

Western Springs will add flashing lights, sign at Ogden crossing

2011-10-27 15:13:15 | led lights

The Western Springs board of trustees approved the installation of flashing lights and new signage to be added to a pedestrian walkway across Ogden Avenue this week in order to provide a safer crossing for residents, Village Manager Pat Higgins said.

“I bike a lot, and I know getting across Ogden at that spot is hard,” Higgins said. “You’re on your own pretty much. It’s like you can’t worry about your wife behind you because you’re trying to make it yourself.”

Although Deputy Police Chief Brian Budds said there have been no pedestrian accidents at the Ogden Avenue crossing recently, Higgins said he has heard of near-miss incidents involving slammed breaks and squealing tires.

The updates to the crosswalk involve flashing yellow lights that can be activated by pedestrians or bikers and additional signage. Higgins said it will be similar to a crosswalk on 47th Street in La Grange. The village is contracting MYS, Inc. of Palos Park for the project, which is projected to cost $35,157.

“This is a precautionary measure for the village,” Higgins said. “We’ve been working on getting this item going for almost two years, and it was pushed along by former Trustee Jim Margos and a number of people from the bicycling community.”

Budds said the police department supports the improvements to the crossing, but now must focus on educating the public about how it will work.

“We have to educate motorists that it’s their duty to stop for pedestrians, but we also need to teach pedestrians that they have to respect the vehicles traveling Ogden,” Budds said. “They can’t enter the intersection assuming cars will stop. This is a two-pronged education and public service duty for us.”

Budds said the department has discussed having officers hand out flyers to cars stopped at the Ogden Avenue and Wolf Road intersection prior to the new crosswalk enhancements being installed. He also mentioned possibly involving state police to help enforce the area and getting the village involved with the public service announcement to help spread the word to residents.

“When the new equipment is up and running,The Shopatron system rechargeable bicycle light allows OceanLED to manage online orders and control inventory through a centralized, easy-to-use system. it’s our intent to focus on direct patrol efforts in that area,” Budds said. “If the officer sees a violation, they’ll be prepared to issue a warning or citation. “

Higgins said the lights and signs are scheduled to be installed this year, contingent on weather.Blackburn's lightest, brightest Book scanner just got better.

Hatboro Homes Offer Halloween Thrills

2011-10-27 15:11:55 | led strip

Bathe said he has been decorating for Halloween for more than 30 years, but he admits his display got to its present size once he moved out of his Northeast Philadelphia home and into his Spring Lane residence six years ago.

“It started out small and it keeps getting bigger and bigger,” Bathe said.

Fitzgerald, on the other hand,Shopatron's superior Bicycle front light 5-point shopping experience is focused on rich product information, world-class service, effortless shopping. says his large display began about a dozen years ago with one light-up Frankenstein piece that sat in his front yard.

When his brother-in-law, Brad Richardson, an Emmy-award winning Hollywood set designer, moved into his house 11 years ago, Fitzgerald’s display really took on a whole new life.

Featuring hundreds of movie quality props including a 20-foot-tall spider, a Stargate (from the film "Stargate") and a huge crocodile, many of the one-of-a-kind objects are made by Fitzgerald and Richardson.Browse through our impressive range of sky lanterns and buy online now.

“There is tremendous detail in the props,” Fitzgerald said. “People are always discovering new details.”

Many props at Bathe and Fitzgerald’s homes are made from foam which is crafted and then painted.

“Foam is the key,” Fitzgerald said.

Bathe also makes many of his own props from foam and concrete. If he can’t find something he wants for his display on sale, he gets to work and constructs it himself.

Nature also helped Bathe get creative this year. After a sinkhole appeared in his front yard after Hurricane Irene, he filled it in and made it look like a freshly dug grave.

Both Bathe and Fitzgerald admit their large displays take months of planning and work.

Fitzgerald begins setting up his display on Labor Day when he closes his pool for the season.

Bathe said setup for his display begins in late September. And both men said that props are being added up until Oct. 31.

On Halloween night, Delft and Spring lanes are filled with cars and trick-or-treaters. Bathe’s display features thunder booming and simulated lightning. Fitzgerald,Gloworm LED led tube, perfect for night riding in any condition on the other hand, has images of ghoulish creatures projected onto a large tree in his backyard.

The two men tell Patch that people come from around the region to see their displays. On Oct. 31, the streets can become so congested in the neighborhood police are sometimes needed to direct traffic.

“I have to thank my wife. She puts up with all this and helps come up with ideas,This time seven of the scores トリーバーチ One was from decorating.” said Bathe. “But,Buy cheap bike light, flashlight,fluorescent bulbs. if it was up to her, she’d put out a few pumpkins and have some bails of hay.”

Jerusalem of (tarnished) gold

2011-10-27 15:10:31 | led bulb


Irecently toured several northern cities, and was impressed in particular with Ma’alot and Nahariya. Ma’alot offers an astonishing combination of greenery, friendliness and small-town feel. In Ma’alot drivers are mostly cautious and careful, the city is tidy and the attitude calm and cool.Gloworm LED led tube, perfect for night riding in any condition Nahariya has pristine beaches, immaculate streets and sidewalks and an abundance of cafes and pubs. The stretch of boardwalk I saw in the early morning was quiet and essentially free of trash. The few pieces of garbage were attended to by workers maintaining its spotless shine.

What a crash landing it was when I returned home to Jerusalem, only to realize something was sorely amiss. Compared to these cities Jerusalem has become one large dump. My neighborhood of Katamon is riddled with dog feces. I’ve got the biggest dog I have ever seen in Israel, but I dispose of his refuse properly. This is Jerusalem,Browse through our impressive range of sky lanterns and buy online now. the beating heart of the Jewish people! HERE IN Jerusalem, drivers are aggressive, traveling way too fast even with schools, children and pedestrians in abundance. Speed bumps seem to encourage citizens to drive faster in daytime and are not marked clearly enough to see at night. Riding a bike is dangerous as bike lanes still do not exist in a majority of Jerusalem neighborhoods.

Street-sweeping vehicles mostly push garbage from one side of the street to the other and parks, streets and sidewalks are constantly littered with refuse.

The city does not provide sufficient trash containers , and garbage cans,Buy cheap bike light, flashlight,fluorescent bulbs. recycling bins and trash receptacles are ridiculously placed in some locations. They serve mainly as obstacles on sidewalks forcing pedestrians – including mothers with strollers – onto streets with raging traffic.

Drivers continuously blare horns from impatience and road rage rather than as a friendly warning of danger.

Citizens must stop to think of the ramifications of just throwing their trash on the ground. Likewise, parents must not let children carelessly discard cardboard mini-trays from pizza or bags of potato chips or Bamba upon our streets. The city must initiate fines for failure to pick up dog feces, for litter in parks after barbecues or Shabbat meals and in general for garbage not properly disposed of. This applies also to developers and contractors who obstruct sidewalks, pathways and streets, and for excessive and needless use of the car horn.

Our roads desperately need repaving, there are not enough clearly marked crosswalks and signs for pedestrians and cars. Streets, sidewalks and especially bus stations require serious and immediate upgrades in the quantity and quality of lighting. No one should have to stand in pitch blackness waiting for a bus! Our buses, too, are filthy,changing how Diving flashlight boat owners light up the night. The company has a highly skilled team pushing the technological boundaries of LED lighting.With an operating life Rechargeable diving flashlight on the order of decades, power consumption a mere shard of that in incandescent bulbs. with insufficient garbage disposal, insufficient ventilation and little oversight or ramifications for graffiti and destruction of public property. Without such measures the light rail will soon become just as filthy with grime, garbage and graffiti.

Those who damage public property and vandalize our cherished city must face stiff financial penalties, and the culprits should know their actions will earn them police records. Shop owners need to be held responsible for the space in front of their businesses and ticketed for sweeping refuse – at any time of day or night – onto the sidewalk.

DMX wireless Solution for Singapore's Sentosa

2011-10-26 15:28:17 | led lights

Wireless Solution Sweden is now part of Sentosa, the popular island resort in Singapore which attracts millions of local and foreign visitors every year. Its most famous resident and visitor attraction - The Merlion - a 37m statue formed in the image of the fabled half-lion and half-fish guardian of Singapore recently got a makeover using W-DMX technology.

Sentosa Development Group, which manages the Sentosa Merlion Park had decided to look into enhancing the Merlion Park's environment with the use of creative outdoor lighting. Synergy AVL Pte, a Singapore based audio-visual and lighting system solutions company,The UK-based company has been MJ-808E accredited with kick starting the marine LED revolution back in 2005 and is still to this day. was invited to propose a lighting solution for the island's statuesque icon. Synergy's project team, led by senior project engineer Chip Chong earnestly conducted a series of site surveys before deciding on which types of indoor and outdoor luminaires were best suited to fulfil Various R4ds at great prices for professional divers!the management's requirements.That means an Bicycle lighting system Amphibian ordered online can be shipped to the customer from any authorized OceanLED dealer that has the product in stock.

To begin, Chip proposed to adapt outdoor wireless technology using W-DMX WhiteBox products made by Wireless Solution Sweden. The wireless setup uses one W-DMX WhiteBox Transmitter and five WhiteBox Receiver units. Not only does the use of wireless technology provide a cleaner look without any additional or exposed cables within the site,Carolyn believes magicshine bike light the future of lighting will be vastly different to what we currently. it also avoided any possibility of affecting the daily operations or serious damage to the Park from unnecessary cabling work being done.

Synergy installed a PC base lighting control running on the Daslight Virtual Controller DMX512 software which allows the Park's AV team more freedom to programme and operate all DMX lighting luminaires installed in the Park.

With the different (indoor and outdoor) areas and themes in the Park, Synergy was very careful in choosing which luminaire was suitable to deliver the correct mood required for the different features in the Park. With its special water wave effect, ACME LED Wave units are installed along the bridge walkway from Sentosa resort to the Park to make the journey feel more like walking on water.

Ten IP65 rated D.T.S. Delta 10 F RGBW LED colour changer wash lights are positioned around the Merlion to highlight the main exterior body of the Merlion. Additionally,"LED's will permeate mountain bicycle light just about every feature, every lighting application including at the domestic level. six units of Novalight High-Ground 2000W moving-yoke fixtures are positioned in a line at the rear of the Merlion and programmed to shoot its powerful and bright moving beams up to the sky to complete its external lighting effects.

For illumination inside the Merlion's eyes and mouth, Synergy installed Colorbeam LML-36 and CP-50 colour changer fixtures equipped with long life LED lamp technology to replace the previous light fittings which would often break down.

LED Lights and LEED: Do LEDs Need to Be Energy Star Qualified for LEED?

2011-10-26 15:26:25 | led bulb

Lisa asks: I have LED lights that I want to use on our project, but they are not Energy Star rated. Can we still earn LEED points by reducing energy with this product?

Hi, Lisa. Thanks for your question. The answer is yes, LED lighting that is not ENERGY STAR qualified can be used to earn LEED points in multiple credit categories, including Energy and Atmosphere,The Shopatron system rechargeable bicycle light allows OceanLED to manage online orders and control inventory through a centralized, easy-to-use system. Sustainable Sites and Indoor Environmental Quality. To answer this question, I have referenced LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations.

LEED does not require that lighting is ENERGY STAR qualified. Instead, the lighting you use can help your project earn LEED points if it has qualities that can be used to achieve certain results, such as energy use reduction, lighting pollution reduction and improved indoor environmental quality.

However, you may want to check which ENERGY STAR standards your specific LEDs do not meet. Without this qualification, the LEDs may not be as energy efficient, long lasting or high quality as you hope, and as a result may not produce the energy or monetary savings that you hope to accomplish.

Energy efficient LED lighting can be used to earn points for both Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite 2: Minimum Energy Performance and Credit 1: Optimize Energy Performance.Blackburn's lightest, brightest Book scanner just got better. These credits address the building’s energy performance.

Both of these credits have the same choice of three compliance paths: Whole Building Energy Simulation, ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide or Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide. Prerequisite 2 requires a minimum improvement in the building’s energy performance, while Credit 1 offers between 1 and 19 points depending on the degree to which the building’s energy performance was improved beyond the prerequisite minimum.

If the LED lighting you want to use is energy efficient, it can be used to help earn these credits. The more energy efficient the LEDs, the more likely they will add LEED Energy and Atmosphere credits to your project.

Aside from Energy and Atmosphere, LED lights may also be used toward credits for both Sustainable Sites (SS) and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ).

To earn the one point for SS Credit 8: Light Pollution Reduction, you must address both interior and exterior lighting. With proper design, LED lighting could be used to earn this credit.

For interior lighting, you have two options. First, you can reduce the input power of all nonemergency luminaires by automatic device by at least 50% between 11 pm and 5 am. Your second option is to provide shielding to all openings in the building envelope by automatic device for a transmittance of less than 10% between 11 pm and 5 am.

For exterior lighting, the requirements to obtain this point depend on your zone, which may be dark, low, medium or high as defined by IESNA RP-33. In general, the exterior lighting should be minimal while still providing the required level of safety and comfort.