

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 安康天皇 2

『日本書紀』安康天皇 2




On the first day of the twelfth month, Prince Anaho ascended to the throne and was declared Emperor. He honored the former empress by calling her the Grand Empress Dowager. Then, he moved the capital to Isonokami in Yamato, and this new palace was called the Anaho Palace.

Around this time, Prince Ōhatsuse (later Emperor Yūryaku) desired to marry the daughters of Mitsuhawake no Sumeramikoto(Emperor Hanzei). However, the princesses all refused, saying, "The prince is always violent and frightening. If he suddenly becomes angry, those who saw him in the morning are killed by evening, and those who saw him in the evening are killed by the next morning. We are neither beautiful nor clever. If our behavior or words displease him even slightly, how could we hope to be loved? Therefore, we cannot accept his proposal." With that, they hid themselves and did not comply.



この頃、大泊瀬皇子(おおはつせのみこ 後の雄略天皇)が瑞歯別天皇
(みつはわけのすめらみこと 反正(はんぜい)天皇)の娘たちと結婚したいと望みました。しかし、娘たちは皆「大泊瀬皇子(おおはつせのみこ)はいつも乱暴で恐ろしい方です。突然機嫌が悪くなると、朝に会った者が夕方には殺され、夕方に会った者が翌朝には殺されることがあります。私たちは美しくもなく、賢くもありません。もし私たちの振る舞いや言葉が毛の末ほどでも(少しでも)皇子の気に入らなければ、どうして可愛がっていただけるでしょうか。ですから、仰せごと(結婚の申し出)を受け入れることはできません」と言って、娘たちは身を隠して申し出を拒みました。

令和6年6月18日(火) 2024

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