
オレゴンから無事帰国☆ 久しぶりの日本もやはりいいものです♪ 笑顔で明るく元気よく!

Cross Country Ski

2006年12月09日 | Weblog
Yeah!! I went skiing today, which is one of College Outdoor activity. But this is not a normal ski but a Cross-Country ski. I signed up for the ski, though I had never Cross Country skied before. Just try, try, try!

Actually, Cross Country Skiing itself was not so difficult. I think it is almost same as a normal ski, but it was very tiring me. We didn’t use any lift, but we just walked and walked, went up and went down a slight slope with ski board, ski boots and ski stock. It sounds tough and in fact it was so tough that I feel pain on every part of my body.....but it might be one of sign of youth that I feel pain soon after I skied. www

Also, I realized that Japanese ski and American one is a little bit different each other. In case of Japanese one, ski boots and ski boards are fixed tightly so that our feet can’t be away from the ground. On the other hand, as American one, ski boots and ski boards are connected only by toe parts of ski boots, so your feet are not fixed with your ski board. It was a little scary for me because I used to the Japanese ski.

The girl of the picture hae never skied before, so this was the first time for her to ski....HOWEVER, she was much better than me... Whyw

By the way, I gonna go to ski again during this winter break!! Next time is a normal ski. I can’t wait!!


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Unknown (ゆか)
2006-12-15 19:29:45