
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!


2006年12月26日 | Weblog
Perhaps, I might be able to meet him called Ichiro-!! I was excited to think about that before I went to Seattle, where he lives and plays baseball!Yeah!!

Seattle was a very good place to visit, though I couldn’t meet him finally. I went there with my friendship family, who is taking care of me during I’m staying in the U.S. We went to the Public Market, where lots of stuffs were.

The most interesting thing I thought was that I grabbed a huge fish, as you can see it on the picture above. I think I can never forget about that, and that was the first time and might be the last time for me to do it!

People in the market were very friendly, that’s why I could grab a fish. Also, at the other place of the market, when my friendship family mother asked one of them to let me see throwing a fish, he really threw a fish toward me!! I was almost screaming, or, perhaps, I might have screamed at such a surprising service.

But actually the fish was fake, not real. To throw a fish was very famous act at the market, I had heard so before we went there. That’s why I really wanted to see it, and that’s why she asked them to do it for me. But Everyone, including me and her, didn’t expect for such a funny show by the people of the market.

Now, I’m kind of wondering if Ichiro has been there, and seen the funny show, or not. He lives a wonderful place!
