

成長 Grown Up

2006-05-28 14:14:58 | Weblog
Ayame has gained weight. She is almost 5kg and she would be about twice the weight by her 2month birth day. I can feel her weight on my back as I hold her.
She doesn't cry much at night. She does cry when she is hungry, but when she is full she goes back to sleep. When she is awake in the day time, she makes sounds if it is like a baby dinosar. I am already looking forward to see her speak.


2006-05-28 14:00:55 | Weblog
For the first time for Ayame, we have visited the toy store. As a father, I wanted to buy lego to play together, but I have decided that it was too early. Instead we bought a toy that hang down from the ceiling. I had two choice of the toy, where one is battery powered high tech plastic toy and the other is made out of wood. We have decided wood toy as we did not see need for such high tech toy. Ayame seems to like it very much, or at least we beleive so, and looks up the toy all the time.

御礼参り Visit to temple

2006-05-14 13:53:54 | Weblog

Last week, we have visited temple to thank Ayame's birth. It took an hour one way trip by car, but she was sleep the whole trip. The picture is what she wore at that time. She did not have much chance to show off, so here it is.


2006-05-09 20:38:42 | Weblog
Sorry for not uploading any picture for a while. Ayame is well and checked out at one month old health check. She has some eczema, but she will be OK. Her face has changed in this one month. It is clear that her eyes are from dad and her mouth is from mom. She got best of the both. She is hardly up during the day, yet when she is awake she makes a lot of cute faces.