents for many years. It is only natural that you would want to visit them.” He then permitted her to return to Kibi, and summoned eighty sailors from Awaji’s Mihara to escort her.

In the summer of April, Princess Ehime departed by ship from Ōtsu in Naniwa. The Emperor, from his high pavilion, watched her ship sail away and sang:

Awaji Island stands next to Shodoshima, both in pairs. On islands where I wish to stop, all are paired, yet I am left alone. Who has sent her far away, the beloved Ehime of Kibi, whom I cherished so dearly?

In the autumn of September, the Emperor went hunting on Awaji Island. The island, located to the west of Naniwa, features a landscape of mixed crags and shores, with ridges and valleys in succession, where fragrant grasses flourish and streams flow briskly. The island is abundant with large deer, ducks, and geese, which is why the Emperor often visited there to relax and hunt.



天皇が兄媛(えひめ)に「なぜそんなに深くため息をつくのか」と尋ねられると、彼女は「最近、私は両親が恋しくなりました。西を見ると、自然と悲しくなるのです。少しの間、帰省して両親に会わせていただけないでしょうか」と答えました。天皇は兄媛の親への深い愛情に感動し、「あなたが両親に会っていないのは何年にもなる。会いたいと思うのは当然のことです」と話し、彼女の帰省を許されました。そして、淡路(あわじ)の三原(みはら)の海人部(あまべ)の八十人の水手(かこ 船乗り)を呼び、兄媛(えひめ)を吉備(きび)へ送られました。




よいかおりのある草。また、春の草。《季・春》 〔コトバンク〕

*鳧(けり) 鴨

令和6年4月13日(土) 2024

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