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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション その5

2013年08月19日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション





〈からだ〉の声を聞きなさい - あなたの中のスピリチュアルな友人」、リズ・ブルボーさんの本でした。









うひゃぁ~、けっこう大変かも・・と思わず 「思い込んで」 しまいそうです



Day 7

Miraculous Being

"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." —Anaïs Nin

Congratulations on completing our first week together! In the past few days we have discovered and experienced the infinite love and possibility that is part of our essential nature. We have seen through the disguises of our ego or self-image, uncovering the radiant beauty and joy of our true, eternal self. 

In today’s meditation we will delight in the gifts of spirit. On this special guided journey, we invite you to listen to the wisdom of your heart and let your experience unfold with ease and grace.

Mindful Moment

As we prepare for today’s meditation, take a few slow, gentle breaths. Breath is the movement of spirit in its subtlest physical expression. As you breathe slowly and gently, the body relaxes, the mind finds its still point, and the stage is set for inspiration—the flowing in of spirit.  

Over the last week, we prepared ourselves for a life   miraculous relationship, a journey begun to discuss a miracle s. manifesting then in our lives. We are connected to a true nature spending time remembering being a spiritual being and having a human experience. As we reflected our perceptions, we open to blessing  true beauty   a divine essence. We remember that we describe relationship  you must first start it by accepting caring for and loving ourselves. Knowing we are miraculous being allows us open to expand and experience more

Today’s Centering Thought:” I am love.  I am eternal.  I am spirit.”

Sanskrit Mantra:  “So Hum” I am.

Oprah:  “Welcome to day 7.  An entire week of miraculous relationships.  Today, we talk about miraculous being.  Here we are, already at the end of our first week together and we have spent this time getting to know our true selves.  I hope you’re closer to knowing the essence of who you really are.  As we have embraced ourselves as radiant, spiritual beings, and started to honor the importance of self-care, self-esteem and feeling our own unique light.  Today, we’re going even deeper.  Listen as Deepak takes us to the place within, where spirit sees us and speaks to each of us.  This is a place of grace, healing, of acceptance.  I just love it.  Now, settle in and let’s go there – together.”

Deepak:”Over the last week, we prepared ourselves for a life filled with miraculous relationships.  Our journey began as we discussed miracles and our role in manifesting them in our lives.  We connected with our true nature, spending time remembering that we are indeed spiritual beings having a human experience.  As we reflected on our self-perception, we opened to embracing a self-image aligned with our true beauty and divine essence.  We remembered that as we strive for those special relationships in our lives, we must first start by accepting, caring for, and loving ourselves.  Knowing that we are miraculous beings allows us to open, expand and experience more than we can imagine.

We are divine.  Our souls are connected to the source of all that is.  Living a life aligned with spirit opens our hearts and creates an unshakable belief in our essential goodness, allowing us to experience the bliss of knowing our higher self which is infinite and eternally loving.

Today, we will spend our mediation cultivating our connection with spirit, opening to our inner most self, feeling the love that is our true essence.  Before we begin, let’s consider our centering thought, I am love.  I am eternal.  I am spirit.  I am love, I am eternal, I am spirit.

Let’s begin.  Find a comfortable position, placing your hands gently in your lap and closing your eyes.  Just breathe naturally.  With each inhalation and exhalation, relax into the present, inviting your body to release any tension it might be holding on to.  In your mind’s eye, envision a lush, meandering path in the woods, lined with tall, green tree branches, swaying lightly in the wind.  The gentle breeze on your face creates a sense of comfort as if the elements are welcoming you to come in just a little bit closer.

Surrounded by unspeakable beauty, you stop for a moment, close your eyes and drink in the warm sun rays while the sweet bird songs in the distance fill you with joy and lightness.  You breathe in and out with the comfort and ease of familiarity.  You sense that you may have been here before, as if you have arrived home.  As you open your eyes and continue to walk, taking in the scent of the forest, you feel the solidity of the earth beneath your feet.  The light breeze on your face now feels as if it is traveling through you, touching every cell of your being with love and healing light.

You come to an opening before you, an enchanting garden illuminated by a kaleidoscope of sun rays awaits.  Stepping in to the garden, you enjoy the sensation of soft, cool grass under your feet and the uplifting scent of the blossoms that cascade in all colors of the rainbow around you.  Your eyes follow the delightful dance of the butterflies as they delicately drink in the abundant sweet nectar of the garden. You sense a calling and notice warmth growing within your heart.  The flowers are opening and surrounding you in the garden.  You behold the petals gracefully and effortlessly revealing themselves, one at a time.  You feel a gentle relief ripple through your entire being as you are filled with a sense of deep love and unconditional acceptance.

In the distance, a sound catches your attention.  You find yourself listening to the rustle of tree leaves in the breeze.  You hear a song within them, the words fill your senses with an angelic harmony.  You are precious.  You are love.  You are infinite.  You close your eyes and feel the breeze like a loving embrace.  The song sings on.  You are precious.  You are love.  You are infinite.  The light of spirit holds you in love and compassion and whispers the qualities of your true nature one by one.  You are pure. 

You are love.  You are kindness.  You are joy.  You open and expand into love and bliss as seeing yourself through the eyes of spirit for the first time. You know, deep within, your essence is pure, loving and joyful.  You feel infinitely accepted, peaceful, knowing you are a radiant being of light.

Staying connected to the song of spirit, gently introduce the mantra.  It is the sound, So Hum.  So Hum.  I am.  So Hum.  So Hum.  Just silently.  So Hum.  So Hum.  Continue to meditate for about 6 minutes.


Release the mantra.  Please bring your awareness back into your body.  Take a moment to rest.  Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply.  When you feel ready, gently open your eyes.  As you reflect on the song of spirit and continue with your day, know that you can experience the support of song and love through your meditation.  The enchanted garden and well of infinite love which holds your true nature is always with you – in your heart, singing the song of our centering thought, I am love, I am eternal, I am spirit.  I am love, I am eternal, I am spirit.


Journal Questions:

1.  The song of spirit is with you always; when you listen the song becomes clear. What messages did you receive in today’s meditation?

2.  What miracles and gifts of grace have you experienced this week? Take your time, review each day and make a list. You might consider keeping a running list of daily miracles that you observe. Each time you allow yourself to see and be the miracle, you change yourself and the world around you.

3.  What are three ways you can be more fully present and connected to spirit?

4.  Please reflect on today’s session.



