

Crosswalk where 6-year-old was struck, killed has dangerous history

2011-09-30 15:15:15 | led lights


Five months before an East Palo Alto second-grader was fatally struck by a motorist on her way to school Wednesday, an 8-year-old schoolmate was hit in the same crosswalk, requiring a body cast for two months and screws in his pelvis. He still walks with a limp.

What's worse, city officials were aware even before then of the dangers of the intersection at Bay Road and Gloria Way: A report released a year ago highlighted it as one of the most dangerous in the city. Still, no guard is stationed there to help children at nearby Cesar Chavez/Green Oaks academies make their way across the busy street.

"All mothers wish they would have crossing guards there,Has anyone had any experience with this led light bulbs light?" said Guadalupe Zamora, whose daughter, 6-year-old Sioreli, was killed Wednesday when a teacher heading to work nearby slammed into her. Zamora was just a few feet behind her daughter at the time, holding the hands of her two younger daughters.

Across the Bay Area, many schools and cities are doing away with crossing guards to save money. Who pays for crossing guards -- the city, county or school district -- varies from place to place.

Concord cut the number of crossing guard locations this year from 19 to 12.I have created a video walkthrough of the led strip. In San Jose, to make up for a $78 million to $115 million shortfall, the city manager has said that along with closing libraries and community centers, crossing guards will also face the budget ax.

In the city of Palo Alto, just across Highway 101 from where the second-grader was killed this week, city officials changed their minds earlier this year about eliminating all crossing guards after tremendous public outcry. Foster City did the same after parents protested. One woman warned that if the City Council failed to provide funding and a vehicle struck a child, the council would have "blood on its hands."

In East Palo Alto on Thursday, city and school officials met to discuss pedestrian safety at the intersection.

East Palo Alto Mayor Carlos Romero said he does not know why city staff did not move forward to make improvements at Bay Road and Gloria Way after a UC Berkeley report revealed it was the site of numerous pedestrian accidents.2 Nov 2009 – Bike cfl bulbs have come a long way The City Council will discuss the safety of Bay Road at its meeting Tuesday, he said.

"We hope to make improvements as quickly as possible, along with the school district, to make sure a tragic accident like this is never repeated," Romero said. "We wish we could be at every intersection, but we have limited resources."

There is a crossing guard directly in front of the Cesar Chavez/Green Oaks academies,1200LM Bicycle light,LED flashlight,LED headlamp,hid,bike light,bicycle light where Sioreli attended, along with new flashing lights at the crosswalk there. There are 10 crosswalks and only three stop signs within two blocks of the school and no other crossing guards. While there are a few school crossing signs there are no speed limit signs posted on Bay Road near the school.Shopatron's retail-integrated bicycle headlight solution is a great fit for a service-focused company,

Paddling the Apalachicola

2011-09-30 15:13:46 | led strip


To get anywhere under your own power — be it by foot, bicycle or small boat — you have to keep moving. A half hour of dawdling first thing in the morning can mean the difference between making camp by daylight or struggling to find a place to stop in the dark. That's why on the river, the day typically starts at 5 a.m. We rise in the darkness, break camp and then down a quick breakfast of instant oatmeal and bitter black coffee.

We take our time packing the kayaks because every piece of gear must be stowed in the right place.Shopatron's retail-integrated bicycle headlight solution is a great fit for a service-focused company, If you forget where you put something simple, such as a medical kit, it can turn into a major crisis later on the water.2 Nov 2009 – Bike cfl bulbs have come a long way

Despite our plans for an early start,"LEDs are the lighting of the future," said Randall Moorhead, vice president for Led flashlight government affairs at Philips Electronics North America Corp. on this frigid December morning the Apalachicola River had something else in mind. The water, 30 degrees warmer than the air,Has anyone had any experience with this led light bulbs light? had brewed up a thick batch of fog. With visibility less than 100 feet, navigation could be problematic. Our chief concern was vessel traffic — be it a hunter in a 12-foot jon boat or a freighter loaded with goods — we couldn't afford a collision.

Our navigation lights, mounted on life jackets and the decks of our boats, would prove useless. But we headed out anyway, vowing to stay together and hug the shoreline. "Do you see anybody else?" I asked LaLomia. "No,1200LM Bicycle light,LED flashlight,LED headlamp,hid,bike light,bicycle light" he replied. "But they must be here somewhere."

One by one, we sounded off in the dark. I listened carefully for the sound of a ship's fog horn, but all I could hear was the distant drone of a small outboard motor. Paddling along through the mist, my mind wandered back in time.

The Apalachicola has been a highway for humans for 14,000 years. The first inhabitants settled along its banks and feasted on the seemingly endless supply of oysters and clams. Creek Indians from Georgia came in the early 1700s, hoping to escape the white man who had invaded their territories to the north.

"Apalachicola" is an Indian word for "people on the other side." But today, the only thing the fast-moving waterway separates is the Central and Eastern time zones.

By the 1830s, steamboats crowded the river as they carried cotton from the interior to the Gulf of Mexico. During the Civil War, Union troops blocked this commerce and put an end to the cotton trade. After the war, timber became the river's top commodity.

In 1946, the U.S. Congress authorized the Army Corps of Engineers to dredge a 9-foot deep, 100-foot wide channel from the mouth of the Apalachicola through the Flint and Chattahoochee river systems to Columbus, Ga. The spoil from the construction process was dumped along the river banks, destroying critical wildlife habitat and causing sportfish populations to plummet.

The First Two Dreamlike Hours of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

2011-09-30 15:10:25 | led bulb


At times, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword feels a bit like a dream, one of those vivid ones that's all colors and sunshine, freedom and flying.2 Nov 2009 – Bike cfl bulbs have come a long way Earlier this week I played the first several hours of the game at a Nintendo press event and came away impressed with the complexity of the controls, the richness of the toolset, and the gorgeous visual design of the game.

Totilo is our resident Zelda expert; he's already had a lot to say about his time in the game's first dungeon at E3, and he can speak more fluently than I can about how Skyward Sword stacks up against its many predecessors. What I can do is talk you through the opening hours of the game, and share a few things I noticed. I'll keep it light on too many details,Has anyone had any experience with this led light bulbs light? and provide more of a general overview of the game's opening chapters. Here we go!

I said that Skyward Sword has a dream-like quality to it, and so it's appropriate that it begins with a dream sequence. Link is alone in the darkness, a huge black mouth rearing up in front of him, screams and cries ringing out… and then he awakes in his room, a giant blue bird nudging him through the window.

Climbing out of bed to meet the day, Link was dressed in ordinary clothing, not his trademark green tunic and cap. He's a citizen of a floating city appropriately named Skyloft, a series of interconnected airborne islands that hangs suspended under the blue sky and above a thick floor of clouds.1200LM Bicycle light,LED flashlight,LED headlamp,hid,bike light,bicycle light As is so often the case at the start of fantasy adventures, this day was the day of a Big Important Ceremony. Namely, Skyloft's Wing Ceremony.

The blue bird had dropped off a note from Zelda, telling Link to come meet her before the ceremony. Heading out into the town in control of Link,I have created a video walkthrough of the led strip. I found myself awash in gorgeous visuals. The Wii takes so much flack for its graphical prowess, but the art direction of Skyward Sword is impressionistic and vibrant, like a Monet painting come to life, or perhaps something from Hayao Miyazaki's Studio Ghibli. Pressing the C button switches the view to first-person; it's possible to walk around in first-person mode, taking in the richly drawn detail of Skyloft. As far as I know, that's a first for a Zelda game, and it's quite neat.

After heading out the door, one of Link's friendly mentors took me through the requisite basics of motion and environmental interaction. Most big actions that Link undertakes—sprinting, jumping, climbing, swinging—deplete his stamina meter, so it's best to perform more athletic movements in moderation.

The controls in Skyward Sword are surprisingly complex. In this section, for example, I noticed that shimmying along a wall, I was able to use the Motion Plus controller to make Link leap along from left to right.Shopatron's retail-integrated bicycle headlight solution is a great fit for a service-focused company, After getting my head around a handful of moves, I continued on to meet Zelda.

More deaths when green doctors place neck stents

2011-09-29 14:54:22 | DECOR LIGHT


According to a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, patients whose doctors do lots of the procedures are nearly half as likely to die over the next month as those in less-experienced hands.

During the treatment, called carotid stenting,MJ816 - 2nd generation Led down light released in Q1 2010 doctors clean out cholesterol buildups in the carotid artery in the neck that sometimes cause strokes. Then they insert a small metal mesh tube, the stent, to prop the vessel open.

But if they're unfortunate, part of the cholesterol deposit might break off during the procedure and be released into the blood stream, producing the dreaded stroke the patient hoped to avoid.

"A little piece of it just flows upstream and can lodge in a smaller blood vessel in the brain," said Dr. Ethan A. Halm, who wrote an editorial about the new findings.

Based on Medicare records of nearly 25,Gloworm LED led tube, perfect for night riding in any condition000 procedures, the new study found a 30-day death rate of 1.4 percent in patients whose doctors placed at least 24 stents a year.2 Nov 2009 – Bike cfl bulbs have come a long way By contrast, that death figure was as high as 2.5 percent when the doctors did six or fewer procedures annually.

The same pattern held true when comparing the initial and later procedures done by inexperienced doctors.

Dr. Brahmajee Nallamothu, a cardiologist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor who led the work, said the findings don't prove that lack of familiarity with the procedure explains the findings.

But he said that is likely to be the case,This time seven of the scores トリーバーチ One was from decorating. since there are no uniform standards for the training doctors need to undergo before they can perform carotid stenting.

"Patients shouldn't be shy about asking their physician who is going to be doing this procedure," Nallamothu told Reuters Health. "I think that it's a very fair question.while LED lights are an addition mountain bike light to the market place, consumers should do their research before investing in the technology. If I were a patient, I would certainly want to know."

Halm added that carotid stenting is not the only alternative for patients with clogged arteries. The more common procedure is surgery, and some doctors recommend sticking just to medications. Especially when people have no symptoms, many believe doing surgery to clean them out is too hazardous.

With drugs alone, he told Reuters Health, the yearly stroke risk can be lowered to less than one percent, challenging the need for a procedure with significant risks.

And he added that the new study doesn't look at the total number of strokes caused by stenting, which tend to outnumber deaths by a factor of three.

"It's particularly important that people weigh the pros and cons of all therapies," said Halm.

New High Power FLX Tactical Flashlights By Barska

2011-09-29 14:52:27 | led lights


Barska, a world leader in sport optics and safe products introduces a new line of high power tactical flashlights. The new FLX series of tactical flashlights feature the latest in LED weapon light technology. Designed to illuminate any dark situation you may encounter, the Barska FLX flashlights come in four different models from a large floodlight to a compact laser integrated handgun light. Never get caught in the dark; keep a Barska FLX flashlight close at hand.while LED lights are an addition mountain bike light to the market place, consumers should do their research before investing in the technology. Though the Barska FLX tactical flashlights are the ideal tool for activities such as hiking, camping, hunting and target shooting, it can also be used as a safety device.Gloworm LED led tube, perfect for night riding in any condition With the push of a button the light can signal an SOS pattern and with another push can turn on the strobing defense mode.

The new 1200 lumen tactical flashlight is the brightest and highest power tactical flashlight light developed by Barska. This full size 1200 Lumen FLX light emits an intense bright white beam of light that can be seen for miles. This powerful light comes with rechargeable batteries and a battery charger. Designed for military and law enforcement this flashlight is designed to be shockproof to withstand use as a tactical defense tool. The bright 12-watt output flashlight can last for hours on a full charge of the batteries. Functional as a weapon for safety, this bright light features a new strobing defense mode to momentarily blind an attacker, an SOS rescue light pattern, tactical accents, pressure sensitive push on off button and beveled edge for added protection.Shopatron's retail-integrated bicycle headlight solution is a great fit for a service-focused company, It includes a charger and set of two rechargeable batteries.

The standard size, 210 lumen FLX tactical flashlight emits an intense bright light beam that can be seen for miles. This high power light comes weapon ready right out of the box with a kit that includes a weaver / picatinny mounting ring, tactical long on / off / function pressure cord switch and a push button. Designed for military, law enforcement, and self-defense this tactical flashlight is designed to be shockproof to withstand use as a tactical defense tool."LEDs are the lighting of the future," said Randall Moorhead, vice president for Led flashlight government affairs at Philips Electronics North America Corp. Fully functional the flashlight operation modes include high / low power, SOS recue pattern and a self-defense strobing function.

The newly designed zoom focus compact 140 lumen FLX tactical flashlight is a first of its kind in the tactical flashlight industry.OceanLED has built its LED bicycle light reputation and brand on product integrity, service and customer satisfaction. The new zoom function allows you to illuminate a large area and then focus the light path into an intense light beam. Focusing the light allows one to target objects at greater distances and to focus more light in a specific direction. This compact flashlight comes with a weaver / picatinny mounting ring and has an array of operation modes such as high / low power, SOS recue pattern and a self-defense strobing function.

The new laser sight integrated 160 lumen compact weapon light by Barska features a built-in quick release weaver / picatinny mount. This high power weapon light is designed for precision targeting on a handgun or rifle. The intergraded red laser sight and flashlight make this combination the ultimate low-light targeting device for your weapon. Ergonomic power switch and optional cord switch allow for seamless use with your weapon. Never take a shot in the dark again with Barska’s new series of FLX Tactical Flashlights.