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チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション Expanding Your Happiness Day 1

2014年08月13日 | チョプラ博士の21日間メディテーション



今回は、「Expanding Your Happiness~あなたの幸せを拡大する」です。





1日目 喜びを感じる


「幸せとは私たちの一部であり、喜びとはそれを感じることです」- Tony DeLiso






Day 1 Feeling Joy

Today’s Message

Happiness is part of who we are. Joy is the feeling.” ― Tony DeLiso

Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Expanding Your Happiness! We are delighted that you are joining us.

Over the next three weeks together, we will learn that happiness is much more than an aspiration. Happiness is our true nature – our very source of being. When we expand our awareness within, we discover that there is no limit to our happiness. And as we grow in happiness, we can’t help but share that happiness with those around us.

We’re used to thinking of happiness as a pursuit or the emotion we feel once we attain what we want. During these three weeks we will approach happiness differently – internally instead of externally. Rather than seeking one temporary joy after the next, we will explore the permanent and limitless source of joy that is our essence. Once we connect with our inner bliss, we find joy, understanding and fulfillment in all our actions.


Today’s Centering Thought

“Happiness is my true nature”

Sanskrit Mantra

“Ananda Hum – I am bliss” (pronounced Ah-nahnda)


“Welcome Friends, to the newest 21 day meditation experience, Expanding Your Happiness.  Today is day 1 of a remarkable new journey together and the theme of our exploration today is Feeling Joy.   Both Deepak and I feel great joy to be sharing the next 21 days with you as we all deepen our experience of happiness, whether you are an experienced meditator, or you are joining us for the first time, this will be an expansive journey inward to the happiness you were born to know.  Happiness is a knowing, it’s not a goal that you pursue, it is a reward at the end of the yellow brick road.  Just like Glenda the Good Witch said, ‘You’ve had it all along’.   Happiness, the essence of bliss, is your true nature.  It is at the core of who you are.  It is within you, in your closeness to the Source of all that is.  This 21 day journey will, hopefully, reconnect you with the essential source, and open up the flow of that joyful energy so that you will be able to experience it in its fullest and share it with your world.  Once you feel and allow authentic joy, every choice you make will continue to expand your state of happiness in ways you just can’t imagine and as you tune into the powerful vibration of joy life just keeps getting better and better and better and better.  So happiness…. here we go…


“Although millions of people seek happiness outside themselves, the world’s wisdom traditions teach us that this isn’t necessary.  External happiness fades with time.  The most wonderful experience is transient.  What is permanent is the source of happiness which lies in consciousness.  Over the next three weeks, we are going to turn wisdom into reality, showing you how to discover that your essential nature is happiness.  Happiness expands from within us all the way out to the world, the way a tiny seed sprouts and grows to full flowering which then shares it’s sweet fragrance.

Here is an overview of where this journey will take us.  In the first week, we’ll connect with inner silence, the ground state from which happiness springs.  One you connect with the source, you experience that happiness doesn’t have to earned, we don’t have to strive to be happy when it’s already part of our essential nature.  It’s enough to settle into silent awareness which isn’t empty.  No matter who you are, the quality of bliss or joy known in Sanskrit as Ananda, awaits inside, waiting to be nurtured.

The second week is devoted to the expansion of happiness.  No one’s level of fulfillment is predetermined.  The choices you make are critical.  Every thought and action can take one of two parts, either contributing to the state of well-being, or detracting from it.  Your brain and every cell in your body is exquisitely attuned to the input it receives.  The most powerful input comes from the deepest level of awareness that you are experiencing.  As we deepen our experience of silence, happiness expands and permeates mind and body.

In the third week, you will be totally in the flow of consciousness which allows you to take the next step – offering the gift of your happiness to others.  Expanding happiness is the fragrance of lilacs in a soft summer breeze.  Thea natural expression of happiness is to do good in the world.  The most powerful way to do good is to act from the core of your being and each meditation makes the act of doing good more effective and fulfilling.  The first step of any spiritual journey is the most important and here, the best beginning is to value your own happiness.  Many people don’t do this.  The give to others but find it hard to receive.  They want to be loved but are afraid to ask for it.  They have a sense that wanting too much happiness is somehow selfish but none of these obstacles matter once you realize that in expanding your own happiness, you are simply expressing more of your true nature.

The world’s wisdom traditions lay out a path to unlimited happiness and once you accept this as a real possibility, there is no reason for bliss or Ananda to be limited.  So the expansion of happiness is important because the flow of bliss is the purpose of life.  There are strong social messages telling us that to be happy we need to be wealthy, attractive, successful and healthy but these messages have it backward.  Contact the source of happiness within and then every experience will be infused with bliss.

As we prepare to meditate together, let’s take a moment to consider our centering though, Happiness is my true nature.  Happiness is my true nature.  

Now, let’s prepare for our meditation.  Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.  Be aware of your breath and just breathe, slowly and deeply.  With each breath, allow yourself to become more deeply relaxed.  Gently introduce the mantra, Ananda Hum.  This mantra helps your individuality connect with your core bliss or happiness.  As you repeat the mantra, visualize yourself opening to your natural state of happiness.  Repeat it silently to yourself, Ananda Hum.  Ananda Hum.  Ananda Hum.  With each repetition, feel your body, mind and spirit open and receive just a little more.  Whenever you find yourself distracted by thoughts, noises or physical sensations, simply return your attention to silently repeating the mantra, Ananda Hum.  Ananda Hum.  Ananda Hum.  Please continue with your meditation for about 10 minutes.  Ananda Hum.  Ananda Hum.  Ananda Hum.  Just mentally.  Ananda Hum.  Ananda Hum.  Release the mantra.  Continue to sit comfortably, inhaling and exhaling slowly.  When you feel ready, open your eyes.

As you continue with your day, contemplate the centering thought, Happiness in my true nature.  Happiness is my true nature.  Happiness is my true nature.  


Journal Questions

1.  “Take a moment to write down what attracted you to this particular 21-Day Meditation Experience. Then take some time to list three intentions you wish to fulfill after our three weeks together.”

2.  “Once you have written your intentions, create a brief visualization for each of them. As you journal every day throughout this meditation experience, use your writing entries to inspire their unfolding and clarify your intentions.”

3.  “Remember a time recently when you were happy. Maybe you were taking a walk, fixing breakfast, or thinking of a friend. Perhaps you associated the source of your happiness to that which you were doing or thinking, but consider all the other times you may have been doing or thinking the same thing, yet you didn’t feel happy. Where do you believe that feeling of happiness came from? Write down your thoughts in detail.”

4.  “Reflect further on your experience today”



