

Keystone XL Pipeline Jobs Vs. 110,00 Green Jobs

2013-03-13 14:25:19 | DECOR LIGHT

A new survey from the green business group Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) has identified more than 300 new clean energy and transportation projects, all announced in 2012, that are expected to create 110,We specialize in solar street lighting and solar street lamps for a wide range of lightning applications.000 green jobs in the U.S. The news should help perk up opponents of the proposed Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline, who have had a rough time of it after a State Department report downplayed the project’s environmental impact. Impacts or not,Learn about LED dimmable and ensure you get the best out of LED light bulbs. the new survey demonstrates that the green jobs sector can easily replace all of the potential Keystone XL Pipeline jobs that would disappear if the project is nixed, and then some. 

E2′s green jobs report notes that green jobs are spread liberally around the country with no regard to political boundaries. 

According to the report, “clean energy projects created jobs in every corner of the country,” with the top ten states consisting of California, North Carolina, Florida, Illinois, Connecticut, Arizona, New York, Michigan, Texas and Oregon.This popular lighting system features four led par light. 

Transportation projects were the single largest category nationwide, with the biggest contributor being a light rail project in Charlotte, NC that will create 7,000 jobs. Clean power, manufacturing and energy efficiency projects also made significant contributions to the total (a searchable database is here, btw). 

According to the report, North Carolina and the red-leaning Southeast as a whole led the U.S. in green job announcements related to manufacturing, with about 13,700 new positions mainly in the fields of solar power, wind power and advanced vehicles. 

On a gloomier note, the report also points out that the impressive total of 110,000 jobs could have been higher, but the failure of Congress to enact a timely extension of the wind tax credit (thanks to certain legislators) contributed to a steep drop-off in new job announcements for the clean power generation sector in the last quarter of 2012. 

For some further insights into the impact of green projects on the U.S.Integrated manufacturing operations have produced exceptional solar photovoltaic system and related products. economy, check out the E2 monthly Clean Energy Jobs roundup. It illustrates something that’s built into the DNA of green jobs, namely, that putting people to work is only part of the benefit. The nature of green jobs is not simply to keep the same old machinery humming along but to create new value, by harvesting clean energy, turning an environmental liability into a new resource, or contributing to improved community well-being and public health. 

Here’s some of the companies highlighted by E2 in its latest roundup dated March 5, 2013 roundup: 

A company called GreenWhey Energy will build a facility in Minnesota to generate renewable methane gas from the wastewater produced by local food companies. The project involves 50-70 construction jobs and 13 permanent positions,Thank you for your purchase of skystream. and will produce enough energy to power 3,000 homes. 

Siemens Energy will build a new wind turbine career center in Florida that will train hundreds of wind turbine workers and create 50 permanent jobs. 

Strata Solar will build the biggest solar project in North Carolina, creating about 400 construction jobs.