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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Expanding Your Happiness Day 18

2014年08月30日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション




第18日 思いやりの光を放つ




Day 18 – Radiating Compassion

“Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.”
― Albert Schweitzer

“Compassion from the soul level happens when we spiritually embrace another soul without reservation or judgment. Compassion validates people in a profound way . . . it is a deep heart connection that heals by overcoming the feeling of isolation and separation we all carry. When we offer compassion to another, we activate a connection that tremendously expands our sense of self, and in doing so, our happiness and sense of wellbeing grows as well.

As we explore the depths of our consciousness, we come closer to the essence of our shared humanity. This private journey of self-realization actually leads us to a most intimate compassion for all people. Our meditation today takes us to that inner space of universal compassion and joy.”

Today’s Centering Thought

“I radiate sympathy and acceptance.”

Sanskrit Mantra

“Karuna Hum – I am compassion” (Deepak pronounces Car-oona Hum)


“What I know for sure is that we really are all the same.  We’re all the same inside, all wearing different costumes, representing different cultures, traditions, beliefs, and when you open yourself up to feel somebody else’s journey without judgment or blame, but with kindness and compassion, you’re opening up a path of light for yourself.  Welcome to day 18 Radiating Compassion.  Compassion, quite simply, is seeing, hearing and feeling someone else as if they are one with you.  It is what bonds us.  It is what we seek from one another.  From 25 years on the Oprah Show, every guest wanted to know the same thing – did you see me?  Did you hear me?  Did what I say matter to you?  When you listen and see and feel from a place of compassion, you build a connection from your soul to someone else’s soul from the inside out.  A whole new dimension of happiness awaits.  Deepak is going to guide us there and then we’ll meditate.”


“Compassion, which is sympathy for those who are suffering, has always been a spiritual quality.  The Buddha is beloved as the compassionate one.  All of us want to have sympathy with someone else’s suffering.  It comes naturally to be sympathetic but there are also challenges.  There will always be pain and suffering in the world and seeing this can be overwhelming.  How can you and I, as individuals, make a difference?  There are acts of charity we can perform but at a deeper level, suffering is caused by separation of the soul from our source.  We can’t really make a difference in lightening the suffering in the world until we first heal the separation in our soul.  In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says that fear is borne of duality.  This may be a new idea to you but there is a fascinating truth here.  If people are in fear because they are disconnected from their true self, then in spiritual terms, no one deserves to suffer.

By finding the true self, it is possible to go beyond the level of suffering to find the level of peace, contentment and joy.  You can be a living example that this is so by radiating compassion and sympathy from your own being.  It shows a kind heart to sit and comfort those who need comforting.  I don’t agree, however, with the root words of compassion which means to suffer with rather than suffering alongside someone else, it’s better to uplift them.  In whatever way you can inspire someone else, you are showing compassion because to see there is a way out of pain, bringing the first taste of freedom.

At the deepest level, we are inspired by those who have walked the path and become totally free.  They are the spiritual guides of humanity.  By finding your true self, you will radiate the same compassionate energy because it is a quality of the true self.  Separation means that you feel alone and isolated.  When you come out of separation, you are united with everyone else.  How can you not feel compassion when other people are as close to you as you are to yourself?  This is the secret wisdom hidden inside the quality of compassion.  The expansion of happiness is the expansion of our soul.  As we move deeper into our existence, we make more soul connections to others.  We feel and know others from the inside out without judgment or blame.  This is the embrace of our compassion.  It is not an exercise.  It is the recognition and feeling of yourself in the divinity of others.  This compassion is a kind of communion of the soul that enlarges us.  This may be what the Dalai Lama means when he says, ‘My religion is very simple.  Kindness is my religion’.

As we prepare to meditate together, let’s take a moment to consider our centering though.  I radiate sympathy and acceptance.  I radiate sympathy and acceptance.  

Now, let’s prepare for our meditation.  Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.  Begin to be aware of your breath and breathe slowly and deeply.  With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.  Now gently introduce the mantra, Karuna Hum.  This mantra develops deep compassion for all living beings.  Repeat it silently to yourself.  Karuna Hum.  Karuna Hum.  Karuna Hum.  With each repetition, feel your body, mind and spirit open and receive just a little more.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra.  Karuna Hum.  Karuna Hum.  Karuna Hum.  Continue with your meditation.  Karuna Hum.  Karuna Hum.  Karuna Hum.  Just mentally.  Karuna Hum.  Karuna Hum.  Karuna Hum.  

Release the mantra.  Continue to sit restfully, inhaling and exhaling slowly.  When you feel ready, open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, contemplate the centering thought, I radiate sympathy and acceptance.  I radiate sympathy and acceptance.   I radiate sympathy and acceptance. 


Journal Questions:

1.  “What does compassion mean to you? Is being compassionate easy for you?”

2.  “Who do you know in your life, or what person in history is a shining example of compassion for you? Give three reasons why they inspire you.”

3.  “Are there any situations or relationships where offering compassion is difficult for you? What specific steps could you take to remove those limitations?”

4.  “Reflect further on today’s experience.”




