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☆パリ散歩 (マジャンタ大通り) Stroll in Paris (Boul. de Majenta)

2011-04-17 | パリ散歩 Stroll in Paris
You can enjoy the view of the open-air marches or markets here and there in Paris. Most of them are located at a corner of the square or the park, and open only on limited days or during limited hours. Though unspectacular, there are also permanent indoor marches in the central area of Paris. In today's article, I will write on one of such marches called St. Quenting Marche.

On my return from the trip in Spain to Japan at the end of May, 2011, I spent some days in Paris. On that occasion, I stayed at a hotel facing the St. Quentin Street in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. It is only a few minutes walk from the North Railway Station.

ある朝、サンカンタン通りを北駅の反対方向に散歩していると、マジャンタ大通りに出たところでSt Quentin Marche(サンカンタン・マルシェ)の標識がかかっている建物を目にしました。中に入ってみると、それは市場でした。八百屋、魚屋、肉屋、チーズの店、ドリンク・スタンドなど色々なお店が入っていました。
One morning when I was walking along the St. Quentin Street in the direction opposite to the North Station, I noticed a building with a signboard of St. Quenting Marche just at the time I reached the Boulevard of Majenta. Upon getting inside, I found there were vegetable and fruit stalls, fish stalls, meat stalls, cheese stalls, and so on. Later on, I learned that this marche built with iron and glasses was constructed in 1866. It is fascinating that this marche, retaining the atmosphere of the 19 centutury Paris, is still a familiar place for the Paris citizens even now.

サンカンタン・マルシェ入口(その1) Entrance of St. Quentin Marche (1)

サンカンタン・マルシェ入口(その2) Entrance of St. Quentin Marche (2)

魚屋 Fish stall

果物屋 Fruit stall

チーズ・ショップ Cheese stall

肉屋 Meat stall

花屋 Flower stall

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