
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!


2005年11月05日 | Weblog
Today I went sightseeing in Nikko with one of my friend.
It was very interesting and reminds us the importance of nature and human kindness.

In fact we had planned to go Kinu-river, Iroha-zaka, Chuzenji-lake, and Kegon-water fall in the midnight of yesterday...w  But we could constantly get on the Tobu-train, change some trains and buses, and reach there.

However, there was only a mistake in our plan. It is that we didn't suppose that they were too much crowded and it took more than 2.5 hours from the station to the top of the mountain where the lake and the water fall were lacated.

So we couldn't see them comfortably, though they were very magnificent and we could be well impressed even for a short time. "Japan is such a beautiful country!!" I felt newly.

And then, as you guess, we had difficulty in returning to the station. Actually, we waited for the shuttle-bus from the top of the mountain where we were to the station for about maybe two hours... It was very very cold and so we were shivering with it in waiting.

But we could also feel kindness of people. For waiting people around us suggested that we could go out of the line and go to a restroom with a stove, while they wait instead of us. How kind and gentle they are!!

Through this one-day trip, I could not only see the beautifhl lake, waterfall, river, autumn colors, and so on, but also feel the value of nature and the kindness of Japanese. Tochigi Prefecture is a good place. And more and more I wanna discover and go to such a good place.

First English Version

2005年11月02日 | Weblog
Today, I had a part-time job in the evening, though usually from the morning to the evening on Tuesday. So I would finish everything I heve to do till going to do the part-time job.

But actually I spent almost all time of today vacantly waking up late and watching TV, and at last I started to get ready for going to my University to do the dictation and on-demand class.

If I had gone there earlier, I could have finished doing them, but in fact I could complete only the dictation. I regret now that I didn't spend time of today more useful, though I don't have so much time to spare.

I think that I have to make use of my limited time and I don't wanna do something to do later.

Incidentally, I'll list up things to do!!
1. The big report of writing seminar class
2. Submitting papers of study abroad
3. Dictation for next week
4. Registering my comment to my Tutrial Tutor
5. Receiving on-demand class of teaching languages
Is that all??...Maybe...ww

I'll do them as well as I can from tomorrow by mending my ways.


2005年11月01日 | Weblog
今日は久しぶりにゆっくりできた ほんと大学帰ってきてからこんなにもボ~ってできたのって久しぶり癒される

月9が特に私の疲れたハートを癒してくれたわ ありゃ久しぶりにヒットですよ、奥さん 笑いあり、感動ありのドラマ

あいのりもなんだかすごいことになってきたねぇ 見てるとやっぱ両思いってそうとう難しい・・・ まぁ人生そんなに甘くないね
そう、甘くない、レポートそろそろ出さなきゃ本当にやばい 人生甘くないよ、ちゃんと出さなきゃ今日こそ終わるまで絶対に寝ない やる気十分、実行力半分、書く内容ゼロ