Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (193)

2017-08-08 22:53:58 | 日記

Check the HP above! Japanese way of miserable charity beggers on behalf of faked flood.

They calculated so expensively, however, already no farmer's land. Some guys want to give our precious tax to the charity beggers, for the sake of their financial benefit.

Japan is so degraded, and these satans can't stop their wrongdoings.

And now Journalism is just OMANKO low level industrial prasing writers only. They can't know the system well, and just exaggarate the disasters, according to the instruction done by the governments and ranoun companies.

Shame is glory for them all. Thus, exhibitionism only world, now.

Who can buy such OMANKO papers? Just a shame! however, HARUMI and YUKARI, just to conceal their public secret as Alzheimer patients, they buy ASAHI SHIMBUN. The proof of Alzheimer, in short.

Who has common sense, would have stopped buying it. Why they buy? Just want to check the prices of satanic Supermarkets. By their own cost, of course! They pay US$50 per month! Just for their price checking! Stupid!

They tried to gain money from Miyuki, by way of Clare and Alex. Alex suffered a lot from their greedy desire. "You should be paied from your mother." And from Miyuki, "OK, however, you yourself manage your living cost, without any assistance of the Alzheimer patients."

Alex wanted to go in the middle, however, it was impossible. And found that old bitches were more eviler than Miyuki.

Devilish mother, they yelled. however, devils are clever than satans. Naturally.

Thus, he wants to cut the tie from the satans. However, he should live in the main house, in his chamber. No place inside any more.

Miyuki prefers to stay in the office, precariously. After satans' departure, Miyuki will move to more suitable place.

Precarious! Miyuki tries to push satans away from our society all in a body! And now, in the middle! they are nasty and persistent. They do wrong everyday, and we suffer lot. And they are still alive, yet! Ohhhhh....Gods! Help us!!!

YUKARI just responds Miyuki's sound. This morning, Miyuki opened the sliding door of the main house to take the bunch of the keys. Immediately YUKARI opened the door of her chamber with so rough nasty noise. And after returning the keys, soon, YUKARI closed the door of the chamber, in the same violent mode. She wants to threaten Miyuki, probably.

I can open and close the door, thus I am not Alzheimer patient, she wants to say, probably.
According to her primitive understanding, "To be open to others" would be "open the door of the chamber" probably. Thus, opening the door is "sociable" for her. Strange, however, this is Alzheimer patient's interpretation of the world.

Automatic Door? Why? I don't want to enter the dusty nasty dirty chamber of YUKARI at all! In her chamber, 24 hours, the light are lit! No day, no night. Just dark evening like vague world. Lindgrane's negative kids novel of Nils Carlson's world. Between Inferno and our world???

Nils was a diceased kid's spirit, thus, he could fly. Mumin is also. Spooly semi-gods world. Thus, Miyuki felt nasty with the books.

Nyoro-Nyoro, or some disease like existance, which increased with thunderbolt. just like satanic sex only once per month, under the full moon. Japanse Style monsters, they are. Thus, so short and ugly! Many of residents actual came from other areas. Their dialects are different from Shirakawan language.

They are dirty and ugly, and miserable. Probably they live in collective, and their clothings are provided by some guys, and cleaned up in lanudry. Thus, so many laungries beside Supermarkets. They themselves have no residencial place, no clothings, no money, no food at all, are just muck. Nakid Muck! Oh, thus, they need to search skin bugs as soon as possible.

They always target some guys' skin bags, and just a refusal is OK, in our understanding. however, they passed the limit, and betrayed the pledge, and now, even in No Man's Land, they continue their dirty work, every day, just to accumulate shames for themselves.

Shemeless, they are! Thus, no way for us all! So nasty smell of shower head after YUKARI's bathing. How long, she occupies the bath room! Every day and now! She is in good mood, during her bathing time! ONANISM, she is addicted now. Why because of her nasty pursue for sexual pleasure, our precious working time should be sacrificed?

For HARUMI, also. They are the team mates, thus, their information is common now. All of Shirakawa satans do the same. Terrible! Water is wasted so much!

They should vanish immdeiately!

Now, Miyuki prefers to take a bath and sleep well.

Miyuki are shifting from her non cooking days to micro oven using easy cooking days. A bit less costive, probably. She could buy three dinner main dish at the cost of US$450. Thus, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, she is free from the anxiety of the money problem caused by outside eating animal protain problem.

Not yet, however, soon, she would use red brilliant vegitable only steam cooker only for micro oven. She paid US$20 for it. Italian. She liked the red colour! It would use as dish also, with this colour! Thus she bought. Only steeming type. and she used in the Kyorin's staff room.

And, in the middle, on 11th of March, 2011, the big earth quake, happened.

She was accustomed to keep her vegitables a bit, in the fredge of the staff room, for her everyday's lunch. However, after the big quake, her life changed so much, and she forgot what she put in the fredge.

On May, the same year, Kyoko TAKATA and HANDA were odered to clean up the fredge. And when they were cleaning up the fredge, Miyuki entered into the room, and heard that they were talking, "Look this cattot! Rotten! This guy is so forgetfull. Probably Alzheimer patient!"

Thus, Miyuki said, to them, "Oh, sorry, this is mine. You can dispose it. Sorry, I didn't know teaching staff should be obliged to clean the fredge!"

And TAKATA said to Miyuki, "Oh, My mother is also Alzheimer. Thus, she forgot what she left in the fredge!"

Thus, Miyuki said for both, "I made a big mistake yes. Thus, I would never use this fredge never!" And Miyuki really didn't use the fredge any more!

Almost scarse or ampty fredge. Only few guys used it. And one of the few guys was Miyuki. Miyuki did know well that not so troublesome to clean up the fredge. Only one is enough to do it.

And already, the scarse foods were out of date type. However, Miyuki didn't touch them at all. They forgot, probably. However, not mine. anyway, good grief, have some space. Thus, Miyuki used.

Only one rotten carrot would be the reason to be accused as Alzheimer? And TAKATA said earlier this accident, "Oh Prof.Miyuki, you came from FUKUSHIMA prefecture, thus, you suffer lot from the disaster!" thus, she knew well Miyuki's situation.

Miyuki were obliged to her moving, and to adopt her new life with kids. The life style changed, and a carrot of the staff room was forgotten. Why the collegues are so unkind to us?, Miyuki got upset. And now, the reason is well understood by her. Satans, they were!!!

Just a complement. And soon, they forgot. Every time, the same explanation was required by them. Just in Judiciary. for the police, for the prosecutor, and for the judge, Miyuki was obliged to say the same explanation. And they? Just listened to her remarks, and they themselves didn't speak at all. Just wooden dolls. Dumbs, in short!!!

All stupid society, they chose. The result! Oh, Dream Come True!!!

Don't worry about anything at all! You are superior to others, as always! Think just something positive! Always you are in the correct side! Subjective interpretation only world, they were in!!!

Thus, selfish and exclude others so much!!! Always only prase world for them all!!!

Thus, criticism is disliked by all of satans. How difficult not to criticise these dirty ugly wrongdoings!!!!

See you tomorrow!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Satans are made of muck, with genes of obedient sheep, hogs and cows!!!

Good night, for our team mates all!!!

From Cyborg 009, with Big LOVE!!!!
