
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!

Homecoming Dance Party

2006年10月06日 | Weblog
What's the homecoming day?? I didn't know what it is even when i bought a ticket for the homecoming party But in the United States, homecoming day is very common day, so everyone knows.

It's like a festivel graduate students come to visit the campus So I imagined that there are a lot of graduate students at the party, it sounds fun That's why I bought a ticket, though I didn't understand exactly what the party is....

The party started 8:00 p.m. We changed clothes into a dress, and rode on a shuttle bus driven only for the party. In the bus, every students were in high spirit I was satisfied with such a atmosphere before arriving at the party, though I don't know why.

When I got down the shuttle bus, i began to be a little nervous...because it was the first time for me to join in a party except drinking parties in Japan, and so i didn't know how to dance at all When I entered the dance hall, a lot of students wearing a fashionable dresses were already dancing there Oh, so cool

At the begining, I was just looking at them, but only it is not enough, I thought So I tried dancing together... Things will work out But if I was asked if I could really enjoy the party or not, maybe I can't say "yes!" soon. I was a kind of culture shocked...

Everyone was dancing so hard and so sexy, which I could't follow easily. Even the students who usually look very quiet were dancing the same way But I don't mean that the party was not good!! I learnt one of American culture

By the way, there were no graduate students at the party...www What's the homecoming?? The homecoming remains a mysteryhaha


4 コメント

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Unknown (なお)
2006-10-19 14:15:18
私もhome coming party行ったことあるよー。ああいうpartyをそう呼ぶんじゃない?^^; 

Unknown (なつこ)
2006-10-19 15:45:12

あらためてアメリカ人のすごさを感じたよw でもアメリカ人でもこういうの嫌いな人が結構いるんだって知って、それもそれなりにびっくり♪ いやぁやはり多文化社会ですな~
Unknown (ゆか)
2006-10-20 00:00:40

Unknown (なつこ)
2006-10-20 17:32:00
たしかに!! なかなか鋭い例えwww アメリカ人でも最終コンパ見たらかなり引くと思うなぁ