

FAE USA Annual Sales Meeting

2013-03-07 14:38:52 | led spotlight

The first of two days of meetings started at Lake Lanier Islands resort in north Georgia with product training and marketing strategies and continued on day two with additional training and a demo. 

With the addition of several new territory managers, the FAE USA staff focused training on the entire FAE and PrimeTech equipment and attachment lines. Several new FAE product offerings for 2013, which were introduced at the meeting, had many looking forward to getting back to their territories to spread the good news. 

“The new low flow DML/HY125 and DML/SSL125 are going to be the hottest selling attachments on the market,We are specializing washer extractor manufacturer.” said Dave Evans, territory manager in the Carolina’s. “If you think about the low flow industry for heavy brush clearing, there’s only brush cutters and flail mowers. There’s maybe only one other low flow drum style rotary mulcher on the market. The way FAE has designed their new low flow mulcher, I truly believe this is going to be one of the year’s hot sellers.” 

Ken Pryzgoda, territory manager of Colo., N.M.A industrial washing machine is a machine to wash laundry, such as clothing and sheets., and Wyo., was equally impressed with the new FAE USA DML/HY & DML/SSL mulchers. 

“With the high speed rotor system having a smaller diameter and turning faster with the new design tooth, these attachments will really open a new market of the low flow machine owners … it’s a very fast cutting machine,” he said. 

FAE USA CEO Giorgio Carera was in attendance and noted that everyone seemed very positive that the market is coming back.LED emergency light is aesthetically designed and offers features to reduce egress system cost. He said that this optimism coupled with the new products being launched would make for a good year. 

“We have new products ...Creating a solar charger out of broken re-used solar cell pieces. including our new low flow mulching attachments we are introducing at this meeting,” he said. “We explored this market for quite some time and found there was a good potential with contractors that own low flow machines who want to do multiple jobs and be able to add the ability to grind and mulch material and underbrush. What we saw were a lot of low flow skid steers owned by contractors looking for other options to fully utilize their machines and expand into other types of work. With the majority of the skid steer loaders on the market being low flow machines, this was a natural progression for our lineup of mulchers. These new attachments also carry over into utilization in the farming industry.” 

Carera added, “FAE prides itself on using the best engineering and technology available as well as the best materials, such as Hardox steel. The majority of the attachment body that contains the main wear parts are protected by Hardox. Because of this, we are the only manufacturer in this segment of the industry that is able to carry the Hardox logo on our attachments.” 

Americans consume on average nearly fifty percent more salt than is recommended by the nutritionists and government guidelines. A strong wind gust and attractive rebates may not add up to a good deal on residential wind turbines. But several outside researchers cautioned that although there are already good health arguments for lowering salt intake, the connection between salt and autoiummune disease needs more research to prove whether it holds true in the human body -- and is an important trigger. 

Daniel Cua, a senior principal scientist at Merck Research Laboratories in Palo Alto, Calif., called the studies “remarkable,” but added that the diseases are complex and salt is likely to be just one of many risk factors. 

“People have different genetic predispositions to various diseases, including autoimmune disease,” Cua said. “If you genetically have a very high susceptibility to autoimmune disease, it may be by reducing salt, you’re taking away that one” risk.

MERC directs state power companies

2013-01-17 15:28:49 | led spotlight

Maharashtra 's electricity regulator has directed the state-run power distributor to withdraw two commercial circulars regarding levy and open access, saying they contradict some provisions of the Electricity Act,Your number one choice for Sports glasses and sports eyewear with top brands at competitive prices. 2003.

The circulars, issued by the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co (MSEDCL) in 2011,Contemporary lighting and modern lighting and lamps specialists. withdrew tax benefits and other perks including open access that were offered by the government to promote use of renewal energy.

The regulator's order, made available on its website recently, will benefit wind power generators in the state like Enercon India and Ushdev International, and their consumers,A Chandelier is a branched, decorative ceiling-mounted light fixture. such as Tata Motors and Serum Institute of India. These companies had approached the regulator after the circulars were issued.

As per guidelines, consumers using one megawatt (mw) or more of power fall under the category of 'open access consumers'.

The regulator has also clarified that the state-run distributor is not relieved from its 'universal service obligation' to supply electricity in respect of open access consumers.

Wind turbine generators in the state say that they have started incurring losses due to delay in issuance of credit reports and open access permission by MSEDCL. The distributor also issued bills withdrawing incentives granted to such companies, they add.

"Although, I have not read the recent order, withdrawal of two internal circulars of MSEDCL will benefit wind power producers in Maharashtra as they will be able sell energy directly to industrial consumers under open access policy," said Ushdev International's vice-chairman Arvind Prasad said.

Renewal energy companies also allege that reduction in contract demand in respect of some of the open access consumers has also led to termination of power procurement contracts with some open access consumers.

"The energy that we produced since April 2012 was banked with MSEDCL because open access policies of these projects were not renewed after end of March 2012. We have now made application for open access and hope to monetise the banked energy once open access permission is finally granted,"" Prasad added.

Earlier, the regulator had issued interim orders in the petitions directing status quo ante prior to issuance of the circulars.

Tata Motors is being represented by Dipali Sheth and Dhwani Mehta of MDP & Partners along with counsel MG Ramachandran and Swapna Seshadri. Serum Institute of India and the Indian Wind Power Association Maharashtra State Council, too, are being represented by MDP & Partners, along with counsel Harinder Toor.

Once operational, Jack's Lane Wind Farm will be capable of generating sufficient renewable electricity to meet the average needs of approximately 8,000 homes. This is roughly equivalent to the number of households in the local council wards of Rudham, Docking, Burnham, Snettisham,We've brought together an amazing selection of contemporary lighting fixtures. Brancaster and Hunstanton. As well as providing a safe, secure and low-carbon source of electricity, the wind farm will also bring benefits to the community; such as a community fund of around 27,000 per year, and wildlife enhancement measures at the site, including the creation of new feeding areas for pinkfooted geese.

Helen Wilson concludes: "We are absolutely confident that the wind farm will be a positive asset to people living around it. RES will be a good neighbour and we now look forward to working with the Council and the local community to finalise the project.Agesteeljewelry offers tungsten jewelry that is unique and incredibly stylish."

Annapolis wind energy may yet become a reality

2013-01-06 11:37:14 | led spotlight

I have received many inquiries for an update on the proposal for wind energy on Greenbury Point on the north shore at the mouth of the Severn River.The first production laser marker was used to drill holes in diamond dies. I have good news on how the project is progressing, but I should start at the beginning for those not familiar with the idea.

The idea, which we put forth in 2007, is to put a few turbines where the radio towers were.Permanent solar trellis and emergency light systems require little to no maintenance and allow easy access. The location is ideal for such a project for the following reasons:

While the biggest hurdle for going forward with any wind energy project is the expense and feasibility of putting a power grid in place, the radio towers have conveniently left a grid in place on Greenbury Point that would require a minimal upgrade.

There are few other places in the state that generate enough wind for such a project.

New technology generates the same level of noise as one refrigerator per turbine and the blades move slower while generating more power, making them safe for local and migratory birds.

Greenbury Point is a Naval Facility Command Post and the Navy has set a goal of getting to 25 percent renewable energy at each of their posts. They were therefore very pleased to see this idea. The idea is that they would lease the towers and land. There are many ways they could structure such an agreement that would be beneficial to the Navy and to the community at large.

Proposed turbines would sit the same height or slightly higher (when the blades are pointing up) than the three presently existing radio towers. These were the shortest of the original radio towers, being only half the height of the many others.

Just over one year ago, the Navy began the required one year of measuring wind at Greenbury Point by installing a MET tower. The year-long results were all right, but a bit disappointing until we noted it was a down year for wind. According to AWS Truepower LLC, a company that measures wind trends, “a persistent ridge of high pressure over the central and eastern United States brought record temperatures and substantial deviations (30 year lows) from normal wind speeds.” They reported that wind speeds were as much as 15 percent lower than average in the second quarter of 2012 alone. We also showed how the measuring of wind at Thomas Point Light House showed a large drop this past year from its 23 year average of 11.5 kts (13.3 mph). All this shows that a third quarter 2011 to third quarter 2012 wind measurement was a skewed measurement.

Furthermore, the point must be made that even with the wind study results, Greenbury Point has more than enough wind because new technology is generating more power with less wind.A pendant lamp with candle accents can also be updated easily. For instance VISTAS V126-3.oMW turbine is designed to yield maximum power production on even low wind sights. Also, Gamesa Technology Group has produced their G97-2.0 MW Class IIIA turbine that can bring power into locations General Electric and other companies are following suit in their production of turbines.

And just to prove the Navy is serious, just a few days before Christmas, engineers from EON Global were there assaying the land for: 1) possible positions of towers, 2) to determine a perimeter for the ideal location and 3) measuring the wind ratio against data to see how much power can be generated.We offer a wide range of flatwork ironer in our online collection.

All this bodes well for the Greenbury project, which will still take time to continue the Navy’s very methodical process that includes continuing the NEPA environmental study to address all environmental and historical concerns.Buy visually stunning and durable stainless steel necklace from Larson Jewelers. They have been very aware of the historical importance of the the area including the New Providence settlement, Greenbury Fort and the first Navy flight school. If anything is uncovered, it is very easy to build a tower several feet away. I thank the Navy for their diligent work.

Syrian Air Force lost 41 planes

2012-12-30 11:44:21 | led spotlight

The Syrian opposition destroyed 19 Mig fighting jets and 22 helicopters belonging to the regime's air force in 2012, according to survey by the Union of the Syrian Revolution Local Coordination Committees.

Eleven planes were destroyed on the ground in opposition raids on various air bases across the country and 30 were shot down in action.

A sizeable number, 43, of aircrafts destroyed was registered in the province of Idlib, where the first Mig fighter jet was shot down.

In Damascus 16 planes were destroyed, eight in Aleppo, seven in Deir Ezzour,Horizon manufacture a range of laundry dryer fans for efficient exhaust ventilation. five in Hama and two in Homs.

The survey showed increasing efficiency of the FSA's air defenses and capabilities to shoot down the regime's planes.

In total 103 planes were destroyed since the uprising began last year, the Coordination Committees reported, saying that 83 of those planes shot down or destroyed on the ground were video-taped.

August and November 2012 saw the highest rate of destroyed aircrafts,Each travelling cable is made from several lengths of steel material wound around one another. with an average of about one aircraft a day in both months.

Although the Syrian regime accuses the FSA of having received heavy weapons from Arab and Western countries, Al Arabiya correspondent in northern Syria revealed that all aircrafts were shot down by air defense weapons that FSA members seized in battles with the regime forces.

The FSA relies on the anti-aircraft machine guns including the “Twin ZU-23” to shoot down the aircrafts. They were initially provided for the Syrian army by the Soviet Union during the seventies and eighties.

Using the Syrian Air Force in bombing civilians is not unprecedented in the country. The Baathist regime previously used the air force to silence the Muslim Brotherhood’s uprising in the 1980s. It was also used during the massacre of Hama in 1982 where many aircrafts shelled the city and its old districts with bombs and missiles in order to destroy the city and facilitate the entry of tanks and armored vehicles into its roads.

Military helicopters have also been used in several massacres and other campaigns in the 1980s, mostly in al-Zawiya mount in the northern city of Idlib. The most renowned invasions took place in Jericho, Mahmpel and Blaine, all of which occurred in 1980.A research team headed up by the University of Houston is on track to develop a superconducting wire for wind power generators.

During the massive protests that began in May 2012, the first reports were finally received about the Syrian Air Force participating in the oppression of the protests during the invasion of the cities of Jisr ash-Shoughour and Maart al-Naaman located in the province of Idlib, northwest Syria.

Activists said that military helicopters were used to shoot the demonstrators in Jisr ash-shoughour in June 4 and 5 2011. The operation led to the deaths of 38 civilians in two days.

Few days later, helicopters opened fire to break up thousands of demonstrators in the city of Maart al-Naaman.The industrial dry cleaning machine market demands reliability and efficiency. The shooting killed four protesters and injured dozens of others.In a elevator parts system, steel cables bolted to the car loop over a sheave.

During the past months, the use of warplanes to bomb Syrian cities and towns increased as it reached bombing neighborhoods in Aleppo and Damascus, after the regime had lost control on the ground.

Syrian people are now complaining about what they call “explosive barrels” that cause enormous devastation. They are locally-made and filled with highly explosives “TNT.” They are released from military helicopters.

The regime is also using heavy machine guns and guided missiles according to previous statements by a “Taftanaz” military airport officer in his interview with Al Arabiya.

Wind farm project tapped for federal funding

2012-12-17 14:32:03 | led spotlight

Baryonyx Corp., the Austin-based firm that’s been pursuing development of wind farms offshore of the Rio Grande Valley, is one of seven projects selected for funding through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Wind and Water Power Program.

Once the final contract details are worked out, Baryonyx will receive an initial DOE grant of $4 million to conduct environmental and feasibility assessments and pay for front-end engineering costs on a three-turbine offshore demonstration project capable of producing 18 megawatts,TEPCO, elevator parts is an independent, American owned corporation devoted to servicing you, our customer. or 18 million watts.

Baryonyx has dubbed the project “Gulf Offshore Wind” or “GO Wind.”

Although seven projects were chosen for the initial grants,The Windy Boys are suitable for on grid wind turbine from a wide variety of manufacturers and power classes. no more than three will receive additional DOE funding — up to $47 million each — for siting, construction and installation. The goal is for these projects to be in commercial operation by 2017.

The DOE effort to advance innovative offshore wind technologies is part of the Obama administration’s comprehensive National Offshore Wind Strategy to develop a sustainable offshore wind industry in the United States.

Ian Hatton, CEO of Baryonyx, said in a phone interview he feels confident his company will gain final approval toward actual construction.Fredeco Italian nautical marine polished brass light project with steering wheel and parchment shade. That’s because he and other Baryonyx executives were part of Eclipse Energy, a British company that conceived and developed the groundbreaking “Ormonde” wind farm project operating in the Irish Sea.

“We’re the only team in the whole application process who’s actually built one of these things before,” Hatton said.

Baryonyx leads the consortium that submitted the GO Wind application to DOE. The other members are Keppel AmFELS, the Brownsville-based offshore oil rig fabricator; Siemens AG, the German manufacturer of the massive 6MW turbines GO Wind plans to use; Offshore Design Engineering Ltd., Eclipse’s partner on the Ormonde project; and Texas A&M University, the lead partner of the project’s academic group, which also includes Texas Tech and the University of Texas (Austin and Brownsville).

Hatton said the key objective of GO Wind is to show how to drive down the unit cost of offshore power through the “excellent wind resource” the Gulf of Mexico provides, highly efficient turbines from Siemens, and the fabrication expertise of Keppel AmFELS.

He believes significant cost reductions should be achievable through the ability of Keppel AmFELS to mass produce the substructures to support wind farm towers and turbines. Siemens turbine technology has evolved rapidly, meanwhile, leading to a larger, lighter machine with very little internal friction and thus much more efficiency in recovering energy from the wind, Hatton said.

There’s a reason the focus is on lowering cost: The wind industry is facing new competition from cheaper natural gas thanks to several recent discoveries of gas reserves in the United States and worldwide. This has driven down the cost of producing electricity from gas-fired power plants. The challenge is to prove that electricity produced by offshore wind can compete price-wise with electricity generated by natural gas.

Onshore wind has proven itself to be competitive with gas-fired generation, Hatton said. Offshore wind energy costs more to produce, but it delivers a better yield-to-cost ratio, he said. Also, low electricity prices are discouraging construction of the new gas-fired plants necessary to satisfy growing electricity demand, Hatton said.The chinese Paper Chandelier you'll find in the lists above have all been verified by Global Sources.

If everything goes as planned, the environmental study and other aspects of phase one for GO Wind will begin in February and take two years to complete. Assuming the project moves to the next phase it will be generating electricity by the third quarter of 2017, Hatton said. If the demo succeeds, the next step will be a larger, commercial-scale project.This short contemporary lamps is made of black parchment with gold foil lining.