Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (192)

2017-08-08 19:36:46 | 日記
08/08/2017 (Tuesday, evening) It's warm penny rain day.

In the morning, during Miyuki was doing her lemmon orchard job, planting a seed of Big Cicilian Lemon, HARUMI yelled to Alex, "It would come storm. Do you have an umbrella with you, Alex?" and Alex replied, "No. I don't care."

They were going with HARUMI's yellow compact car only for two figures, bought at the cost of US$10 thousand almost 20 years ago. Alex came to the car, with his slow mode and the sould of ZAG, the machine soldiers of Gundam ANIME. He was reluctant to go with her.

To where? Miyuki thought, however, she refrained from ask to him, rather, Miyuki thought that it were YUKARI, not Alex, because Miyuki didn't watch him. To avoid to be percived its existance by HARUMI, Miyuki used her special technic, so called, "Cibilla faking".

This spechial skill was taken by the NINJA's puper technic. Without any movement and sound like a Cibilla in the big tree, and you would not be perceived by so dull guys.

Miyuki used this technic on the day 1 of December, 2015, in the staff room at Building G, on the second floor of Kyorin Versity.

Miyuki was looking for so called 就業規則 or Shuugyou-KUSOKU or reguration for working, so so pecular in the world. Only in Japan, her professor in Labour Law in her faculty student age, Kazuo SUGUENO declared. It should be written and put in public, to be known to any workers. All of companies in Japan with more than 10 workers should have it. And it is just the declaration from the side of employers, not employees. Thus, it effects only on behalf of the benefit for employees. On the contray, the regulation has no value at all. Thus, it effects. His explanation is like that, in resume.

Ramon, Marcelo's Rio de Janeiro version, chose it as his doctoral theme, and Miyuki explained like that. And his understanding is as follows.

Oh, Miyuki didn't know the reality. The companies use it for accuse the workers because of its betrayal, and the judiciary mainly admitted the opinion of the companies...

Oh, the contrary of SUGUENO's instruction, and the textbook of the pimps. Miyuki was betrayed again by them! Big Damage! Todai pimps always lied for Miyuki! Miyuki gained A at this subject. She understood by the formal interpretation they provided in public. Why we could presume the wrong back side of Japanese Law? Trapped!

Miyuki was seraching the regulartion, according to the advice of Dean of Law School of Aoyama Gakuin Versity, called YAMAZAKI, who graduated from TOUHOKU versity in Sendai.

Miyuki asked him to assist her suing Kyorin Versity, after her unconstitutional and illegal catch and custody done by Kyorin versity. And his advice is prove your mental sanity in another versity hospital, and find the regulation of Kyorin versity.

for her, both are not necessity. However, they would reenforce to gain in the law suit.

Thus, she took two proofs of mental sanity in the two versity hospitals, Public and Private. Public, YOKOHAMA ICHIRITU Versity, or 横浜市立大学 and Teikyo Versity, or 帝京大学.

 She paied so much energy and money to gain the diagnoses, however, she took the proofs, twice, in November, 2015 and in January, 2016. Quartet Proofs of her mental sanity. 4 times more than his advice.

And for her, regulation should have been put in public in Building G of the versity. However, there was no printing version, at any place in the campus.

Thus, she tried to search on the second floor, in the Staff Room. In the middle, Yuri KIMURA appeared. She was wispering something in her loud voice, and it was her habitual mode.

Miyuki got thrilled, because KIMURA was appearantly OPPABU BABAA of the faculty. She declared, "I would do every thing you order to me, of course!" at any moment she could do it. Aggressive obedience, she showed up to others anytime, in the campus.

Thus, Miyuki was in danger. And the door was only one. Exit was near KIMURA, and she started to use the copy machine, saying, "Strange! It doesn't work correctly!"

Miyuki, tried to conceal her lean body from her vision as much as possible, using the sofa. However, the location of sofa was not so suitable for it. Thus, Miyuki turned to be a cibula, and prayed not to be seen by KIMURA.

For common guy, it doesn't work. However, for Alzheimer patients, moving is some kind of an object of rough search. Thus, non moving Miyuki was not perceived by her!!! Miyuki could escape from another catch...

Finally she found that the regulation was just on the HP of the versity, among the other common instructions. And she read it roughly, and found that it was estipulated for clerks, not for scholars. Rather, more physical workers. Probably, some guy copied and pasted it from other companies' regulation.

And YAMAZKI's team mate and lawyer of Law Farm SUZUKAKE near Tokyo Versity called Muguio ISHII, required it for Miyuki also, and when she handed it to him, he was not interested in it already.

I was exposed to the danger, in vain, was Miyuki's impression.

Satans, they were, and too too senseless. Thus, for them, life is the same as death. Thus, for them, total vanishing is not important so much. Thus, they should refrain from our beautiful universe!!!

Always excuse and accusation. Whose name is female. Non social existance. They should not have been born. In case of ocasional appearance, it should vanish, immediately. The earlier, the better!

They should be killed earlier type, both, YUKARI and HARUMI. And they are resistent even now. Alzheimer, evidently. However, they both accuse Miyuki as Alzheimer now.

Alzheimer symptom. For them, the world is totally contrally. Accusation and accusation. Always, "Miyuki did it! Miyuki did it!" according to YUKARI's illusion. How nasty to listen to their accusation on Miyuki. Alex was accustomed to do so. And he is able to put up with the situation. And Miyuki? Vanish, DDMs! Immediately! Go to INFERNO!!!

The main character of Alzheimer patients is "not able to recognize the difference between rumour and fact." Illusion and rumour would kill MIYUKI. Witch chasing mode, in Shirakawa.

Bewitched, was the name of TV drama. Amusing and good comedy with wit and inovation in 1950s. In the early stage of TV drama, and Miyuki bought many series of the DVD. Good for English training, also, and amusing!

And Miyuki put them in her book shelves, yes. Mine! And found some lacks of the DVDs. In the process of moving, some nasty thing happened, Miyuki thought.

And now, YUKARI tried to sue Miyuki of being a witch. Oh, 美魔女???

 BIMAJO, in Japanese. Beautiful lady, in short.

MIYUKI laught at their kinky conducts just like as Alzheimer patients.
They thought that only Alzheimer could do it????

For them both, being plain is the golden rule. And Miyuki dislikes it of course. Thus, be distinctive! Be unique! Thus, Be Myself!!!!

Fauna and Flora live like that. The kids explained to the two Alzheimer patients. However, they can't recognize it. Not at all, they can. Thus Alzheimer. Not flexible at all. They live in their own world, and their golden rule is applied just for ugly bitches. For more facially benefitted satans, it doesn't work at all. Only for old ugly guys only!

And they both are laught at by any guy in the village. They are strange, enough. Any one recognize that HARUMI's car is driven only by her. And HARUMI dislikes the car. Thus, she doesn't use it. Better to avoid nasty disaster for Alex and Clare. Dangerous, Alzheimer driving is!!!

Alex agreed. Thus, he was not in good mood. Slow is OK, however, he didn't put up with the selfish rule of her driving. For others, prohibittion. However, for her OK. Thus, risky for Alex.

Alzheimer patients can drive, was OMANKO journalism's information. Terrible, and Miyuki informed immediately. However, in Shirakawa, so so old and non skilful old ladies drive their brilliantly coating faked new model cars. Miyuki monitored the fanomenum in Supermarkets' parking lots, and informed.

Not suitable at all for the old guys, these new models. If they were the real owners, they would choose in their hinclinations. An old rural lady in the really nasty rural worker clothing, came with her metalic blue new model car and parked in front of Miyuki, who were sitting on the bench of BENIMARU-MEGA-STAGE. With a guardrail, she could stop before Miyuki. However, her technich was so so infant like, thus, even Miyuki, who is famous for her chekin driving, really thought, "Oh, this is the real Alzheimer driving! She doen't know how to put her umbrella into the door. She tried to put it in the back seat. And she couldn't. Thus, she tried it to the front seat. And she tried to enter from the left of the body, not from the right. Left and right, she couldn't recognize!

She got out, without watching the back, from MEGA-Stage shoping mall. If some guy were walking in the parking lots, it would have been fatal for her and the walker...

Yes, this time, she escaped from killing others, however, in her career, it would happen. Terrible disastrous technic!!!

In These Supermarkets area, in Shirakawa, all should be obliged to walk across the parking lots. Thus, disasters would happen frequently. Especially, MICCHIKU families are accustomed to walk far from infants.

For Miyuki, 3 meters are already "too too distant" however, for them, even with more than 5 meters, all OK, now. Miyuki got chilled, and thought, "Oh, satanic family! They expect the kid to be hit by a car and to gain insurance from the disaster..."

Insurance oriented society, now in Japan. Miyuki didn't recognize up to 2015. Someone wispered to her before her trip abroad, "Do you really need to pay money for insurance?" And Miyuki thought, "Oh, not at all! Even in the worst case, the kids should survive by themselves with righouts supporters' advice. Thus, I don't pay any more from now on, even in the case of only for one trip type travel insurance."

Thus, Miyuki said good bye for any insurance system.

Medical insurance? Why? So rare to happen the necessity to use it. Miyuki refused. Life? Not at all! I want to use my money to enjoy my life. Not for the kids' indulged life. Travel? Only for several weeks, and less than US$800 per each. However, it doesn't work at all. Just a psychological relief. Thus, psychologically dangerous, of course, Miyuki refused.

Logical. Thus, the kids were saved again. They wanted to have triple accidents. Miyuki did know the system now. Companies can pay money for life insurance under the name of the behalf of the employees. Japanese judiciary decided that the question was all depanding on whom paid the insurance. If the company pays the money, the company has the chance to receive the result from the insurance company.

Thus, Kyorin versity in a body put the lives of the total staff in the insurance, and gained the money, day bay day. Some guy should be killed, is their rule. And Miyuki was accused of not accomplishing the obligation????

For them, all should be killed, without exception. For satans, probably. And Miyuki is not satan, thus, Miyuki should be alive. Still Alive, AAA, AAA, AAA, of course! BGs.

Pigs way of life. Charity begging! Miyuki paied US$200 for the obligatory donation for the new campus establishing. And they didn't. Only Miyuki????

Dean OOKAWA said, "6 figures paied, including me".

Only 6? In total, 34 figures. And the staff requred Miyuki so persistently to pay, and almost was threatend and forced to pay it as body pledge or 身代金. Even after three months after Miyuki's victimatisation of their robbery, they said, "Only 6 figures" and required to pay so so persistently!

Cruel disaster...Adachi't family received the card, "Precious reason, ADACHI lost his spirit. Thus, give us money." ????

The reason was not explained. What is the reason explained by Kyorin side???

For Kyorin's earlier explanation, he commited suicide, and suicide is private matter, thus, we, kyorin staff should not touch the matter at all. Thus, reason unknown...

"Precious reason" as YASUKINI's young soldiers...ADACHI, you participated in satanic team???
ADACHI yelled...Oh, I didn't know it. Miyuki was already thought that she belonged to the enemy and now, also CHINKORO was targetted! The next, would be Yacult!!! And then, Joe!!!

This evening, at Benimaru-Yokomachi, Miyuki found a nasty, at the same time, "can't put up with laughing" type product. It is a cheese, Italian type, called, "Caccio Caballo Chiccolo"

Chinkoro was pearced so many times, and almost fainted. And his Rabbit Tribe yelled...Oh, Chinkoro, U2!!!

"Piccolo, not Chikkolo! Just like Chinkoro, they put!!!" 6 tiny plastic packed small red raddish size ball were in a package. At the cost of US$4. Chinkoro is sold at Supermarkets!!! As 6 figures SQUAD!!!

Miyuki couldn't put up with this story...Orally, they put their advertisement on the package. Thus, probably, satans understood wrongly as usual that CHINKORO is small and in Italian, piccolo

Oh, no! Small, he is! Thus, they should not call the cheese, Caccio Caballo Chiccolo!

Boccacio in Cabalet with Chinkoro? Oh, dangerous relationship? Alain Drain!!!

Why satans are so illegible? For them, letters are just illustration at all. Thus, always, "Something like that" is enough.

today, Miyuki found some unusual, "Only Alzheimer patients could produce the result" type advertisements here and there as usual.

One Big Hit is, "We are in construction. Thank you for having colaborated in our work" Oh, for satans, present tense is past tense...Actual movement is already done before, thus, thanking for the past bahaviour. Umm...Philosophycal. Unamuno says Ummmmmmm only.

Satanic world has no hour, probably. Thus, they don't need any clock nor watch. Thus, we need to take care of the exact hour.

Thus, they were punctual, excessively, not to be perceived as satans!

Miyuki thought that they were indulged faked workers, thus, they wanted to work as part-timer like way of being paid. Only time is the standard as their wage calculation.

And now, not at all! Wage was not important for them!! Oh, they were thrifty and greedy, Miyuki thought. Not at all! They were rich????

For Miyuki, rich is "Gorgeous, Glamarous, Dynasty like, all superb things only" world. For them, not at all. Rich in jealousy???

For Miyuki's understanding, satans are muck, yes. However, rich is rich, Miyuki thought. And now, she is in doubt...Rich in figure, superficially, is OK. Thus, they can presume that they were rich.

Oh, just declaration works world, they lived. Thus, "I am happy now" in the sad mode from the mouth of Shozo OHTA.

OHTA said at the night of Bow-Wow of Miyuki, on the day 3 of May, 2015, to Miyuki, also, "I like eating meat. And I eat meat everyday. My preference is rare. I am accustomed to eat rare meat every night."

Miyuki responded, "Oh, rare! You are rich, thus you can eat qood qualified beef. To eat in rare condition, we need to buy qualified beef. however, I am not rich, thus, even though I am a beef eater yes, I eat beef in middiam condition."

and in HACHIOJI, in early 2015, a franchise restaurant, witch is called "いきなりステーキ" or IKINARI-SUTEEKI or Abruply Stake! in Japanese, came, and Miyuki visited there several times.

Clare liked the beef of the quality, and Miyuki, also, and the way of roasting. "Only old guy with skill, we want" was the advertisement of the shop. Strange, at first, Miyuki thought. however, after eating, Miyuki understood. Their roasting skill is just a cook in a renoun hotel type. high qualified ability, they have.

Outside, the beef should be brown, broiled well, and inside, should be hot enough, however, the pretty red and pink colours should remain. Just like the photograph of the western cooking. Thus, Miyuki liked so much the steak.

Expensive, yes. however, considering the other cheapish food, it worked, and the satisfaction was big.

American Angus beef was used. And as Miyuki already described, Clare chose tenderloin, while Miyuki, surloin. tenderloin is less fat, while surloin, for Miyuki, deliciously gleasy. And surloin is cheaper than tenderloin.

For Clare's sake, she is big meat eater, yes. however, not as like Miyuki. Miyuki eats meat everyday, or she suffers anemia, easily. For her, not at all. White type effects. They can poduce some energy insted of meat, from vegitables. Oh, thus, 814 was so white, and energetic, and vegitable eater!

814 was her immate, in reality. In the same detention, 814 seemed like a young girl. Bianca, or 816, asked Miyuki, "How old is she, do you think?" thus, Miyuki replied, "Probably 23 years old." And the rightous answer was, 35 years old.

She is Chinese, and white skin holders. She lives in near ocean, however, in her hometown, exist two types. Black and white. She is white type, while her ex-husband is black type. And her son is white type, while her daughter is black. Thus, the kids want to change the skin colours. They really sigh...both side...とりかえばや物語 like Alex and Clare's desire.

Not for Alex and Clare's disire, but rather for conventional inclination. Both are satisfied with their own sex. However, Alex prefers berry, and cute type clothings, while Clare prefers chocolate like Chinkoro, and sportive type ones. They themselves satisfy with their choice and inclination. However, from the view point of other conventional guys, both are not common. They should exchange all in a body...

Terrible society, even now, we are obliged to live, on behalf of satans' existance.

Nasty to be yelled that "YUKARI said that you should change the colour of your clothings"???

For Alex, pink is his favorite colour, and he wants to wear as he likes. Alex you show up your bravery! Continue to wear pink colthings!!!

For Miyuki, pink is not so welcome colour. It all depends type. Sometimes, Miyuki wears baby pink or shocking pink, yes. However, generally speaking, Miyuki prefers blue!

Miyuki liked to sing Gypsy King's "Volare!", because it is the song of "Carpe Dium!" or "Let's have a BBQ party!". Thus, Miyuki liked the commercial of Kirin Seagram. However, now, Kirin is rotten company. Their products are not reliable, nor delicious. Thus, disliked company no.1.

Miyuki was betrayed so much by so many company. And GLICO, U2!!!

The flavour is good. The contents are probably OK, however, they said, the responsible producing company is "茨城グリコ株式会社" or IBARAGUI GLICO S.A. in Japanese.

A big error, because it put Glico's logo in front of the package of Icecream, which Miyuki ate today. The taste is not bad, rather no lie on the contents type. However, the producer should be Gloco's Factory of IBARAGUI. They should not put the different name. Why they made such a big mistake? It is a forgery already. Exist OOSAKA Glico S.A. and IBARAGUI Glico S.A., in reality?

The problem of responsibility. OOSAKA site of Glico also would be sued by consumers, because it allowed to use their logo mark GLICO. And if they also allowed to establish independent company called IBARAGUI GLICO, it would be another forgery. To escape from the possible accusation?, Miyuki presumed.

The brand company should not bahave like that. Lawyers didn't check their naming? Why did it happened? Big company, Glico is. Only one reliable lawyer was enough for such an easy check. Why they didn't do it?

And Miyuki remembered of the change of commercial law field. Post claim system, they adopted, Miyuki was explained by the experts.

Earleir, company related Administrative law checked before the disaster, while, from the system change done by legislative reform, after the accusation done by a citizen through judiciary, the company should be punished and pay the indemnization. After care system, now, they explained.

However, considering the fact, they just wanted not to do any more. The society had sunk already. and accusation by a citizen should not happen, according to their understanding. In case of accusation, just kill the guy, who accused, was their rule. Pyong Yang Style!!!

KATSUMI's face was similar to 福建 or Macao related 広東 area's fishermen's one. More thinner skin, and short face. A bit lighter brown hair. Always the same hair style. 坊ちゃん刈り or Good boy hair cut. Rural boys were almost with this style, or just clew cut, like Takafumi. Only difference was frontlock. Remain or not. It is a problem, for the rural boys...No other hair design for the boys at that moment. Berbar TANAKA???

Kyo cried with the reality of the rural situation. Much better than ural area, she presumed. Miyuki also. However, just Inferno, in Phyong Yang Style!!!

Only one hair style, however, they should pay for the old bitch, was the theme of the film. Thus, Miyuki chose to cut in the house. And the kids, when they were in kindergarden, they accepted it. Howver, after several years of primary school entering, they refused to be cut by Miyuki.

Independent process, Miyuki understood, and gave up to cut, even though, Miyuki was a good hair dresser...

Miyuki didn't require any money for them both. Now, the same skill, and the satanic hair dresser require more that US$10! Pyong Yang Style, they can do. Except it, nothing.

For them, boys should be boys, while girls, only one style. Bob cut.

Miyuki laught at their old hair design as "Showanian" like Titanian's melody.
The song is good, however, they dislike to be sung like that. Nasty.

Always, for them, Miyuki's way is nasty. Without exception. Spontaneously, they dislike her. Thus, mad dog threatens Miyuki!

For her, "why old nasty old guys started to unite surrounding Miyuki? Oh, pederasty inducing time? Thus, after 18:00, so so noisy family entered into Public Libraly, and then, at 18:15, all of the monitors arround her vanished, and then, only old males approached to her table on the 2nd floor of the public library.

For Miyuki's understanding is so so understandable, and exists the possibility. however, why Miyuki couldn't feel some nasty feeling? Nasty as always, yes. However, they all soft chekin type. Thus, Miyuki, slowly put her sockes and shoes on, and left the table.

Miyuki's socks are always with a lot of sand. Thus, sometimes, she needs to take off all of it. Thus, in the libraly, Miyuki took of the socks, and shoes, and reversed the socks, put them on the back of the chair, and dried up a bit. And she was obliged to clean up her precious feet, wiping the sand from them, both, with her precious fingers. And checked well of inside of the shoes, and left them as they were, for a while.

Miyuki didn't know the reason well, however, her behaviour was disliked by all of them, by imstinct...Strange mood change happened. They started to shift, from their sheep obedient mode to mad dog attacking mode.

Pyrania like movement, they sometimes do. Mrs.Responsibles did it clearly.

Impulse oriented society, Japan is. Just like Domestic Animals, Miyuki really thinks so.

No value at all. Domestic animals with BSE, which causes Alzheimer symptom. Now in the degradest stage at all! Attackers they turned to be now. Vanish! DDMs! You are so nasty and ugly! Satans, go to Inferno. Only place you should stay!!!

Unkind, and like to threaten us all, is Clare's impression on satans. They should be disposed, of course! Stand up boys! We should kill them all! All in a body! Without exception!!!

Everyday, satans change the tag of price, however the products are the same. regarding to Fruits, too too old, they are. Sometimes, the core of the seeds of peach is rotten with moss.

Eatable yes, however, preservation was put so many, probably.

And Miyuki got surprised that in this rural town, already, residents forgot how to pray in the period of BON or midsummer days of diceased.

In Supermarkets, they put an instruction of this matter. And they provide strange foreign related materials as BON ritual.

Dried fruits for the diceased? 5 stories dried up Japanese sweets, with brilliant colours? Pagoda like! And Dried fruits are so colourful also!

And way of putting normal fruits on the shelves is so similar to put them on the alter of Buddist type for diceased families.

Up to several dacate ago, the ritual of each local area was naturally all residents should know type knowlege, without saying. Nowadays, the old Shirakawa way was forgotten totally, and the residents do this strange foreign like ritual, according to someone's instruction.

Better, nothing to participate in the ritual at all. Just superficiality at all. Shame!

Today, OOTAKE and YOSHIDA were celebrated their death, by their believer satans. OOTAKE was more powerful, while YOSHIDA, less.

OOTAKE's case, Shirakawa Major sent a big decoration flower reace called HANAWA or 花輪 in Japanese. He should pay the money. In case of using tax, he should be killed, immediately! Wrongdoer likes to conceal the name. Thus, only the position, not with the name. Or, he probably forgot his name...and also his inferiors.

And Miyuki found an ex-major 木ノ戸徳重 or Tokujuu KINOTO, so near the Catholic Kindergarden, in 道場町 or Doujou Machi.

He was a mojor of late 1960s to early 1970s. And Miyuki remembered that her mate called 木野京子 or Kyouko KINO, who lived near here.

She was Miyuki's mate when they were 3rd and 4th graders in Primary school. She was moved from another place, when she was in 3rd grade, and left in the end of 4th grade.

For Miyuki, she came from Primary School I area, why? like existance. for a while, was the reply. And 木ノ戸 and 木野 were both rare in Shirakawa, and so similar in pronouceation. In the same block? Miyuki didn't know the system at all.

KINO was similar to rabbit or squirl, with monky like impression. Long pony tail, she did with a lace ribbon. Not so promissive in study, in the middle type. And talkative. Miyuki liked to talk with her, and TOBESACHI and SHIGUEKO were more near her.

KINO left the school, for where? Miyuki imaged to Tokyo. However, so strange.

KINO was KINOTO's adopted kid? And she was killed for insurance, without knowing? For her, moving was moving, while for KINOTO, just killing. Adopted kids' system's victim, she is???

An old type house, with big gate, and in front, vast courtyard. He would have been dead already, and why now, his house appeared so abruptly?

In KINO's new year's card, the address was put. DOUJOU-KOUJI. So unnusual name. Impression was some ハリスの風 or HARISU-NO-KAZE, or Wind of Haris, by Tetsuya CHIBA. Something related with KENDOU or Japanese fensing, was Miyuki's so primitive impression, and asked her like above.
