*** Plaisir de voyager ***

非日常的な旅で遭遇する色々な体験のお話です。Various enconters in unusual travels.

☆パリ散歩(オペラ座)   Stroll in Paris (The Opera de Paris)

2011-01-06 | パリ散歩 Stroll in Paris
Today, I will write again about the topics of "Stroll in Paris". Today's subject is the Opera of Paris. This palace-like building can be easily found when you glance northwards along the Avenue de l'Opera.

On the occasion my trip to Paris in May, 2010, I enjoyed the visit to this maganificent theater.
I already walked frequently in the area of this Opera Theater. But, as I've never visited the inside of this building, I decided to enjoy the visit at that time.

The photos below show the outside appearance that varies with positon of the viewing angle.


I was allowed to take picures as far as the flash was not used. Here are
some pictures showing the gorgeous interior of this building.



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