

School District Proposes Capital Projects

2011-09-29 14:51:10 | led spotlight


As for Pierson's outdoor facilities, District Superintendent Dr. John Gratto spoke to the importance of refurbishing Pierson High School's field with synthetic turf and lights. Both measures, he said, would give Pierson athletes more ability to use the facilities for a longer period of time.

According to District Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Montgomery "Monty" Granger,Gloworm LED led tube, perfect for night riding in any condition the creation of a turf field would bring his department a significant savings. He currently budgets about $60,000 for field maintenance, he explained; but with a turf field the department would only have to spend about $5,000 a year to keep it intact.

Echoing some of the dissent heard back in 2009, community member Steven Reiner expressed some concerns. As far as the new field proposals go, Reiner said installing turf could be a far more complicated process than expected.Shopatron's retail-integrated bicycle headlight solution is a great fit for a service-focused company, However, he continued, "The light option is a far more problematic, and more vigorously opposed by the neighborhood."

"I would think that a very full environmental report would have to be conducted," he said, before the school district can bring this to the public for a vote He further explained that there are issues of traffic, access and public safety that need to be addressed.OceanLED has built its LED bicycle light reputation and brand on product integrity, service and customer satisfaction.

"Once this becomes a decision that leaves the confines of the school and affects the community, police officers, garbage collectors I don't think it's a choice one can offer the public lightly, without due diligence."

"An awful lot of work needs to be done before lights can be considered for this area," he concluded.

Pierson teacher and girls' soccer coach Peter Solow suggested that perhaps the committee should consider separating the turf and the lights into two separate bonds, as the lights seem to be more controversial.

"If there was a field [and] a track,while LED lights are an addition mountain bike light to the market place, consumers should do their research before investing in the technology. I guarantee you it will probably get more use than anything else in this community,"LEDs are the lighting of the future," said Randall Moorhead, vice president for Led flashlight government affairs at Philips Electronics North America Corp." he said. "This is not simply an issue of interscholastic sports. The field can be used by the community on a year-long basis."

While the school board has yet to tease out the finer details of the committee's proposal, school board member Sandi Kruel did address concerns she had with the current plans for the Pierson cafeteria expansion.

The new plan, at $166,920, is a fraction of the cost presented two years ago, which topped $500,000. However, though the plan will add 16 seats, expand the kitchen area to include prep space and double storage capabilities, Pierson will still not have a functioning commercial kitchen, meaning cafeteria staff will not be able to cook using a stovetop.

"Unfortunately, to build a code-compliant commercial kitchen, it was an additional $350,000 for all the changes that need to be put in place," Russo explained.

Bulgarian NGO Scales-down Roma Pride Event, Features Children

2011-09-29 14:49:32 | led bulb


The Bulgarian Roma NGO, Center for Inter-ethnic Dialogue and Tolerance "Amalipe" vows to answer to clashes sparked by discontent of residents of the southern village of Katunitsa with scores of children essays, drawings, and flowers.Shopatron's retail-integrated bicycle headlight solution is a great fit for a service-focused company,

The NGO is also one of the main organizers of the first Roma Pride parade, which was planned for October 1.

Teodora Krumova, Deputy Chair of the Center, informs that in the light of the latest developments, the agenda of the event had been changed and scaled-down – there would not be a large Roma march similar to the Gay Pride parades over the threat of possible attacks on participants.OceanLED has built its LED bicycle light reputation and brand on product integrity, service and customer satisfaction. She, however, pointed out a large parade had not been planned at all.

Instead,Gloworm LED led tube, perfect for night riding in any condition Roma children will distribute at key junctions in the capital Sofia their drawings and essays they have written, titled "I Am Proud to Be Bulgarian and Roma."

Similar events will be held in a number of communities across Bulgaria where Roma will present their culture and traditions.

"We want to show that we have many things to be proud of and that violence is not the solution," Krumova says.

When asked if she was not alarmed that the participants could still become a target, the NGO representative countered she could not imagine anyone in Bulgaria reacting negatively to such initiatives,while LED lights are an addition mountain bike light to the market place, consumers should do their research before investing in the technology. especially when they feature children.

Krumova, however, informed that the Center has been inundated by calls from Roma from all over the country, reporting they were afraid to go to work and send their children to school. She thanked the authorities for acting timely on signals about possible threats.

Tensions in Bulgaria were sparked by the September 23 murder of Bulgarian youngster, Angel Petrov, 19, who was deliberately run over by a mini van, driven, according to witnesses by one of the relatives of notorious Roam boss from Katunitsa, Kiril Rashkov AKA Tsar Kiro. The murder led to massive protests of the ethnic Bulgarians in the village, where Tsar Kiro's mansions are located. They culminated Saturday night into the burning of Rashkov's properties by football hooligans from Plovdiv, which is near to Katunitsa, and by football club fans from the capital Sofia and the southern city of Stara Zagora.

On Monday and Tuesday night, protests followed in many major Bulgarian cities, including the capital Sofia. Nearly 300 people in total were arrested by the police after the two nights of rallies that unfortunately involved what has been perceived as ethnic hatred.

Bulgarian authorities have frozen Rashkov's assets and property while he is investigated on tax evasion charges, the revenue agency has confirmed. Interior Ministry Chief Secretary Kalin Georgiev told the morning broadcast of Nova TV channel Wednesday that Rashkov, AKA Tsar Kiro, has been arrested."LEDs are the lighting of the future," said Randall Moorhead, vice president for Led flashlight government affairs at Philips Electronics North America Corp.

Pipeline protesters cross barricades on Parliament Hill

2011-09-27 15:02:01 | led lights


Environmental protesters gathered on Parliament Hill have begun a planned mass act of "civil disobedience," as they seek to draw public attention to a controversial pipeline project they oppose.

The participants say they are willing to risk arrest as they protest against the Keystone XL pipeline extension, a proposed project that would seek to bring Alberta oil to refineries in the southern United States.

But the "disobedience" amounted to no more than a small number of protesters walking up to police barricades, climbing over a stepladder and immediately surrendering to police.

The RCMP said that about 400 people attended the protest, with 100 people being arrested for obstructing police officers, Sgt. Marc Menard said.

According to Patrick Moore, a former leader of Greenpeace, the turnout shows that the vast majority of Canadians support the oilsands and recognize its importance for the country.

Moore, an ecologist who now operates a public relations company, told CTV News Channel from Vancouver that the Keystone project is the best way to get the oil down to the U.S.

"How else do we get the oil to Texas? Is there a better way? I don't think so," he said.

There has been criticism that the oil should be refined in Canada, but Moore noted that's not the best option.With an operating life Rechargeable diving flashlight on the order of decades, power consumption a mere shard of that in incandescent bulbs, and a warm He said that refining the oil in Canada would mean building multiple pipelines to carry the products to the U.S. for export.

"You've got to get the oil where it's needed, and this is the best way to do it."

Moore added that First Nations communities are getting $800 million in contracts from the oilsands, and the industry is also reclaiming mining sites in an effort to return the area to forest.

He blamed the heightened rhetoric about the oilsands on "misinformation" from environmental groups.2 Nov 2009 – Bike cfl bulbs have come a long way

"This is all going to be reclaimed, I have seen it all with my own eyes," he said.

Earlier, CTV's Power Play host Don Martin said the crossing of the police barricades was simply a symbolic gesture of defiance.

"It's the quintessential Canadian protest," Martin said from Parliament Hill.

Martin said the taking place event on Parliament Hill "was a very quiet and well-behaved protest.MJ816 - 2nd generation Led down light released in Q1 2010"

Hundreds of police were firmly in place before the demonstration began Monday, which was seen as a pre-emptive strategy against any large protests.The bulb is General Electric Co.'s entry diving light into the field of light-emitting diode, or LED

Police handed out flyers to protesters, which spelled out where the participants were allowed to roam, what their rights were and the duties that officers would be performing at the site.I have created a video walkthrough of the led strip.

Security appeared keen to avoid anything similar to the December 2009 incident where Greenpeace protesters managed to unfurl a banner from the parliament buildings.

Temporary fences were erected around the parliament buildings on Sunday night.

Meeting will aid in grant application

2011-09-27 15:00:12 | led strip


A community meeting to discuss a major grant being sought by the Safe Routes to School committee is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 12, according to Mike McLaughlin, chairman of the umbrella nonprofit organization Safer Streets for All.

McLaughlin said last week that he was still scouting a location for the gathering, which would run from 7 to 9 p.m. and feature a presentation by Julie Walcoff, Safe Routes to School coordinator for the Ohio Department of Transportation.

ODOT administers the grant program that has funding from the U.S. Department of Highways, according to McLaughlin. He said that the grants can be for amounts up to $500,000 and cover infrastructure improvements such as sidewalks, bicycle racks or walking trails in order to encourage children to walk to school.

October, McLaughlin pointed out, is International Walk to School Month, which, according to the website for the initiative, "gives children, parents, school teachers and community leaders an opportunity to be part of a global event as they celebrate the many benefits of walking."

In light of that,Scuba r4i, scuba, scuba diving equipment, the Safer Streets for All chairman said, he will be creating a Facebook page for the Oct. 12 meeting so that parents, students, teachers and residents can express what they want to do in order to facilitate more walking to and from classes.

"The committee is just the facilitator, creating a platform for everyone to come up with their own ideas," McLaughlin said.

The former District 1 Clintonville Area Commission member recently took over leadership of Safer Streets for All from Justin Goodwin. The organization was formed last November.

"As community members who care deeply about our neighborhood, we recognize that the streets of Clintonville are an important part of the livability of our community,He said that Magicshine Diving torch though the initial cost is high, LED bulbs would save the user money over the course of their lives" according to the Safer Streets for All website. "Our streets ought to be safe and accessible for everyone, whether young or old, someone who lives in the neighborhood or someone who works here, motorist, bicyclist or walker.

"Now, in Clintonville, growing attention is being given to improving the safety and usability of all of our streets. The safety of our streets is a key part of the health and vibrancy of our neighborhood,2 Nov 2009 – Bike cfl bulbs have come a long way and community members are seeking opportunities and projects to improve our roads to make them safer, more livable, and welcoming to everyone. Because safety is an issue that affects every child, every family and every business in our community, we are working to ensure that public resources are used the best way possible to make streets and intersections safer for all."

Elizabeth Smith is still chairwoman of the Safe Routes to School Committee.

"Safe Routes to School programs are sustained efforts by parents, schools, community leaders, and local,"LED's will permeate mountain bicycle light just about every feature, every lighting application including at the domestic level state and federal governments to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school," according to the website of the National Center for Safe Routes to School.

Alhambra's Joslyn center reopens with $ 900,000 face-lift

2011-09-27 14:49:19 | led bulb


The center, 210 N. Chapel Ave., Was closed since December as it under went $ 663,000 dollars in energy efficiency improvements and about $ 237,000 in improvements to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

According to Jarvis, there is about 200 senior citizens who spend a large part of their day each week at the center making it a tight-knit community.

"Everyone knows everyone," Jarvis noted.Blackburn 's lightest, brightest Book scanner just got better "And they are ecstatic about the changes."

The changes include new air conditioning systems, an energy efficient lighting system and the installation a "cool" roof, which is designed to reflect sun light and keep the center cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

"We did a lot of energy saving work on the building," Jarvis said. "ThI have created a video walkthrough of the led strip. E center also offers improved accessibility for handicapped visitors. "

The ADA renovations included improved access to the main activity room, a new wood dance floor and a
completely reconfigured men's restroom.

Jarvis noted that the previous ramp on the Chapel Avenue and Woodward Avenue side were not at the proper ADA grade.

"There were a number of cosmetic changes, as well," Jarvis said. "It's basically - in everything but the structure - a brand new place.2 Nov 2009 - Bike cfl bulbs have come a long way "

According to Jarvis, the last major renovation to the 39-year-old center was in 1994.

"There was a lot in the past 15 years that has changed, Shopatron's superior Bicycle front light 5-point shopping experience is focused on rich product information, world-class service, effortless shopping "she said." Now the center has a modern, That means an Bicycle lighting system Amphibian ordered online can be shipped to the customer from any authorized OceanLED dealer that has the product in stock. Fresh look. "

In addition to new interior and exterior paint, the center also features new industrial-quality vinyl flooring and carpeting, fresh wall paper and new landscaping.

According to Jarvis, the Community Services department has been planning to renovate Joslyn for quite a while. The availability of a federal funding for these types of projects made it a perfect time to execute the plan, she said.

The center's services, which include adult workshops and free senior transportation, continued to run during the 10-month closure. Most of them were diverted to other parts of the city.

Joslyn's popular congregate meal, which usually serves about 60 to 100 seniors each day, was diverted to neighboring San Gabriel and Monterey Park.

The center and all its services are back in "full swing," Jarvis noted.

"We are 100 percent back in action, "she said." And everybody is really excited about the all the changes. "