

What paying off your mortgage means

2013-04-16 14:29:23 | LED candles

Conventional wisdom says you need 70 percent of pre-retirement income to keep the same lifestyle after you stop working.A flatwork ironer with unique features. 

That makes sense if you've been putting away more than 20 percent of your income in your final working years. With those savings, and no more work-related expenses for commuting and dry cleaning, you'd probably get away with a lower income. 

But if you weren't saving heavily to the end, it's hard to see how you'll reduce expenses 30 percent instantly at retirement unless you've paid off the mortgage. 

In 2010, the most recent data available from the Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances, 40.5 percent of households nationwide where the head was between 65 and 74 years old were paying a mortgage. But while that's down slightly from 2007, it's up from 2004 and substantially higher than a generation ago. 

"It really started to uptick around '95, and it's gone pretty much consistently upward since then," said Craig Copeland, an economist at the Employee Benefit Research Institute in Washington, D.C. 

Why, then, don't more people make paying off the mortgage before retirement a priority? 

Copeland said a lot of things changed. Housing values went up and credit loosened at a time when many baby boomers were in their 50s. Many families did cash-out refinancings to help pay for kids' college tuitions, or renovations. 

"You see a lot of people in their 50s buying bigger houses, new houses, as their incomes went up," he said. 

Guy Cecala, publisher of Inside Mortgage Financing, said in his parents' generation, a lot of people planned to pay off their houses before they retired, then sell it, move to a smaller house in a warmer climate, which they would buy with cash and use the rest of the proceeds to live on. 

"My parents, they had a house in Connecticut," he said. "They viewed that as their retirement, their nest egg. You don't hear people doing that anymore." 

But, as the mortgage numbers show, a majority of people own their houses free and clear by 65 — people such as Jim and Sallie Cappadora. 

Jim, 63, and Sallie, 60, paid off their Ellington, Conn., house eight years ago. If they had let their 30-year mortgage run its standard course on the house they bought in 1986,Fully automated paper plane folding machine, even got its own compressor. they'd have three years left to pay. 

"From the very first mortgage payment, we paid an extra $50 a month toward our mortgage, and after five years, we had paid off 10 years of principal," she said. 

In 1986, they sold the first house for $104,000, and bought a $158,000 house, with a $90,000 mortgage. 

Sallie stayed home with their kids for eight years,You must first understand the way a wind power generators works. but later, after she started working full time as a real estate agent, she and her husband started putting $100 a month toward the principal. 

Then, in 2003, her husband lost his manufacturing job, when they had two kids in college. He had covered the family with benefits, so they had to pay $1,360 a month for insurance. 

"Believe me, it wasn't easy when he was laid off," she said. Before he lost his job,Much stricter controls on solvent emissions have ensured that all dry cleaning machine in the Western world are now fully enclosed. their annual earnings were roughly equal. He was out of work for several years. 

The kids borrowed some of the money it cost to go to the University of Connecticut, but Cappadora said she only missed five months of putting extra toward the principal in the 29 years they had a mortgage.

Where's the truck?

2013-04-16 14:28:27 | led lights

The trend did not stop after I moved to Istanbul, where I changed districts to be closer to my workplace or my husband's job after we married. My first Istanbul move was pretty easy, given that I had arrived in Turkey with only two allotted bags courtesy of airline regulations. I had been housed for five weeks in a flat owned by the school where I was getting my teaching certificate. Once I found a job and needed to move into the school lodgings in Erenkoy, moving was as easy as calling my Turkish friends for a ride in their car to my new digs. The school provided basic necessities. 

Bed, stove, oven,Fully automated paper plane folding machine, even got its own compressor. refrigerator, washing machine, a few chairs. My fellow American roommate quickly went shopping for towels, sheets, a vacuum cleaner, an iron and other small things that we needed. While my lodging was in Erenkoy on the Asian side of the city, I actually worked at the campus on the European side of the city in the Maslak district. My commute was terrible, so I opted after a year-and-a-half to find my own housing closer to work. I found a lovely, affordable flat in Tarabya, only 10 minutes from my job. The flat was fully furnished, much more than what the school provided. Moving from a furnished flat to another furnished flat once again was just a call to a friend with a car who was willing to transport my now four bags and me across the city. 

I lived in Tarabya happily for a few years until I decided to change my job. I also decided to move in with Can to a flat which he owned close to the airport where he took classes. It would also be closer to my new school. By this time, I had more than a carload worth of stuff to move.Our dry cabinet can sustain an ultra-low humidity of under 5% RH. I still didn't have a ton of stuff but I had purchased a sofa bed and a treadmill, which needed to be moved with the help of a truck. During my tenure at that flat, my “kapici” (super) had been the go-to guy for everything. When I asked if he knew of anyone who had a small truck that could help me move, he of course had a cousin who had a cousin whose brother had a small truck. The truck was pretty rickety and small, but we got my stuff safely to my new flat. 

Can and I had to furnish our new place from scratch. We bought all the appliances, furniture and necessities. When it came time to move again to the Asian side of the city, we knew we needed a bigger truck. One of our close friends had just moved from Istanbul to Ankara and their company had an agreement with a moving company. Their move went flawlessly. 

I was very pregnant at the time and so we didn't want to mess around with logistics too much. We hired these movers, who were professional in every sense of the word, except for their irrational fear of our two cats. They came the day before our move to pack our stuff up and showed up early the following day to load the truck and transport it. We lived in a site, a guarded apartment complex. A week before our move we had to give notice and get permission from the general manager's office of the complex to allow the moving truck in. Most site complexes in Istanbul have similar rules, so be aware when moving. While all moves are stressful, this one in comparison with our most recent move was pretty easy.You must first understand the way a wind power generators works. 

When we decided to leave Istanbul, we sold off a lot of our bigger items.The industry's leading manufacturer of Game machines. Our new house had furniture that we had purchased with the place, but we still had a ton of stuff to transport to our new city. I really wanted to use the company we had used two years before. However, Can thought it best to use the company that our current complex supported. I asked our neighbors what they thought, but they had all used different companies. I had a bad feeling. A representative from this moving company came to assess our stuff and decide what sized truck was needed. 

He refused to answer any of my questions, merely looked around and grunted. On the phone with Can later, he decided that a medium-sized truck would suffice. I disagreed, as I had seen many of these medium sized trucks on the road with refrigerators latched to the back and mattresses flapping over the edges. I wanted a proper moving truck like we had before.

Greetings from Gun Valley

2013-04-16 14:27:23 | led strip

LENNY LARIVEE has spent 68 percent of his 69 years on this planet doing the same thing: making guns. And he’s made them all for one company, Savage Arms in Westfield, just off Exit 3 on the Mass. Pike. He’s tall and bald, with a voice that is low and a speaking style that is John Wayne-slow. He is also a cantankerous character. Newcomers who stop by his bench expecting to find a senior statesman are usually startled to hear his opening line: “You don’t like what I say? Stay the eff away.Our dry cabinet can sustain an ultra-low humidity of under 5% RH.” 

Larivee has seen it all. How the $1.25 he made per hour in 1965 shot up to $22.50 an hour by 1971, factoring in piecework incentives. How years of bad management forced the company into bankruptcy protection in 1988, when 800 employees walked out of the factory with their tools on a Friday afternoon and only 100 were invited back on Monday morning—and for substantially less pay. How the company was living week to week for a long time, with its straight-talking new leader, Ron Coburn, telling his remaining employees: “Don’t cash your check until I say the money’s in the bank.” Looking back on it now, Larivee admits, “I never thought we’d make it.” 

Today, as he repairs the damaged crown on a rifle, the factory around him is humming.You must first understand the way a wind power generators works. Savage Arms, the century-old pioneer that had deteriorated to the point where it was mocked as “Salvage Arms” and left for dead, now can’t keep up with demand.Fully automated paper plane folding machine, even got its own compressor. Its year-over-year growth was 50 percent in 2011, 40 percent in 2012, and is on pace to pack on another 40 percent in 2013. The company is running round-the-clock shifts on weekdays and has added one on Saturdays. 

It has about 415 employees in Westfield, nearly double the number from just three years ago and part of a companywide workforce of 740. And it is racing to hire more. The Westfield factory made and shipped more than 350,000 guns in 2012, while also distributing another 300,000 that were made at Savage’s Canadian plant or by the vendors in China and Turkey that produce the company’s cheaper Stevens brand weapons. One company projection calls for the Westfield plant to be producing 650,000 guns by 2015 and distributing more than 1 million in total. 

While Larivee’s machinist’s union wage hasn’t returned to its 1971 peak, it has climbed back up to $17.10 an hour. It’s enough, he says, to afford “a new car every four years and have my house paid for,” something for which he has thanked Coburn, who just retired as CEO, every year at Christmas. Base hourly wages on the factory floor now range from $14 for subassembly work to $25 for licensed electricians.The industry's leading manufacturer of Game machines. And depending on how profitably the factory was able to turn out its product in the previous month—posting high production numbers with low scrap and limited overtime—employees can see their monthly pay goosed by 4, 5, or even 9 percent. 

Larivee confidently answers all questions, except for one. How can a company like Savage be thriving in high-cost unionized Massachusetts, when we were all led to believe manufacturing was firmly in New England’s past? “I don’t understand why it’s happening,” he says. “No, I don’t.” 

After chewing it over for a while, Larivee offers a partial explanation for the boom. “I think it’s because of our president and what happened down in Connecticut,” he says, talking over the roar of machines and the horns of forklifts. “Everybody’s nervous that Obama’s going to pass some law that you’re not going to be able to buy ammo or guns, or that he’s going to go in your house.”

NBN debate ignores new era for apps

2013-04-16 14:25:30 | led bulb

You may have noticed that there has been a lot of discussion about the bandwidth and types of cables required to connect Australian homes for broadband services.You must first understand the way a wind power generators works. While this is an important debate, it is largely ignoring the big opportunity to develop applications that will usher in a new era of services and business opportunities in Australia.Much stricter controls on solvent emissions have ensured that all dry cleaning machine in the Western world are now fully enclosed. 

Applications that haven't been created yet will provide new ways for people to access health, energy, education, retail, security, entertainment and many more services. They will also create an opportunity for Australian software and service companies to become global leaders in this part of the emerging digital economy. 

The technology within Australian homes is rapidly changing. Fast disappearing is the era of dial-up connections with a single computer per house. Today's pre-NBN or first-generation broadband homes typically have about four to six connected devices, such as computers, tablets and smartphones. 

This is about to change with the emergence of the "internet of things": a world with many more devices connected to the internet. Cisco predicts that Australia will have 142 million connected devices by 2016, about six for every Australian, with many of these in our homes. 

What will these devices look like? For a start, there will be many more devices with screens. These will include more computers as well as their many derivatives such as laptops, notebooks and ultrabooks. There will be even more smartphones, with their numbers predicted to match Australia's population by 2016. There are also predictions that 50 per cent of Australians will be using a tablet within three years. 

Increasingly, other domestic devices also will be connected – both familiar ones such as televisions, set-top boxes, energy meters and security monitors, and unexpected ones such as washing machines,Fully automated paper plane folding machine, even got its own compressor. fridges, weight scales and even lights. The point of connecting these devices and sensors is to allow us to have greater control over our environment, reduce energy consumption, and improve access to a new world of home services. 

Interesting things start to happen when more and more things are connected. As when the internet started to connect computers together to create game-changing applications and services, so too will the networking of home-based devices create new enterprises and tools. 

Economists call this the "network effect", where the economic value obtained from networks increases in a manner related to the increasing number of connections. 

For people however, the value of broadband will be experienced through apps used on their increasing number of smart devices. These apps will provide simple, intuitive and fun ways to communicate, be entertained and access information and services. They will be used predominantly via fixed broadband services to send and receive data. 

In Australia,A flatwork ironer with unique features. a strong and vibrant industry of app developers has emerged, building globally successful apps such as Fruit Ninja, Flight Control and others. Our developers have built a reputation for innovation, creativity and technical smarts.